Can we have a command such as /p nuke that completely hollows out the plot? Maybe only the plot owner could perform it, sort of like /p clear.
I wish. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen. It would be really convenient but it would also take away from the aspect of clearing a plot. I mean I would love it, I just think it’s not gonna be added. -W5vil
Nope this would be stupid and it means having a clear plot no longer has value or a good feeling when you get it done. I very dislike this idea as it is a challenge and fun having to clear plots. It also benefits other players willing to pay for their plot to be cleared.
Hello! To start off with, I don't agree with the idea /p nuke, in my opinion I find it more fun to mine out an plot, plus this could also create lag and can be abused in a way (If it was to do so), Like w5vil said above, it does take away the aspect of clearing a plot, which makes it so much less difficult to make a plot that you want, and less fun and time, I think just sticking with the flat plots (not in survival but you could always /p clear that) is already good as it is. In conclusion, Thank you for sharing your idea! But sadly ill have to give a -1 on this one. Have a lovely rest of your day/night.
I mean it would be useful to some people, but not all. It also kinda breaks the game because it can make the game crash or just because the point of prison is grinding to get what you want.
Hey, Quaooogo I think having the /p nuke command is probably never going to be implemented on the server. This can cause the players who has regular computers and laptop to client lag a lot or cause Minecraft game crash. The only players who probably can handle it is players that use gaming computers. Another thing the /p nuke command to clear a plot will take the mining out a plot aspect away. It is not really hard to mine out an 31 by 31 size plot out. I suggest using a haste 2 beacon and immortal diamond pickaxes to mine out the plot. Also, the prison is to grind be killing mobs, mining, and etc. Overall it is a -1 for me for the /p nuke command to be added. Have a good day or night!
I mean it would be useful to some people, but not all. It also kinda breaks the game because it can make the game crash or just because the point of prison is grinding to get what you want.
Haven’t played prison in a while, but judging from when I did and what the majority of other people are saying I’m going to have to -1. Seems like a good idea overall, but I do agree that it would remove the grind aspect of having to mine out the plot and being able to get the satisfaction from finally completing the project.
Hey, I think having /p nuke should be more of a Creative suggestion rather than a Prison one, as it doesn't fit with the overall idea of Prison. The idea of Prison is that it's just tough manual grinding work. If you want to level up, you have to a) mine b) set up a farm c) grind at spawners or d) set up a shop. All four options are equally tedious, and that's the idea of Prison- there's no shortcuts, no commands, if you want something, you have to work for it. Therefore, in a similar vein, if you want to clear out your plot, you'll need to do it manually, by digging out your entire plot. If you want to quickly clear out your plot, get people to help you out, just like how a Prison community operates. If you want shortcut solutions, go to Creative instead. -Liz
I may not agree with the idea, But if it were to be added it would probably be a command stick you buy in /shop or win in perk chest. If it were to be sold in the shop i would suggest around 1/2 mil as it would save people a lot of time and effort clearing a plot.
The mass lag that it would create when 2-3 people were "nuking" their plots at the same time would crash the server. It's not hard to hire 5 people to help you mine all the stone in your plot.