I think it will be an excellent idea if the prison server to have an information center. The reason so other players and staff have to tell them everything. The information center so is located at the spawn hub of prison. The information center should contain plot info, shop command, how to use the shop command, how to create a shop, how to warp to mines, how to rank up, how to vote, how to get kits, mining rank info, last man standing info, the /duel, and etc. So players and staff do not have to teach the new player how to do something every single time. This will help all players especially new players. I hope you guys think having an information center at spawn is an excellent idea.
Hey! I can see where your going with this, but I don't think they need a information center in-game. There's already a thread explaining prisons and giving tips here. Also If that doesn't help with your situation, you can always ask in the MCC-Central Discord #general.
Hey Tyxlr I know there is thread explaining tips on the McCentral website. However, some players are lazy and don't want to go on the Mccentral website. Maybe, they can put in the chat every once in a while put "if you need help visit the Mccentral website and check on the forums". This way all the players will know where to receive tips for how to do stuff on the server. As well as not have to tell a player how to that thing they have a question on every single time. I hope you think this is a better idea and please reply if necessary.
hello hello! at first prison cab seem like a lot, especially to new players; however, it’s pretty straight forward and i feel that taking the time to write these signs would be a time waster. Many community members make their plots like “/p h hep” and “/p h tutorital” etc. i don’t see a huge need for this since there other resources such as the discord and forums -1
I see what you are saying there puposaurus that there are players out there who make tutorial plots. For instance, /p h help and /p h tutorial are there and I know because I been there. Another thing some of the players especially new players do not know about the Mccentral website. I think they should have a thing in the chat just like info on where to apply for staff is to have a thing in the chat that says "visit the Mccentral website on the forums page for useful tips". Here is a funny thing a new player asked me how to craft and I am like seriously. At least have useful tips online so no one have to place signs. I hope you think this is a better idea and please reply if it is necessary.