pretty much all the spawners are overpriced in sb rn the most expensive spawner is 600k and tge lowest spawner price is 250k(im pretty sure its 250k) and the amount of tokens boiiiiiiiiiiiii hightest token payment 70 lowest token payment 20 please lower down the prices plz.
Hey ImmortalGuy I'd have to give this a -1 just by reading the title. Skyblock is supposed to be challenging and grinding. Making things cheaper wouldn't make the game any more fun, in fact, it would most likely kill skyblock if everyone was able to have tons of spawners. Just imagine the eco if spawners and tokens would be really cheap. Also, the prices for these items now will most likely raise (Not the shop price but items that will be put in /ah).
As said above if this were to happen, SB economy would get broken OP. MY suggestion: What would work is that if the spawner prices were lower by a certain%, then so would the mob drop% chance. This would make it so no p2w people can obtain spawners. At the same time the economy does not brake.
Nyaah! Hi! First, a small correction, which is that the lowest spawner price is 125k. Wafe is putting this pretty clearly in his post. You should be grinding this game if you want to make it up into the leaderboard. If you are having trouble generating money, I suggest that you make a big melon farm, about 100x100 and farm that a lot. It'll make you enough money to build more layers and soon you will make loads of cash. If you need tokens, you can create a cocoa bean farm, but the melons you break can give you tokens too! Byebyenya!
Hey I would give this a -.5 I disagree you should work so hard to get these blocks, but then the other part of me says people need a chance to have fun with island so idk. have a wonderful week ~Jones
Your main goal of skyblock is to work for money and your levels on your island. By making stuff cheaper it makes it easy and pointless, people get burned quick.
Yeah I think skyblock is supposed to be really, really grindy. It kind of stinks I guess, if you don't want to play a lot, but it's probably for the better.
the reason why spawners are a lot more expensive now with the prices, tokens and points is because they wanted to make growth slower, and for people to have less spawners. a few seasons ago people used to have 50k+ spawners, wasn't really right imo.