I think it will be great if the prison server has mines and/or plots in the nether and end dimensions. You have to reach prestige 1 or 2 to unlock the nether dimension mines A-Z. Also, have a nether dimension donator mine for the players who have a rank i.e. Coal- Immortal. The A-Z nether mines should have nether quartz ore, netherack, soul sand, glowstone and possibly lava. The Nether Donator Mine should have quartz blocks, soul sand, glowstone, possibly lava. For the End dimension should be unlocked probably prestige 3 or 4. For the End A-Z mines should contain end stone and obsidian. As well as the End dimension donator mines should have the same as the A-Z End mines. This will add some more fun to the server.
hello hlelloo! i really dont see a fulll need for this. especially since the prison subserver is mining based economy, then pvp. not so much building or whatever. with a nether and/or end warp, it'd just be another uesless mine.. especially since money is quite easy to gain on prison for a few blocks if you wanted to use that mine for building, spawners or not... similar to how players user "/warp wood" msotly just for their plots. so. anwaysy. ima keep it short here... if you have any questions or i did not explain something or mention a point you would want me to point out, just askk... anwaysy, im -1. have a nice day :)
No this is a bad idea because it will change the blocks in /shop and therefore screw up tons of other stuff. It is not good plz no it will damage prisons for ever like SB. The mines would have to be either trash or you can't buy blocks from the shop. Also if this were on plots it would be like a private mine. I think private mines would be a cool addition to mcc, but they would be paid for.
Hey. I do have to say this is a very interesting idea. Although that being said I'm not exactly on board with it. In my personal opinion I like that once prestiged to have to go back to the lower mines because its suppose to be kinda "reset" So with this being said I just don't believe this would be a very good addition to prisons at this current time. Pork c:
I don’t really like this because by the time you reach prestige 2 you have enough spawners to make more money from them then from mining. For me I stopped mining when I hit prestige 1 -1 from me -W5vil
Hello! I’m a prison player and I don’t really see any need for this add on. There really isn’t any use for it as there is already a good amount of mines and other ways of making money. I honestly think the prison server should work on making changes that everyone would enjoy such as better envoys.