/spectate in minigames

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by W5vil, Jan 22, 2020.

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  1. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Heya all!
    I just wanted to bring up the topic of /spectate for staff members in minigames. I really think that this should be added because of the fact that it would save staff members time. The way it would do this is instead of having to wait for the reported hacker (maybe through discord) to be in their same lobby, they could just to /spectate (username). It would make the punishments much faster and a lot less time consuming for the staff members. Also, it would make the minigames much better for all the players since there will be fewer hackers. Personally I really don't see the downside since this would make the game a lot better for all. Finally, I would like to point out the fact that this is already implemented in the arena mode, and I believe the sub-servers to, so it wouldn't be that hard to just add it into minigames as well.
    Have a great day!
  2. Invader

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey W5vil,

    Now, while I was a Staff Member, the amount of times this has been brought up is insane.
    I know for a fact that this will be added in the upcoming mini-games revamp (hopefully before 2021?) I cannot confirm anything but this for sure is going to be added. Now that that is out of the way, I'll talk about my personal pros and cons as a Staff Member.

    Side-Note: Might as well add this for duels on any sub-server (staff permission?)

    - Spectating in Mini-games! Woo!
    - Permissions to spectate every mini-game (including: sw/sg/ctf/mm/etc)
    - Saves time and Staff can be twice as useful regarding cheater reports in #support
    - Blatant Cheaters may be dealt with a lot quicker than normally
    - Less Cheaters on the Server! Terrific!

    - Reduces the need for Forum Reports (more staff spectating = less need of reports/reports team and going for staff = harder?)
    - Anti-Cheat will be post-poned more later than set target date (more staff spectating = less need of an anti-cheat update)

    These are just some of the things that I personally would expect/have expected in the past as Staff and a Community Member.

    Thanks for reintroducing the topic and have a great day,
    - Fox
  3. Define1

    Oct 7, 2019
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    Yeah the downsides dont seem that prevelant. I completely agree with this. giving the staff the proper tools to defend the server is a great idea. also giving the staff members a new tool should not delay any progression of anti cheat or any other services automatically given out by the server
  4. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    So, I agree with what your saying but I have a few more things to add. I think that having a reduced need for a reports team isn't necessarily bad because less need for reports team correlates to having less hackers. Other than that, I have one more thing to add. I do not think it would be necessary to add this feature if more staff were combing through minigames. I would like a /silentkill command so it's not as blatant that they are spectating. Also, I do not know the requirement for minigames minutes, but having a minigames staff similar to factions staff or more required minutes overall on minigames could also be an effective fix. This is just my thoughts.
    Have a great day!
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