Comments on Profile Post by HeckTheThicc

  1. Uchiha_Hate_Page
    Did you see that one boy in the back?
    May 4, 2020
    Naruto Uchiha, Abar and HeckTheThicc like this.
  2. Abar
    Hey, What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or False?
    May 4, 2020
  3. HeckTheThicc
  4. Naruto Uchiha
    Naruto Uchiha
    So what do you sea soy like yes?
    May 4, 2020
  5. iiSean
    That’s just because of the unverified piano
    May 5, 2020
    Naruto Uchiha and HeckTheThicc like this.

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