Good morning / afternoon / evening to you guys reading this thread. I am an OG prison player who has been around since season 1 and I've seen the ups and downs of prison. And I feel as if especially this season we have moved away from the game mode its self. Prison used to be a game mode where you'd have to grind and work hard for gear and to rank up, where as nowadays, you're able to AFK and become significantly rich. Which I don't think should be the case along with other people. So myself and friends have put together some ideas on how to hopefully get our word out there for the new season and we think that some of these changes could bring back the thrill of prison and also the meaning of it. Firstly - Spawners; I am not going to say too much on spawners because I already have before but as we can all clearly see, the economy isn't really alive when spawners are part of prison, because money is so easy to get, it defeats the object of working hard to rankup etc. So I hope spawners are removed. Secondly - Custom enchants; I believe that there are some great custom enchants which could be added. For example one which really stands out would be "Speed" and if we had to pick Speed 1 or 2 I'd suggest Speed 1 - the key factor about these though are that they're disabled in pvp so we keep up the pvp aspect of prison not being too overpowered. These would be great for players who do not have access to /fly so all around a good suggestion in my opinion. Another custom enchant which would be a good idea potentially is Grinder 2 - This is because if spawners are removed, and standard mob spawners come back then to increase XP it'll help players grind it quicker, more efficient. Thirdly - I think being able to get the charity booster in ancient keys, and the market one in myth keys would be a great idea. As then it gives a chance to get boosters not only by purchasing them. I also think that bringing back mythical and ancient pickaxes if mining is going to be a big part of next season will be vital as well. Possibly the addition of in game backpacks, so not just /chest - so these can be obtained from ancient and mythical keys, bigger in mythical and its like a portable chest - then gives players chances who dont have access to /chest etc to get a backpack for storing. - disabled in pvp to stop bringing 20 sets of p4 and extra gaps etc Gang chest - another idea so if you're in a gang then you should be able to have a chest everyone can access, which can upgraded with money, tokens or even having to grind kills to be able to upgrade the chest. And then finally for now, counting LMS wins when you /stats a player Thanks for reading mu suggestions and I'd love feedback.
Hey NoIGN_ , after reading your suggestions I have some feedback. 1. I agree with you completely with the whole spawner situation, which honestly kills the economy. Grinding in prison is mainly AFKing thousands of spawners at a time. 2. I also agree with the custom enchants, and I like that you mentioned to disabled it in pvp. Prison pvp is fairly fun the way it is, we don't need speed 1 or 2 in pvp. 3. I was a little confused about your backpack suggestion. You can already get /chest from myth keys, so what would be the point to add another chest renamed as a backpack? Also, I don't even see a big use for /chest since you can just store things in your plot or /ec. 4. I also don't see a point in a gang chest. I don't really have anything else to say about the gang chest, leaders can make plot dedicated only to the members and trust/add whoever they want. Don't really see a point in the gang chest. 5. Also, they should really change LMS completely. Go back to the old LMS style, bringing your own items, no skin changers, and show names. Anyways your ideas are great! Hopefully next season can be fun again.
hello hello! as an og since s1 as well, i agree and disagee w/ your points: spawners- i do agree that spawners in a way break the economy and kill prison w/ just a bunch of afk'rs.. however, i don't see them being removed, only altrered to kinda make 'em less powerful... which seems to not have worked in the past seasons, but maybe finding solutions to it, like greatly decreasing mob drop price, or require more tokens for spawners since we have learned that 10 tokens is p easy to get this season. custom enchants- +1 // i can find speed useful as for grinder.. it can be good but it could also be bad since exp isn't that hard to get w/ public grinders and smelting stuff.. so.. +0 boosters from keys- i feel that boosters are meant to support the server n’ help others in community which is prolly why they don’t get affected by the sale(?) idk. helping not only the community but also keep mcc up(?) pickaxes +1 // im not gonna say much b/c they were kinda "the goat" nr.. but they were good especialyl for apple farming backpacks- huge -1.. donators already have "/ec" which acts how you described backpacks.. as well as, most times, most prison tryhards do have access to "/chest" & "/chest2".. i think adding this is just a way to give donators a 'lil extra and gold ranks and below a way to get access to an enderchest w/o paying for the perk. gang chest- from the surface, this sounds like a good idea.. but i feel like this can cause mroe drama w/i gangs as well as if you were in a gang and the leader decides to disband the gang or kick you out, then you lose your items.. even if it is aall at your own risk and it would be allowed.. i just don't think it'd be the best idea. as well as, it'd kinda be like that "/ec" thing for gold ranked players and below. lms +1 // similar to factions how it keeps track of koth stats anwyays these are my opinions.. have a great day :D
Hello wierd NoGIN_ man #1 Spawners are good I just feel like they should nerf them more as in make mob drop price even less than it is maybe split it in half. #2 I think that prisons pvp should remain without speed and that fly should remain for emerald+. I think more enchants for pickaxes like jackhammer explosive that good stuff would be cool. I think that enchants should remain as tokens if picks were to get a buff. #3 I oppose boosters in keys, especially charity in ancient key. I do not know the amount a legendary teir 3 ancient money pouch gives, but I think tips from a charity booster would give more. #4 backpacks would be pretty epic, however this might get slightly OP during boosters, and if there is no way to empty the packpack into a chest, then it will be harder to save up ores for boosters. #5 A gang chest like /bp in UHC would be great. It is an easy way for gangs to shuffle items without having to tp to each other. #6 LMS Ye like factions and kit pvp with koth I think it would be cool for this on prisons as it is becoming more and more pvp and less gridning for top prisontop. MY SUGGESTIONS: Valuetop: shows richest gangs :) Blocktop: Shows kids with most mined blocks Chunk loaders: so kids don;t have to bust there pc afking 4 plots of sapwners God pickaxe creation: Lots of enchants for picks, this is on a lot of other servs and think it would be a huge hit on mcc if there were to be picakxe enchants. Thanks wierd noign man have gn/gd -xStrafings pretty good at prisons
NoIGN "MONEY GANG" I Completely agree with most of your ideas, the only one i don't like is the backpack I don't it is that good considering you would have to pay money to get it with keys, unless it could be up-gradable with tokens money kills etc, that would make it a lot better and maybe worth to spend the money for.
Hey Noign, Lovely Ideas 1. I think spawners should not be removed completely but nerfed heavily 2. More custom enchants such as speed would be good for pvpers 3. Ancient/Myth picks could work but there may also be other alternatives Thanks, Olli
I agree with the spawners so much mining is so useless now it barely gives you any money compared to spawners hopefully they are nerfed even more or just removed.