Hi there, Now have you always wanted to live somewhere because I have. I have always wanted to live in Turkey because i am half turkish and I go there every year for 6 weeks. But except for that i would want to live in Singapore or Dubai because they are both english speaking countries and Dubai also speaks Arabic and I speak it also it's a very beautiful place. Singapore because it's the same as dubai except its english and Chinese so it would be nice to learn the most spoken language in the world. Tell me what your dream countrie(s) is/are. Thanks Have a lovely day or night --==FireyGast Immortal==--
I'm not gonna go with the obvious answer of saying the USA, but that is my favorite country. I'm gonna go with one that I haven't really thought about. I like Germany because it has a wild history, and it has a bunch of crazy cool cities and towns. The landscape is beautiful, and my ancestry is German so...
I really love living in Canada, so I don't have much to say on the topic. I guess if I could move anywhere, I'd go to Japan. I love the blend of city life and wilderness, the language is amazing, and the people are very kind, too. I've heard it's an amazing place to live, and I really hope it lives up to its reputation!
I'd probably say United kingdom because I have a lot of friends up there. i also wouldn't mind being somewhere else lol
Hi, My dream country to live in would probably be my home country of Thailand. What I have noticed from traveling quite a lot is that nothing beats a country where you feel at home. Even though, I will probably go study off in the US or Canada next year for University, I still prefer my home country as I believe it is the nicest place.
I may be a bit biased but I particularly love living in Canada. Though I wouldn't mind living in France or Spain.
Hello, Considering that I love Anime, Love drawing them, watching them, etc. I would really like to live in Japan, I have always loved the culture, and I am currently learning Japenese. I am currently learning Hirigana and then going to Katugana. I am a big anime fan, considering by my profile picture! If you have any questions for me, just message me at 4Nut#2232, or write on my profile page!
Hello there, wow it’s awesome you speak Arabic. My ethnicity is pretty complicated, I am Considered mestiso hispanic. Most of the times hispanic but I would like to go to France because my grandma is half French and has family there. And I hope someday I will end up going .
Hey there, I am from New Zealand and have always wanted to travel to Switzerland, Italy, Colombia, Japan and Netherlands. Honestly, I've always wanted to travel the world, to experience different cultures and learn more languages. But I can confidently say I'm not even that good using the English language. English is truly a confusing language.
Hello everyone I am from Australia and I enjoy going to Singapore and Hong Kong. Their whole culture is surrounded by food and what they are known for. If you every go, I suggest you try a bit of most things. Thanks Olli