Comments on Profile Post by TheMythicalGames

  1. Lexxonist
    The best profile pic and signature/cover ;))
    Jun 1, 2020
    TheMythicalGames likes this.
  2. Devon
    They look sick :)
    Jun 1, 2020
    TheMythicalGames and Lexxonist like this.
  3. TheMythicalGames
    @Lexxonist I really appreciate the time and effort you put in to make this masterpiece. The banner and Profile are so elegant and I couldn't ask for anything better. Thank you for your cooperation and I hope we can work again soon someday. Cheers!
    Jun 1, 2020
    Lexxonist likes this.
  4. TheMythicalGames
    @Devon Thank you! I think it's pretty sick too! :)
    Jun 1, 2020
  5. Lexxonist
    Of course, loved working with you (:
    Jun 1, 2020

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