I seem to be constantly getting kicked from the server for "You seem to be using a a VPN or Proxy" I don't have either IGN: Lumo_/Sakagami/Tsuda/VioletEvergardn/VioletSnow https://gyazo.com/4e467c2a78b5caf77d61b8c3ad738fa8
The server can sometimes falsely flag you are using a VPN. I have contacted a Senior-Staff member to add you to the VPN whitelist. After you are added, you should be able to join in roughly five minutes. A senior staff member will respond to this thread once you have been added.
Join the server Discord here and contact a SrMod or Admin :) UnlimitedHealth is correct with what he said above! Don't be too worried, just provide evidence you aren't using a VPN or Proxy and you will be helped accordingly. https://discord.gg/9jzwQDQ
Hello there, Thank you for the following information. Unfortunately I cannot whitelist at this time as I need more information. Please either pm me on discord(Teddy3684#4455) or message me through the website as I need to talk to you about a few things. Thread Locked