Should the players heads should show their username

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by ThorKingOfAsgard, Dec 18, 2019.


Should player's head should show their username

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    I think it is an excellent idea to have the player's username over the player head. I had collected a lot of player heads in PVP. However, I forgot which player's head I have in my collection. By having a username hovering over the player's head; The more the player knows who players head he or she has. Also, having the username hovering over the player head can help organize purposes. I know there are name tags, but they are rare to get from that chest that you have to open keys at spawn. Also, I know u can use an anvil to name it, but it cost XP. I just think the player's username hovering over the player head will be great. I hope u guys think this is a good idea.
    Immortalgamer1985 likes this.
  2. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ah, yes, it's a very neat idea! I don't think it should just show the username by itself. if you have a player head wall, that'll get really confusing to see names. For me, I'd like to see the head say the name in the inventory, then if you get something special like a nametag for it, it will show up when you place it down. I can't tell if you're saying you want the heads' name in the inventory only or it to show up when you place it down, so I could totally be misunderstanding.

    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  3. PorkChcp

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Heyo. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it would fit well for these simple reasons:
    1. Lag: I'm assuming there would be a lot more lag if there was an extra holographic for every head placed.
    2. Confusing: As Faris mentioned it would be hard to read all the names if you have a huge headwall.
    3. Just no reason: Last I just see no use of this being added

    Thanks for reading c:
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! i gotta disagreenkt only b/c of the reasons porkchop mentioned, but also becuase it’s just poo. sometimes people just want the head and don’t need the name. I do, however, think mybe like how factions puts the user’s name when they’re an item and such.. like do that. if that makes sense
  5. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    That will be an excellent idea FarisNyanNyan as well and plus it is not laggy as much if the username hover over the player heads. I think having the usernames show up in the inventory will be an excellent thing to have like for organizing purposes. I also understand if it hovering when placed will create lag. So it shows the username of the player head in the inventory will not lag. I hope you guys think this new reply contains a great idea.
    Immortalgamer1985 likes this.
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