Heyo! I have found myself being less and less active on prison and i have a lot of items just sittin around! So just respond to this with the following End Date: Saturday the 30th -IGN -Discord -Reason you want to win! (It wont help your chance its all random) Here are the items you'll win! : 30 Million $ in game 19x Prison Tokens 1x Immortal Pickaxe 5x Legend Pickaxe 1x Rename Scroll 15x Enchanted Golden Apple 50x 50k exp bottles Good luck yall <333 -jollysinder
IGN: ___Sean___ Discord: ___Sean___#0757 I would love to win as I like playing prisons when I have time and aren’t that rich so far. Good luck everyone!
-IGN : 5aki -Discord : sakpot#5008 -Reason : I love pvping and making grinders but getting money/gaps takes lots of time so i can usually only do one of them but if I win ill be able to do both!
-IGN: LendingGalaxy -Discord: LendingGalaxy#6986 -Reason: I honestly think its nice of you doing a giveaway for everyone and I love prison and would love to have this and good luck :D
Ign = Thorndog Discord = Thorndog#8127 Reason = I die so much in PvP I need every ounce of help I can get and the items and money could help
Heyo I feel the same way about prisons. Its dying but it will reset sometime in next month I think! :D factions resets on dec 6th so after that I think prisons will reset. Will lose to see you int he new season and will be very active. IGN: xStrafings Disc: strafinqs#0273 I want to win because IDK Gl to all!
IGN: riddlework Discord: you already got it Reason: you're like one of my favorite people to spend time with <3 :D -riddlework
Yoooow!!!! IGN: Thibaud2803 Discord: Thibaud Peeters#7704 Reason: Because Herobrine will eat you if you don't xoxoxoxo