Why adding tokens was a terrible idea.

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Lexalt, Jul 22, 2019.


Remove token requirements from Skyblock?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Add token drops from cactus farms

  4. Increase token drop chances as the season goes on

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    At the beginning of the map everyone was farming enough tokens to buy their spawners and there wasn't a large demand for them, but as the map progressed the top islands can't farm enough tokens to keep up with their money intake, so they have to buy tokens from other people, and this has caused the prices of tokens to go from $1,000 - $8,000 in about 3 weeks. By the end of the map, there simply will not be enough tokens for everyone to buy spawners, and players will be left with millions and millions of dollars and no tokens, or be forced to pay a massive amount of money for the tokens required to get 1 spawner.

    My suggestions:

    - Remove tokens entirely
    - Cactus farms: Since the staff team only want tokens to be given out from farming, make tokens a rare drop in cactus farms, so it's an automated process and the server won't run out of tokens 2 months into the map.
  2. Ontology

    Jul 22, 2019
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    just pls remove tokens they are breaking the eco on sb2
    ApollosCousin and Travis like this.
  3. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Travis and Zade like this.
  4. Acappella

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Lexalt!

    I personally don't feel like tokens should be removed at this time on skyblock. I feel like tokens were added so players could not just afk 24/7 and go straight to purchasing more spawners. Tokens to me are a barrier to prevent players from just becoming extremely rich by afking. As you said tokens are increasing in price and that's because they are obtained from manual means, and anything that requires actual work will increase its value. If tokens were removed players would just obtain huge amounts of spawners at an incredibly fast rate. I feel like tokens also help drag out the season otherwise we would just need another reset in a shorter amount of time.

    Have a great rest of your day/nigh!
  5. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think that the idea of tokens was 100% needed and is doing it's job. Although, I feel as if not enough tokens are being circulated within the economy and playerbase, as more and more people switch to spawners later into the season, and less people manually farm for the tokens required to buy spawners. A few weeks ago, tokens were only worth around $1,000 per token, but when I came back recently, I saw that the value of tokens has skyrocketed from $1,000 to over $5,000, and that's just for one token. At this rate, a single creeper spawner costs over $150,000 extra because of tokens, when it was only about an extra $25,000-$50,000 extra before.

    I think that the idea of tokens was a very good addition and needed on Skyblock especially, because players (including myself) sat around all season just letting their spawners build up over time. With maybe 5 hours of grinding last season, I started with 10 enderman spawners and could have worked my way up to 2000 at the end of the season. This season requires much more grinding manually, and that same concept cannot be repeated, which I see as a good thing.

    A good way to fix this would be to increase the drops as the season progresses, and moving the chances from say 0.04% to 0.25% on netherwart throughout the season (as an example), and do that for other farmable items as well. Players shouldn't be able to just AFK all day and gain absurd amounts of income exponentially throughout the season, but I don't believe that the current system will work out. Tokens will slowly become way too scarce in the economy for top players to be able to continue buying spawners.
    iiSean, Calder, kcarew98 and 2 others like this.
  6. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    But people have to work for their spawners at the beginning to stay ahead, and then they should be able to ride off of their work at the beginning of the season
    I agree and I've added this solution into the poll at the top
    Travis likes this.
  7. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think tokens are working exactly as intended. Whether what is intended is right for skyblock, that's up for debate obviously. I was very impressed how fast they raised in price as soon as the top players decided they just wanted them fast and payed way more than the going price. I think egirl on their own made them spike to 300k a stack early in.

    My melon farm gets me about 25-35 tokens a run. It's basically useless money wise as it's only about 150k each run, but that has turned into a token farm. That's a creeper spawner a run, and that seems reasonable to me, that means only people that have grown to have a ton of spawners will have token problems.

    This also means for new players coming in late season they actually have a chance to catch up somewhat. It's easy to get a few stacks of tokens just by putting some time into farming, and by selling some them to the power players for outrageous amounts, they can get to having a good amount of spawners much faster. While it may have done some things that people may consider negative, I think that the ability to cash in fast in late season is a great advantage.

    This also slows down the island level creep in the mid season. A lot of that spare money the top islands are spending on tokens instead of stacks of blocks. It does make keys more powerful which I don't like as they give a lot of tokens, but that's made the amount of IRL deals go up probably as starting a new season with a ton of tokens from keys is more important now, which is probably good money side for the server I guess.

    I'm at the point that I will have to start buying tokens for outrageous amounts like other players who's spawners have grown faster than they want to farm tokens, and I'm ok with that.
    #7 Syn, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    kcarew98, Travis and AZXG like this.
  8. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Lexalt!

    Personally, I enjoy the tokens system. I'm also on /baltop as third place right now so money hasn't really been much of a problem for me, but that's besides the point. As many have mentioned before me, you can gain skyblock tokens by farming. Not to mention, you can gain them by simply voting to get 4 easy tokens completely free. If you truly grinded out your island and farmed intensively while getting the 4 token voting bonus, you could buy multiple spawners in one day. I believe one person should not be able to gain 20+ spawners in one day, otherwise the server would quickly become pointless and require no work to truly become "rich"

    I am not against increasing drop rates in crops such as cacti and nether warts, as this does require manual labor and playing the game. But, adding too much of a drop rate once again ruins the entire point of spending time and energy into EARNING your tokens. 1,000 per token is too cheap and could gain 50% of the players on the server 5 or more tokens in melon runs (Assuming the melons didn't drop ANY tokens). I don't believe the eco is unbalanced as of right now, at least not on sb1. I have put almost no time into sb2, so I wouldn't know what has happened over there. But on sb1, everything is the way it should be as far as I'm concerned. It gives those people with millions and millions of dollars in the game something to work towards instead of just grabbing spawners with ease.

    Hope this helped! Feel free to respond!

    Have a nice day!

    Travis likes this.
  9. Versallies

    Versallies Guest

    Skyblock tokens were added to prevent top islands growing their spawner count exponentially (as with what happened last season where VKj's island had 10k enderman spawners).

    On top of what Cxrtr has already said...

    The main reasons for reducing the rate at which players could obtain spawners were as follows;

    Strain on server. There were consistently over 50,000 active spawners at any time on skyblock, and this was taking a toll on the skyblock machine, causing massive lag spikes and drops in TPS (which are necessary for the server to run). Note that skyblock has a lot of allocated RAM (I don't know the exact amount I'm not currently able to check) so the 'upgrade the server' approach was not viable.

    Impossible for late players to catch up. It was becoming increasingly more difficult for new players to push their way onto the leaderboards, because top island had so many spawners they were producing more $ than small islands would in a week, hourly. This was deterring players from skyblock and reducing both skyblock realms playerbase.

    Increasingly AFK playerbase. More and more players were realising that they didn't have to be actively playing the game to grow their islands - instead they were able to leave their computers on with MCC open and they could have their spawners produce money while they sleep, go on holiday, give birth etc. This meant that there was a loss of interaction between players and islands with small chestshops/grinders were becoming obsolete.

    Requiring skyblock tokens to obtain spawners was the most viable solution to all of these problems, as well as providing an incentive for manual crop farming. At the beginning of the season, anyone playing would have noticed how hard the top islands were grinding crops which shows how much of a success they were.

    As for your 'cactus dropping tokens' solution, this isn't going to work. Cactus wasn't randomly nerfed a few seasons ago. Cactus farms were causing the same server/machine issues that spawners were - with almost every player with a cactus farm of some sort (some being hundreds of layers high and hundreds of blocks wide), the sheer amount of entities that had to be processed was causing the server health to deteriorate. Fast forward to today, adding massive cactus farms to the already thousands of spawners is just going to kill the server. Not going to work, sorry.

    A different solution would to just increase the means of obtaining tokens. Currently the only way to get them is to manual farm, which is probably the main reason that there are so few tokens in circulation. I'm interested to know how the economy would change if you tokens dropped from all player kills, and an increased chance for token drops off manual mob drops and from mining.
    Alternatively - have a progression bar for token drop rates, like with harvest hoe 'extra drop rate chance'. The more crops you mine = high chance of drop.

    #9 Versallies, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2019
    Travis, Incarnati0n_ and Ktassium like this.
  10. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe that being able to obtain tokens without needing to just manually farm crops would be a wonderful idea to help the token shortage that is becoming more prevalent within Skyblock and Prison realms.
    In Skyblock, farming gets more boring the later it gets into the season as people have grinded their hearts out and then suddenly there is a massive hurdle in the way of them progressing. I feel something needs to be added to help the token economy. This also needs to be taken into account for prison also.

    Thanks, Olli
    Travis likes this.
  11. Travis

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with both sides, while tokens are ruining the economy they are also preventing players from just afking to make money, I think this could be fixed by making players unable to sell tokens. Such as preventing players from putting them on /ah, making them unable to sell in chest shops, making them unable to trade etc. I think this would fix the economy and fix the afk problem also. Thank you for reading my post, have a great day!
    Shadowkiller likes this.
  12. Shadowkiller

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I would actually really like to see this in the next reset.
    It would help with new people just getting money way too fast as they will sell tokens and get 300-400k a stack when they started let's say an hour before that. Also would mean rich people still have to grind to upgrade their spawners, and not just buy your way to the top.

    To do this you would have to do the tokens like they lootcrates. So it's NOT an item you can hold but just show up on /enchanter or /shop. That way there is no way to do a deal. If you just removed it from /ah and chestshop people would throw it on the ground and the other would do /pay

    BTW I really think the droprates are good as they are, they really shouldn't get easier to get. When I do a complete farm of my melons 3900 melons max I already get 20+ tokens most of the time
    #12 Shadowkiller, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    Travis likes this.
  13. Zouzs (Alex)

    Jul 22, 2019
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    An idea can probably be a token booster where the tokens are dropped by a way higher chance or maybe even a book token on armor like the new books added to this season just an idea.
  14. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd like to address 2 things:
    1. Its not stopping, or even majorly slowing down the exponential growth of players on the server. We're still gaining spawners at around 40 a day, it's just increasing the price of spawners as the server goes on.
    2. The token system does not allow players that start late to catch up, because they still have to pay the massively high token prices to get their early spawners, while our 1st 400 or so spawners we were buying tokens at 1k per token. These late players are actually at a disadvantage because they're forced to pay way more for tokens than we were at the early stages.
  15. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ok, problem I see with this is it defeats half the purpose of tokens in the first place, and makes it way harder to catch up late season, like before. It's also basically not possible to farm enough tokens once you reach a certain point. My 130x130 melon farm isn't fast enough, and the only reason I haven't been buying tokens is I have been working on some other things. I joined a few weeks into the season, and I only have 150 spawners- I haven't expanded because I've really just taken this season to learn, but I see at 300 spawners I wouldn't be able to keep up without putting a lot of time in every day. At 1000+, not possible. Oh, and my melon farm is the size that even with 2 accounts afking my primary island, not all of them grow without using the loop pool, which takes a lot of time away from spawners and cactus farm, etc.

    In addition, this would make solo islands like my 2 even more impractical and give way more power to loot chests, even late season.

    I will be adding a layer of wheat the same size as well as a layer or two more melons, but even with flying I'd say with the most efficient farms players could only get enough tokens for about 4 creeper spawners in an hour considering crop load time (warts give low tokens), and they're either also going to have an account dedicated to loading the crops, or take up valuable space in the same area where they afk. Crops grow 2 chunks away vs auto farms 1 chunk, but even a layer or two below or above everything in that 5x5 chunk area would not be enough

    I disagree. Farming for your own tokens is very practical until you grow to over 100 spawners. In the same way they are easy money at first, getting 25 day for a single creeper isn't hard- less than one run of melons for me. No one has to buy them until they need spawners faster than they can farm them, which most people get more than a creeper's worth a farm run.

    One thing I've seen in this thread I like is PVP tokens. I don't pvp, but a lot do to kill boredom.
    Travis likes this.
  16. Lexalt

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Still, if you join later in the season you have absolutely no chance of catching up, so I don't see why that's a valid point.
  17. Shadowkiller

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The whole purpose of tokens is to make it harder to get spawners. In my opinion it's still to easy to get tokens for rich people as they just buy them. This defeats the purpose of tokens. After a week or so top islands can just stop farming as they earn enough money to buy tokens. But the idea is for people to keep grinding and if they can stop grinding and start to afk for money(=spawners) there's not really a point in it.
    And newly joined people can just sell tokens for 300-400k and start to get spawners within hours of joining. Thats not how it should be
  18. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    It still raises the price of new spawners a lot for larger players, in addition to the rising cost of adding more spawners and hoppers, it helps. I don't see that it should be impossible to get enough tokens, it's simply more expensive. I think that's the point. And for new players getting spawners fast, why shouldnt it be like that late season? No, no sane person can take top places joining late, but getting fast spawners still allows you to be competitive even late, get in the top few pages of islands easy. In fact, really if you had enough time I see it possible to be at least in top 10 even joining a month or more late, given you had no job or whatever. There's a few ways. I really dont think that would be the case without tokens.
    Even as it is, a lot of new players dont get their first creeper spawners within hours or a day or two, and I think some players just aren't good enough/don't understand how it works. People that use profit shops, people that grind iron and sell it to me for hours a day, they all simply haven't put the thought in to math it out, and some don't afk for some reason even though a spawner has a 10 day payback time. That divide will always exist. Players that understand how the game works, I have no problem with them getting spawners fast late season. That's half the point really? Which is it, new players can never catch up to top islands or they get spawners too fast?
    #18 Syn, Jul 22, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
  19. Ewhz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I highly feel for this topic, since i main sb1. I personally dislike the tokens because with them, all pricing increased a TON. They don't bother me as much I just wish there was a higher drop rate so they weren't as aggravating to get. They're a nice addition to allow people to work harder to keep up, but at the same time it was a horrible change. Increasing drop rate or ability to get them in voting key-crates would help a ton! I have been playing for a week straight and have not a single spawner yet. It's killing my feeling to wanna play sb.​
    Zguy2000 likes this.
  20. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't want to be mean, but....how did you manage that? You should be getting plenty of tokens by farming.
    Travis and kcarew98 like this.

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