On shoving the genie back in the bottle...

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Syn, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yall do realize that nerfing vine from 200, then to 100, then to 15 just gives a HUGE advantage to people that got grind time over the weekend? Im one of those people, and I'm still complaining.

    Once vines launched at 200, it was too late. 100 was unfair to anyone that hadn't already taken advantage. 15 is a downright insult.

    My vine farm was more than 1m a pass, and I know top islands that had multiple people going got so much more. With this, the top players have been all but been decided. More damage is done by changing it.

    You can't unfuck this by lowering prices. It's like trying to put out a fire by dowsing everyone in gasoline. I make stupid analogies.

    It's basic vinanomics
    Also you killed my vine puns like "rise and vine" and "vine art". Now all I got is "everyone who didn't grind is below poverty vine". Thanks for that. That pun sucks.
    #1 Syn, Nov 26, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
    FarisNyanNyan and peed like this.
  2. peed

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Straight facts, I agree with this 100%
  3. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree that it doesn't help the economy by lowering prices since people have grinded vines for hours. However, it has only been about 3 days since the reset and many people have made millions off them. Just imagine they were left at the exact same price. People in a week or 2 would potentially have billions. Also vines have good rates for tokens/points so its a good change nonetheless.
  4. riddlework

    Sep 23, 2019
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    I understand where you're coming from. My island members and I created a huge vine farm before they were nerfed and we made a huge profit off of them. That being said I still find it incredibly unfair to those individuals who were not able to grind vine farms the day that Skyblock reset. I believe that in order to resolve this problem and to restore balance in the server between those players who were able to sell vines at their highest prices and those who weren't, prices of other farm items should be raised.

    Hope this helped! :)

  5. Hey there! I get where you are coming from and from what I saw some of the top islands that made a lot of money actually got a lot of spawners/levels/money from them. So then it gives everyone a chance to catch up to those who had used this broken vine farming to their advantage. I know that a lot of people are kind of sour with the whole vine nerf from 200 from 100 to an even lower price of 15, but honestly from a player point of view I am glad that they saw this and decided to make a change rather than keep this broken crop in the game.

    I hope reading this has given you peace of mind and clarity on the situation and I hope you enjoy the new season to your fullest!
  6. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    We understand the concern.
    Granted, this was entirely a mistake on our behalf which sadly we did not see prior to release.

    It would have caused MUCH more damage in the long run if this was left unfixed, thankfully it was only 2 days into the reset when we rectified this issue. We understand that the islands that used this method to make money, whilst it is not their fault, it is like you said a big advantage.

    Thankfully we take logs of all items which players sell and log them. Using these logs we were able to see exactly how much each player had sold, and exactly which islands benefitted the most from this mishap. Only a handful of islands made 'unfair' amounts of money from this. We have been contacting these few islands personally, and removing the unfairly obtained value.

    Again, this was a oversight on our behalf, which should not have happened, however these mistakes sadly do sometimes slip by (this is not the first time a small math error has caused a few issues in the eco).
  7. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I honestly think it was for the best that this change happened, it was good for a while and it had to change or people would become rich again like in the end of skyblock, players with 1 billion.... this in early season isnt right
  8. astralis

    Nov 20, 2019
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    I hope that these islands have been compensated with some kind of compensation. Although Vines were definitely overpriced, it is safe to assume that many hours were put into farming these vines. I think it would be unfair to leave these islands empty-handed after all of the work they've done.
  9. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's really a no win situation.
  10. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Hi! I personally profited off of the vine farms during the first 2 days. This is my first season on skyblock and i did 2 irl deals in the first day of playing by just grinding vines. Got over 1.3m in the first day. I understand that people who didnt get the headstart would be sad/ VERY behind and might even consider quiting the season because of the others getting a headstart. Its a lose-lose situation if the people who made the most money also lose theirs. But, the vine nerf was highly necessary and it was the owner(s) / admin(s) fault that this season was released this way
    Have a great day,

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