To "Overthrow the staff team" Is really funny honestly because purely because of the admins say so everyone believes that. In fact I have an Admin on record saying how they handle it wasn't the best and apologized to me :Laughing:
The truth is, our goal was to protect staff from unfair treatment. The amount of infractions we had on people but never even reported was kinda staggering
Honestly, it just seems like the admin team wants to hold power over every aspect of the team and wants to remain in a power of authority over the staff team and player base as a whole. And when they see something that jeopardizes their control over the team, they want to get rid of it.
Swaggle is literally one of the nicest people ever, why would you possibly try to get her demoted?? I'm not too familiar with Teddzy, but she seems like a nice person as well
??? Never cheated while staff.... I log on forums after years didnt expect someone to say anything about me, I didn't get demoted for cheating while staff BTW u didn't get me demoted
Comments on Profile Post by Horace_Altman