Should the Prison server plots size be increased

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by ThorKingOfAsgard, Dec 15, 2019.


Should the prison server plot size be increased?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    I think it will be an excellent idea if the prison server plots sizes were bigger. I would like it should be 150 x 150 blocks or 256 x 256 blocks. I think 256 x 256 blocks will be better just like from bedrock to building height limit is 256 blocks high, the width and length should be 256 just like the building height limit is 256. This gives players especially players who are good or like build a chance of making a better and bigger build. Maybe, at least 75 x 75 blocks. I hope you guys think the plot size should be increased is a good idea.
    #1 ThorKingOfAsgard, Dec 15, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! i would first like to say. woah there bucko. slow your roll.
    creative plots are 51x51, and with survival reset, plots were increased to 51x51 or something.. personally, i think 150x150 is hella big.. especially for prison and many players have 4 plots... i can see something like prison upgrading to 51x51.. nothing over that as creative isn't even 150x150....
    plots are not a main focal point in prison, except for spawners.. but not so much building.. so making them larger wouldn't necessarily benefit prison in pvp or mining aspect... although, i do enjoy building on prison, i think the size of plots now is even fine for what they are now.
    ok.ok. as well as, you don't state much reason to why you believe this except for building, when prison is limited to a lot of blocks and issn't based off building or a main goal for prison..

    anwyays. overall, i don't see plots being bigger than 51x51 if they were to be increased in size, as well as, i don't see a huge need as I think the plot size that they are now works great this season and has since season1 :D // -1
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  3. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Puposaurs how about 64 x 64 blocks size for plots.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    no. not really since (1)i said not anything above 51x51 since creative plots are 51x51 and for a subserver where building isn't the main priority, why would plots be bigger.. and (2) plot sizes should be odd numbers, since mcc plots have always had a direct /p middle. and not tihs 4 block bs
  5. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    oh I see 51 x 51 is fine as well
  6. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Ok I agree with puposaurus you have the height limit to build with your blocks a big height limit. On top of that you have until bedrock which forgot how many blocks that is but its alot plus many people have 3-4 plots depending on your rank. I think it would be useless and extra time for them to do this suggestion.

    -Have a great day
  7. JustANoob

    Oct 16, 2019
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    hello RaptorMission95, I have to agree with these lovely sexy beasts above. the plots on prison, are p big.. especially since some prison servers with "cells", are, like, 10x10 blocks... so.. as well as, donators get multiple plots which is also something that factors in.

    have a lovely day or night!
    ThorKingOfAsgard and puposaurus like this.
  8. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think that the size of the plots right now is awesome. I mean, for people who make grinders in their plot, 33x33 (or 31x31, I’m not 100% sure about the size) might be small, but for people building plots such as mine (which has a small tutorial), the actual size is even too much. Together with the addition of your idea, the spawner and hopper limit would have to be raised as well, to fit better something like that (500 hoppers in a 50x50 plot which has 25k blocks would be too little in my opinion).
  9. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    I see what y'all guys meant that 31 x 31 blocks is a good size. Do you guys think 45 x 45 is an excellent size for a prison plot size. It is still an odd number length and width which is good thing for players who are builders who like builds symmetric. 45 x 45 is not too big as an expasion for the prison plot. I just wanted to have more space for my builds. I like grand builds which sometimes require a middle which in turns an odd number of blocks. I am aware of people who have more than one plot. Which I own four plots on prisons which I like to build on all my plots. I shown a lot of players my fourth plot which all who seen it were amazed by it. However, it wasn't at all symmetric and I am also a little OCD when it comes with building. I think 45 x 45 blocks for a prison is not bad for an expansion. Let me know about this idea by replying to me.
  10. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It already takes really long to clear plot. Please don’t make that process any longer. Also, if you use all the space on the current plot, there should be more than enough room for anything. Remember that the plot goes really high and all the space you could build on. I really don’t think plots need to get any bigger. Have a great day!
    JustANoob and puposaurus like this.
  11. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    bruhsive... what’s your main goal for larger plots... like as i mentioned, you say you want larger plots, and you’re throwing out random shit that kinda generalizes other players.. hit as far as you go, like, what drove you to creating this thread; if you have bigger plots, what would you use it for; what are you not liking about the size of plots currently, other than “they’re too small” since i honestly feel that 31x31 is p fair and a good size for a subserver where building isn’t really a main goal or purpose.

    anywyas, if you could just answer those please <3
    Yefhfcjghbnn likes this.
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