Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot I personally can do about this, what you should do is appeal (https://mccentral.org/community/forms/punishment-appeal.1/respond) with some type of proof that you weren't hacking at the time of your ban (like a video of you playing at the time of getting banned) and that's your best bet of getting unbanned
plus why would i hack ;-; it would be obvious if i hacked, i have been playing a lot this month and is #2 monthly, if i hacked then i shouldve been banned a while ago. I'm trying to back myself up rn that's why im saying this. Thank you for your understanding
I mean not much else would be able to prove that you weren't hacking at the time of the ban so no not really but you could also contact Assistant about the ban his discord is assistant_taiga#9109
No because you can easily change that after your ban if you were actually cheating. Anything you use to prove you weren't cheating has to be at the time you got banned otherwise it won't be considered
I understand what you're saying but people don't record all the time while they're playing, it would be unfair if there isn't any other way except recording the whole time while playing.
Yeah I know where you're coming from and I fully agree with what you said but that's realistically the only way for someone to prove that they weren't cheating at the time of their ban. That's just how it is and unfortunately I'm not in control of that. But say if someone blatant gets banned and they just said they weren't hacking without proof and we unbanned them then that would be silly yk?
Just because I killed a mod through a combo doesn’t show I’m hacking , and banning me right after I killed him without further spectating. If the mod would wait until I fight another person that game then it would be clear that there is no unfair advantage I’m using.
Thank you seekingattention for your time replying I really appreciated, I am not showing any disrespect towards you, it’s just the emotion you get after getting falsely banned on a server that you played so much on and can’t be prove innocent. Cya and thank you
You're still able to play on an alt if you choose to do so. Just keep in mind that if you have 2+ accounts banned at the same time under the same IP, you will get IP banned, so just keep that in mind if you do choose to play on an alt
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