Heyo kids, i'v been playing SB recently because it reset and why not. There is an enchant on SB called farmer,. It gives u a chance to get more crops. This enchant is pretty epic and helps get u more $$. Prisons has been overtaken by spawners and after pres 4 or 5, you don;t even mine anymore for money. When mining is useful tho at the begging of the season everyone is mining to buy spawners. Here is where I am going with this: Add an enchant for prisons, that does the same thing as farm. Miner enchant would give u a chance to receive more ores or 2x ores higher chance per level and how many times it is on a piece of armor. Lemme know what y'all think of this.
hey hey! i can sorta see where you’re coming from.. however, i feel like that’s where mythical and ancient pickaxes come from as well as token luck.. i don’t think anotha’ custom enchant would be the most necessary for increasing drop rate of ores when pickaxe fortune enchant kinda does that work. overall, -1 have a great day :D
^ pickaxes are not a key reward I agree with this idea as it incentivizes mining, key purchasing and makes prestige requirements easier as well. While it is true that fortune helps, it does not deal w/ blocks such as the ones in PVP or Dmine and I think something that makes mining (an integral part of prison) more competitive with spawners is healthy. +1
I think that would be pretty useless due to the fact that there are already fortune 15+ out there. But yeah, I could see it being cool for really early game, but 1-2 months in, its pretty pointless in my opinion. -W5vil
Hi xStrafings "MONEY GANG" I completely agree with you're ideas. I don't think spawners should be completely removed as there would be almost no possible ways to get xp besides smelting or mining if you can get xp from mining. Also its "beginning"