
Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Saboru_, Nov 26, 2019.


How Should We Solve This Problem?

  1. Buff Vine Prices To Reasonable Price

    1 vote(s)
  2. Buff Shears

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Saboru_

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Okay so Season 9 is out and we can all agree Vines went a bit out of hand from $300 to $200 to $100 and now $15...I understand that making the vine farm is extremely easy but harvesting is the hard part as Efficiency does not affect Vines and breaking them is time-consuming at this point Vines are completely useless and 90% of the server has large Vine farms. I would like to start a petition to either buff vine prices back to a reasonable price or Buff Shears so Efficiency works on Vines...

    If anyone has any other opinions/suggestions I'm keen to read them all!
  2. catsmeow247

    Aug 13, 2019
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    I think vines should go back to $200 and keep shears the same. It evens out because we make a lot but it is time-consuming because of shears so I think it is equal.
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Crunch the numbers properly before jumping to conclusion.
    With a fully afkable vine farm you can harvest 4500 - 5000 vine per hour.
    Now assume you afk for 1 hour, that is $900,000 (without the farmer enchantment) , $1,188,000 with a full Farmer 2 set (per hour).

    Now assume you afk for 1 day, that is $28,512,000 for afking for 24 hours.
    Now thankfully things did not get that drastic, as the season is still early on and people were building farms.

    Crunch the numbers yourself, and tell me honestly if you think vines were a fair farm being at such a high sell price. The reason for this change was to bring them on par with other crops. We're not just mindlessly changing prices for a laugh.

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    Saboru_, Horace_Altman and Phantom like this.
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