I'm not sure when but my friend used to have the rename perk until they replaced it with the rename tag I think the perk should be brought back and people should be able to rename items all they want. It would add a lot more color to things and renaming items is.... just fun! Tell me what you guys think
I think that would be a good thing to have only in event keys so you can't just buy your way to it, you would have to earn it through LMS's. Even then, I still think that it would be kinda unbalanced. Maybe everybody can rename everything for 1mil or something. Like you could buy renames from /shop for 1mil. But as of right now, I am very happy with the way renames are in the game. Have a good day! -W5vil
hello hello! so for starters, if your friend used to have that perk, you can shoot out an email to [email protected] to get a refund on it, you get 2 ancient keys i think.. for detail on that email thing, i'd check out this thread here. okieokie. so for your perk idea- although, it was super nice when that perk existed, i feel that mcc has moved on since then and added new perks like "sell all" and hwatever. in compromise of removing the perk, not only did they refund players with that perk, they also added in rename scrolls. rename scrolls are kinda annoying to be buying and when they run outa uses.. but it also helps players become a 'lil more conscious in what they wanna rename an' maybe not die as much, that sounds kinda gay, im sorry. anwyays. for W3vil's idea, i'm -1 as well since 1mil is easy to get and.. rookies >.< overall, I can see where you're comming from; however, I think the way renaming n' stuff is now has seemed to work for a while now and I don't see 'em changing back.. have a great day! and nice signature ;)
Heyo mate as said above there used to be a perk crate instead of the present day mythical crate. This crate held all the perks and yes, rename was one of these perks. I am personally a +1 and think they should bring it back. I believe that rename scrolls are not worth the money you pay for a crate. If there was a chance to get the perk which would be infinite renaming, then this would be more worth it. Also, in season 2 I remember paying someone to rename my item who had the perk. I believe that people paying each other to rename things has the basic same effect of buying rename scrolls. The only difference is that people get the perk permanently and not waste a crate of 10 rename scrolls.
Also the issue with purchasing renames from the item shop means they have a set value. This value can not fluctuate with the economy making renames hard to obtain early game, and easy to obtain late game/.
True. Very true. I just don’t like the idea of paying 2.50 or 5 just to get something that does not help your progress in any way. Hope u understand -W5vil