Muted Player Message

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DressCodes, Jan 26, 2020.

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  1. DressCodes

    Jan 7, 2020
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    I know that when players get muted it's their fault and shouldn't have gone against the rules, but I think MCC should add a feature where if you're muted you can send a message something like "I am muted". Incase someone is trying to talk to them and don't know their muted, its a quick easy /mutedmessage. It would also need a cooldown (5 mins or so) to prevent spam. I also know people can just check punishment history, but someone people don't know about that and this message would just be easier. Thoughts?
  2. fajoszz

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hello! I don't think this is necessary.
    - As you said, just check the punishment history.
    - If someone is talking to you and you are not replying because you are muted, they will eventually realize that you are muted.
  3. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I wouldn't think this is necassary, for a few reasons.

    Number 1: Even if it isn't spam every 5 seconds it can still be abused a lot and flood chat.

    Number 2: If your on a sub server, you can always show someone signs or book and quill (though they don't work well recently)

    Number 3: If someone is talking to you and your not responding then they will usually ask, "Are you muted" which you can nod and reply too.

    Personally a -1

    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    This should not be implemented because this is not necessary after all. People who broke the chat rules should not have done something wrong in the first place, causing them to be muted. We should not have compassion with those who break the rules. The command can't be misused if it gets added but you can also use signs, books or other items instead of such a command (= not equal to mute evading/mute bypass since that's allowed) to communicate with someone else and tell them that you have been muted for breaking the chat rules. An alternative (when the player is physically near to you) is to shake your head upside down when they ask you if you are muted. I would suggest to not get yourself muted in the first place. Preventing being muted is always better than having to deal with it. Have a nice day!

    Yours Sincerely,
  5. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    They took it upon there self to break the rules which I see would be eliminating the Mute punishment. Also the fact of the matter is it can be used as abused for example group spam if a group of users have alot of accounts muted they can do this. And spam chat through this way and staff couldn't do anything about it. There is much bigger issues with mcc that could be fixed before adding a mute message. Love the thinking though to better Mcc keep thinking :).
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! as a member who has been muted bout 25+ times, I can see where you are coming from with this. however, like the other replies, I do have to agree that I don't think this would be the most necessary for the community. as sean pointed out, it can chat flood especially w/ subs-servers w/ dead chat like survival or creative at certian points in the day.. As well as, mentioned by other players, signs n' such are always a good option. there are many ways to communicate w/ other players while muted whether it is in game or something else like discord or something. one of my go-to ways to tell people i was muted was by changing my skin.. it's kinda an out-dated method and on a lot of subservers, you wear armor so you wont be able to see it, but it still works if youre on, say, creative or mm or really any subserver just if you dont have armor on (i'll provide screenshot at end of this reply).
    other ways i've seen people tell other players that they are muted is by using the "/pay" method and just payinf random ammounts or depending on their convo and context and such

    I feel that another issue with this is that players can spam this, as this point has probably been mentioned in every reply. like say if a hacker gets cr'd and then muted and they just spam this command whether it's every5sec or not.. it can get annoying if you end up being in the same game with them.. it could almost be like a liquid bounce kinda thing..
    i feel that another reason this wouldnt work is that non-muted players could easily fake this message and then real players wouldn't necessarily really know w/o looking up ban history which usually isnt the case for everybody. and, like, if u were to cr this for "fake messages" could just be a mess for staff.

    overall, I strongly -1 this

    also, here's a ss of the "muted" skin I had. there are better versions, but this is the derpy one I had made (:
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