Hello Skyblock Community! I am Chilo_, an active player on skyblock with some exciting news! I am hosting an event With seekingattention on skyblock this month! What is it? It will be a Soccer game with a twist, the ball is a pig that will be punched into two goals What is the day and time of the event? The event will be on the 18th of January at 12 PM Eastern time (EST) What are the rules? Simple! 1. No using potions or anything that would give an Unfair advantage 2. Do not disrupt the game in any way, if you do not follow directions you will be kicked :( 3. Have fun! you obviously wont be punished for this but i highly encourage it How do i sign up? Easy! Just leave your in game and discord in the Replies as so! Prize (forgot to include this lol) One Skeleton spawner per person on the winning team! (example) In game name: Chilo_ Discord: Chilo_#8314 The max players will be 20 on both teams! Hope to see you there! if you have any more questions, my Dms are open at Chilo_#8314
IGN: Olisaurus123 Discord: Olisaurus123#0989 Lowkey I've done this before and it was fun, is there a prize?
Ingame name: Fasilisnt Discord: You know it I rly need that 1 skeleton spawner since I dont have any would be a great start!
IGN: Timatoot Discord: Timatoot#7475 Ty for host this event! (p.s. canI see ur island? plz) u can msg me on disc yes or no.
Ign: IrlDealLover69 Discord: IrlDealLover69#3922 this skeleton spawner would give me a big income boost since i don't have a lot ;3