Opinions wanted about about major updates and those who maintain survival worlds

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by jacobining, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. jacobining

    Feb 5, 2020
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    So I came late to the Minecraft game after my 7 year old got me into it a year ago. As a result, the village and pillage & bees/fox updates are the only ones we’ve experienced. I also know that updates only affect unloaded chunks. When the village and pillage update came out, there was still a significant amount of unloaded chunks nearby so it was super easy to adapt. When the last update came, it took us a little longer to find bees and a foxes since we now had to travel much further to discover unloaded chunks.

    I’m so freakin excited about 1.16 but wonder if it’s worth starting over for. I’d say we have at minimum, a 3x3 (9 maps total) fulled zoomed out maps worth of chunks loaded. Then parts of maps further out. We also have a nether highway that takes you 25,000 blocks away and we have about 2 fully zoomed out maps of chunks loaded there. Of course there is still plenty of room to explore, especially if I build a new nether highway, but it also kinda bums me out that I’ll have to travel a distance to experience it.

    So for those of you that have played survival through major updates, do you find it more enjoyable to expand your current survival world or do you prefer to start over?
    https://19216811.cam https://xender.vip https://testmyspeed.onl
    #1 jacobining, Feb 5, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  2. HeckTheThicc

    Sep 1, 2019
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    I personally hate everything Minecraft did from 1.14+. 1.13 was okay... but when they added new textures and things in 1.14, I just didn't like the look of Minecraft. I personally Like to play in 1.12 for Building and 1.8.9 for PvP/Factions. Also, I like to keep my current maps because I take a long time to make it, but sometimes, if I hear that the update will have cool features, I would make a map in the new version.

    -Have a nice day :)
    #2 HeckTheThicc, Feb 5, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
    iSloth likes this.
  3. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    What you have posted here on skyblock forums doesn’t relate to anything about mccentral also the server doesn’t support 1.15.1 therefore pillagers and bees and other items and mobs don’t exist on the server. Personally I play on 1.14.4 ok the server but mostly 1.8.9 as it is very practical for pvp. Also the survival subserver is very different to a normal survival world as it doesn’t include any of the world generated building and uses plots for each person.
    HeckTheThicc likes this.

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