Report system

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iluvu, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Hello everyone, after deliberating on a report system for a while (because let's be real the server needs one but it has its challenges), I have now made a system that I feel is acceptable enough to present, so here it is! Add /report across all subs & minigames please, auto fetches a whereami to go along with the message for staff members to follow bc many players don't know / don't think to @ staff in support and that, while a pretty good system, still adds a ton of needless tags and mentions a lot of people who are unable to do anything about it at the moment, while staff who are in-game and can deal w/ the issue will be given a direct route to them through this avenue. To prevent abuse add the same chatreport abuse offense to it and add a /togglereport for when staff are unable to / unwilling at the time to do them to prevent their chat from being spammed, or/and add a configuration menu for report delay which gives reports at an interval of X seconds as well as a menu to control from which subs & minis reports will be received. This does not invalidate support of course but would be a way better way to get help and the config menus / toggle option would prevent it from being a disaster for the staff's chat. And one last option for reports showing only for the sub the staff is on, just thought of this one as I was writing this here but it would be another nice touch (And could allow staff to ignore the other options if they'd like) as they could be maintaining normal activity while still being alerted in the most efficient way of the nefarious activity on their sub / mini.

    What do you think? Should all/any of these configurations be added? Should /report be added? Feedback appreciated!
  2. Montilou

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I get where you're coming from wanting a /report feature, but I think it would be way too stressful and unnecessary. From my previous experiences as staff, I can already say it's stressful enough with the amount of messages coming through, especially on very populated sub-servers such as factions, because you need to make sure you're punishing everybody breaking the chat rules. Making /report only come up with players reported on your sub-server wouldn't be a good idea, as sometimes, staff aren't on that specific sub-server. The reason #support is so good is because you can go spectate them, and then go back to what you were doing. Another flaw I have with this is, if somebody sends a report in, and you go to spectate that player, if 2 or 3 more reports come in while you're spectating the same player, it's going to be difficult to keep track of, and some cheaters might not even be looked at. /report is basically a in-game #support, but I feel like #support is much easier to keep track of, and it would keep staff members' chat cleaner, so that they can make sure they're punishing the players who break chat rules. A simpler fix I would find to reduce the amount of cheaters even further, is a message that pops up every ___ minutes, reminding players that they can ping staff members in #support whenever cheaters are around, since making a discord account can be a short process using the google chrome version of discord. Some players might not even know that MCC has a discord, and they might not want to go through the process of recording them, uploading it to youtube, and then reporting them. I don't personally think it's a good idea, but I'm interested to see the community's response on this idea. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

    Have a great day.

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