Staff Appreciation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pandof, Nov 28, 2019.

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  1. Pandof

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Hey guys,

    So I've noticed that people lately have been rather rude to staff, and in conversations with staff they have said how frustrating it is at times to work so hard for the server only to have people tell them that they are bad at their jobs or that they aren't working fast enough.

    As today is Thanksgiving, I'd like to share a small collection I have obtained of people I had tell me what they really appreciate about MCC staff in order to let them know that we really are grateful for all that they do for us.

    It consists of both specific instances when a staff member helped a player in a meaningful way or just overall what the team does to make the best playing experience.

    Screen Shot 2019-11-28 at 12.14.42 PM.png

    (I apologize for the shoddy google drawing work haha)

    In hopes that some staff members will read this, I encourage all of you to reply to this post with your own thanks to staff, or maybe a specific instance when a staff member went above and beyond to help you out.

    And to those who may not be the kindest to staff, remember that they are only human and are trying their best, and that maybe a few "please"s and "thank you"s can go a long way. :)

    Note: Please do not abuse this thread and turn it into a place to attack certain members who may have punished you or a friend. This is purely an appreciation post.

    Thanks all. Happy Thanksgiving!
    - Pandof
  2. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I think a proper anticheat / way to easily spectate minigames would go a loong way towards most of the player's discontent towards staff and I really hope that these things are added soon to make their roles much easier. A very nice compilation you have and a very heartwarming post as well ♡

    Edit: as for one of my experiences @Mistrusts has been a great friend to me in the little time we have spent together and is certainly one of the most neutral & fair staff I have seen as well. Probably also has fair skin tbh but I dont think she has ever been a negative presence on the server and with some players that can certainly sometimes be difficult. Keep up the great work!
  3. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Aww This is so sweet :) I am glad you made this thread.

    I am not sure why staff don’t get appreciated much and why people are toxic to them.

    Maybe people are just like “mY fRiEnD maX gOT mUteD bY a MoDeraTor aNd I wAnNa hEaR hiM buT it PrObBabLy WaS faIR exCept I liKe maX so StaFF aRe baD”

    Anyway yeah thanks staff Thank you reports team for reviewing player reports thank you admins for pushing constant updates to MCC thank you Community Events Team for hosting many events to the community.

    Thank you helpers for moderating the chat and helping others out thank you mods for patrolling them games thank you senior mods for going above and beyond and yeah you are all cuties. <3

    Happy Thanksgiving:D
    JustANoob, Master_Aqua and puposaurus like this.
  4. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    This is great man. I am thankful for all the MCC staff team and they have helped me many times. Especially big thanks to Muel, my mentor, and all the other mentors that are helping mentees reach staff some day.

    Thank you staff team!

    Happy thanksgiving all of you US people
    kylebop, Master_Aqua and puposaurus like this.
  5. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    This was really really thoughtful of you to make! I have also seen players be mean to staff and it makes no sense to me! They get muted for something they feel is unreasonable and they think that’s the only thing staff did that day! While most stuff are responding to reports and chat reports, muting spambots and doing other work that helps out the community. A lot of the MCC staff is my friend so i am very thankful for you all.
    keep up the good work,
    Master_Aqua and puposaurus like this.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This makes me want to post screenshots of my false punishments where the staff argued it was justified lmao.

    That's the owner's fault, not the staffs'. Though to be fair, they both have their own set of issues all on their own.
    JustANoob likes this.
  7. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Ik that is why I feel so bad about it lol, also I don't think this thread is meant to ignore that there are definitely flaws it is just to show appreciation for the good that is done by them
    JustANoob likes this.
  8. RedPandaKilla

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I am not active that much rn, and most of the staff that have helped me big time have been demoted or just quit...But big thanks in general to all the staff! Helpers especially. They don't have as many permissions and their power is very limited, but I see them the most. Other's are also great, but I feel like Helpers are the most underappreciated.
    JustANoob and Master_Aqua like this.
  9. riddlework

    Sep 23, 2019
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    I honestly appreciate this post so much. Staff are honestly some of the nicest people I have ever met, and their role on the server is extremely underrated and undercut by those select and particularly vocal few who accost them for things of which they are not culpable. Having been staff, I can personally say that it is an extremely rewarding experience and the bonds you make while helping people out are incomparable.

    That being said, I would like to mention a few staff who I have particularly fun times with and who have been extremely kind to me recently. First of all, httpmeme is an amazing person and has spent numerous hours explaining to me how Survival works and playing all kinds of other Sub-Servers and Minigames with me. I have had the distinct pleasure of having Muel_ as my stage one mentor and could not be more happy. Master_Aqua has been a great friend to me and I enjoy spending time with them :) AnimatedFox is an amazing person and although I haven't talked to him too much recently I feel like he's one of the coolest people to be in a call with. And although I can't think of any other specific instances, but to avoid a long list of all the staff that I honestly think are just really cool people, let me just say that in general, the staff are pretty awesome. B)

    Have a nice day!
    #9 riddlework, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
    JustANoob, Master_Aqua and xStrafings like this.
  10. luvhly

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Aww this is such a thoughtful idea
    JustANoob likes this.
  11. kylebop

    Jul 22, 2019
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    My Response to this wonderful thread

    All Staff Members are formal community members just like everyone else, that made the decision to take part in helping the community. It has been an honor this past year to uptake a position to help the server on a daily basis. I have been a member here for years and it's a wonderful experience to be able to see the backend and how the server I have been playing on for years works.

    It can be stressful at times as there are always going to be people that do not understand why we have the rules we do. Some find it hard to realize that punishments are here to stop unwanted behavior and instead to benefit the community as a whole.

    I never signed up because I wanted to ruin someone's day by banning them or muting them. My main goal is to ensure everyone is having the best experience on MCC as I have had the past years. My goal is to ensure nobody has to worry about players that break the rules but instead rely on staff members and know that we will be there to help whenever is needed.

    It's always awesome to hear the community being thankful for the staff team as this is indeed all community-based work. Staff members do not get a paycheck at all, therefore some question me why I am staff.
    I am a staff member here on MCC because of the community, the customer service experience, to build communication skills, and having the ability to serve and protect the community on a daily basis. Having the ability to make the server enjoyable for all is the reason I am staff.

    -Kylebop | MCC Senior Moderator
  12. Hey!

    I think the people who say that we don't work hard or are lazy forget that we are humans too. As with everyone else, we have private lifes outside of minecraft and we cannot devote 100% of our time here. I do agree that being staff is extremely underrated, especially in term so of the workload. There are many things we have to do that users who were never staff would never understand, and thats understandable, which is why I don't get mad or angry when someone says "You're so bad" or "You're so slow at banning hackers". However, I am extremely glad there are some members such as yourself who are appreciative of what we do, it really drives us to be better! I know I am late to thanksgiving, but I would like to thank this community for being an awesome community!

    - MCC Moderator - Media Team - Reports Team
    JustANoob and Master_Aqua like this.
  13. TNT


    Dec 4, 2019
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    Yes you are very right, staff members do get treated very harshly but I do believe its with reason. Not implying that majority of staff do this but there are the few that ruin the name by being egoistical and either interpenetrating something incorrectly or blatantly false muting people without factual reason. On the other hand, some comments are pretty harsh and should be avoided because they still deserve the credit for being 10 year old baby sitters.
    JustANoob likes this.
  14. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I love this! APPRECIATE STAFF! We need more!
    JustANoob likes this.
  15. wafe

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Am I the only one who thinks there should be a staff appreciation week? Or is that just me... Anyways I think this compilation of nice messages is very thoughtful. Staff are in fact extremely underrated and do not get enough credit for what they do. We need more members like you sir.
    Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    JustANoob likes this.
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