Donator Minigames

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ForbiddenDays, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. ForbiddenDays

    Aug 2, 2019
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    I suggest that the server adds minigames like skywars or bedwars for exclusive for only donors. There are several benefits to this. One reason is that there would be less hackers in the games. About 90% of hackers are just rookies and this idea would help out with that problem. Many people don't like to play skywars or bedwars because of the hackers. With less hackers, more people would enjoy the games and more people would actually play. Another reason is that it could entice more people to donate to the server. This idea will attract more players to the server and make it a much more enjoyable experience for people that care for the server. Also, with this idea, donators will be able to hang out with each other and connect everyone who loves to play on this server. Though there is a flaw to this idea. It wouldn't be fair to new players that want to play because this could potentially increase the amount of hackers in the regular minigames lobbies but coal rank is only $5 so it wouldn't be that expensive to play in the donator minigames. This idea would make the minigames more enjoyable and competitive because it will be with people that love the server.
  2. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This would help with people not having to face hackers but, it would also make it harder to get enough players for the game to start. I my opinion I’m a -1 on this idea.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  3. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This will make it unfair for rookies who are really high levels. This also will as said above, make it harder for games to start.
    I think a better idea is something like Ranked Skywars and you need to be at least level 50+ to play (Just a random number)

    This way ALL ranks get a fair chance and fly hackers get banned instantly or within 24 hours so they won't ever get to level 50. Hackers will still appear but very less
    iluvu, B_Man05 and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    no. as the posts above already say bootifully that it would make it harder for games to start and make it another reason for people to call mcc “pay to win”.
    having a donator rank is more of a bunch of perks that come along with it not so much splitting the player base unless you’re prison with donator mines which i feel where it makes sense as it is a perk of safe mining for larger dollar. anywyas..
    i feel another place where this can fail is that i have friends who are rookie ranked and that would mean I could not play with them. as well as, I have friends who play on alts for different reasons, some may being since they are banned or muted, or other reasons. a lot of alts of my friends don’t necessarily have ranks meaning that we could not play together...
    i feel another place where this fails is for staff applicants, they would not be able to get their reports if the rookies n’ hackers are separated from the ranked players. although skywars n’ other minigames is not the only place where hackers lay, it is the most common and most common place for people to sweat reports from.
    i feel that this can also be a problem for a similar reason, but since hackers are always getting mentioned in the discord, there wouldn’t always be someone to report those hackers as all rookies aren’t in the discord and sometimes it’s their first time here and don’t know about the discord..
    another place where this can fail is that not only does it spl it up the players it also makes monitoring games harder as all current staff do have a donator rank and that would mean that by default they would join those games. as there most likely would be a bypass if this were to be added, which it ain’t just saying, this would still be quite bad since donators hack as well... coal, iron, gold, etc. no matter where you’re going to get hackers. as well as not only hacking and client modifications are the only thing staff need to monitor in minigames, they also need to monitor chat making sure ALL players are following the rules and guidelines n’ such. meaning that if staff only played rookie games to monitor hackers. donator minigames where toxic players could be playing could start having disputes. and yes, while chatreport is a thing, it’s honestly amazeballs to have staff monitor chat every now and then.

    anwyays. i am most definitely-1

    have a great day!
    B_Man05 and W5vil like this.
  5. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    This is so true, but there are 2 hackers per game in solo skywars and at least 2 per game in team skywars.
  6. fajoszz

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hello! I do not agree. As xBenz said, this would be very unfair for rookies who are really high levels, they would be unable to play. Making an exclusive donor system will force players to buy ranks since they won't be able to play without it. -1
    B_Man05 likes this.
  7. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    This is true. Just to add on to this, it's also really unfair to new players who are level one and have a donator rank. I've seen a lot of them and to me, ranked skywars is unfair to the donators under level 50.
    #7 B_Man05, Jan 13, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
  8. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Personally, I would not like this suggested to be implemented due to various reasons:
    • People who are new to the server won't be able to join games for donators due to donator games being sealed off from the public.
      This is very unfair and it remembers me of the time when kings still ruled over Europe. Newcomers will have to deal with cheaters much more themselves and will eventually refrain from playing the public minigames. The public minigames will eventually lose their player base and finally stop working due to a lack of users. Simply: they will die out.

    • Like xBenz has already mentioned above: it will be unfair to high ranked non-donators and thus an unfair accessibility for donators to get rid of cheaters by simply hopping onto another part of the minigames system, while others will have to deal with them themselves. A similar system to filter these cheaters should better be based on the gained levels, as xBenz has already mentioned so that it won't be considered as "donate for great benefits", but "play for great benefits and Minecraft experience".

    • Just making a range of sealed off minigames won't solve the real problem. Namely, the cheaters which are afflicting our Minecraft experience. Actually, we better should be focussing on the production of a better anti-cheat. Without dealing with the main problem, there will still be some cheaters in the donator minigames. Less, of course, but they will remain there.

    • This suggestion will not entice more people in donating to the server. Not because people don't like the server, but because they will agree with the statement that creating another part in the minigames server only for donators, will not only be selfish but also something unnecessary. I think that if the owners would ask money from the MCC community to particularly put into a better anti-cheat, many will actually donate. Definitely, if they care for the server like you said.
    #8 Personalisation, Jan 13, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
    B_Man05 and puposaurus like this.
  9. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    It's also very unfair to really high leveled Rookies, even those level 300 and above (I had Rookie until level 304 myself). Big -1
  10. IrlDealLover69

    Oct 18, 2019
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    i personally don't like this idea due to most minigames have a mix of ranks / rookies in each game.

    having donator and rookies separate would make games start a lot slower compared to how it is now, and would also be unfair for the rookies who play a lot and have high levels.

    If you do see a hacker in a minigame, just @staffmember on the mcc community discord and say " @staffmember Hacker on e.g survival games, Ign, IrlDealLover69"
  11. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    This is true. To @IrlDealLover69, it's a -1
  12. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    BIG -1

    But, not all the hackers hang out in Skywars, Survival Games, and Capture The Flag. Since staff mainly focus on sub-servers, there should be some staff that monitor minigames.
  13. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is my opinion on this suggestion.

    Personally Ranks should have like cosmetics, some little advantages and what not however I most certainly do not think this is a good idea what so ever.

    Sure ranked people are less likely to hack because they paid to the server, I get it. But this would be completely unfair for all the rookies playing Normal games to only VS hackers and other people.

    100% a -1 for this one. There are better ways to deal with hackers,

    Have a Good One :D
    B_Man05 likes this.
  14. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    There are lobby treasures that require a donator rank and must have a minimum of [Iron] rank. The only way to deal with hackers in the popular minigames is to have their own [Moderator]'s to do the work that any staff member [Moderator] and above would do. Again, -1

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