I just got into prison around a month ago and I had no idea this season was ending so soon. Is there a mod or any other way to save your plot builds like my shop and tree farm so I can put them in the next season without having to rebuild completely? Also if an Admin sees this, is this allowed? If not pls let me know! Thanks in advance.
hello! there sorta is a way.. it’s kinda a whacky process... the way I know of is: using schematica (downloader) to save the plot, then upload it when prison resets and build from there schematica is a mod that is allowed on prison (but NOT the printer version) for downloading builds and uploading them for you to build. it helps guide you w/ certain blocks n’ placing n’ wotnot. i am not exactly sure the whole process of downloading it, but i do know it’s most common to download it trough forge. hope this helped and made sense. feel free to ask any questions if i left something out or something didn’t make sense to you. as well as, you can dm me on discord too (pussosaurus#8048) have a great day!
I don't think so, but there might be another easier way to rebuild it, I don't think you can load it up again because then it would give you an advantage over other players. I'm not sure if this is possible, because I haven't tried it yet myself. I know there is a mod called Schematica, you might be able to copy the build then load it up next season so you can rebuild the plot exactly. I have seen people use it for downloaded build templates too. Pretty much the mod gives you a kind of transparent overlay of the build so you can build exactly what you want. Edit: I started typing before @puposaurus posted and then reloaded the page after I posted, so what they said is pretty much my answer too.
@puposaurus & @CryingShame Thanks so much! I'll test this out whenever next season starts! And thinking about it now, it definitely makes sense that you can't just straight copy, you would be saving so much on build mats and that would be super unfair especially at the very beginning of the season.
Thread locked, good job Puposaurus. DeathStrokeDevil Contact: DeathStrokeDevil#7256 Profile Link: https://mccentral.org/community/members/deathstrokedevil.119/ MCC Rules: https://mccentral.org/community/rules/ Community Discord: https://discord.gg/9jzwQDQ