When I have reported players in survival games in the MCC Discord, they seem to be getting away with hacking or what ever they may be doing due to the lack of resources that the staff have to use. Before anything else, this is not the staff's fault. I think it would be a good idea if senior staff (e.g.admin/owner) could allow all staff members to use the /spectate command and then integrate a Multiuniverse Core plugin to enable staff to travel between the different sub servers. For instance, a staff member in the hub going to spectate someone in a specific Survival games match. Leave any ideas below and any other comments on this topic.
Great idea Pznda, Yes just today I reported someone on the discord for hacking in SG but because they could not join games currently in progress the only way to get them banned is to record and report. Unfortunately this takes way too long and I imagine most people (myself included) couldn't be bothered to record and report as it is extremely time consuming and is pointless if the hacker just uses an alt after being banned. Whats your discord? I'd love to add you and discuss more great ideas! Regards, Charlie
Hey! Your idea is already noted down in plan to be introduced. It’s much more complicated than you think and there are other priorities that go first before it gets worked on For now, another efficient way is to record the hacker and report them here on the forums :)