Tree Farm Warp??

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by xMichaelOrr, Nov 25, 2019.

  1. xMichaelOrr

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Anyone else remember Lava-Craft?? The server before MC-Central got released by Alex. Well if so then you'd remember the /Tree farm warp. I would like to just shoot an idea to bring that back. Its hard sometimes to find the trees that you need when you go to the Over World. Everything is destroyed right when you get there and even if you go farm out for a while I personally sometimes cant find the tree I need and i spend 30 minutes looking for it till I finally find it. Just shooting it out there. I don't expect anything to come out of this but worth a shot.

  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey? Is this suggestion for Survival I assume? If so then I would like to add that if you go behind spawn walk for 100 blocks roughly and find a tree then boom your done! You can always plant saplings at your plot!

    (I am assuming this is survival not factions)
    xMichaelOrr likes this.
  3. xMichaelOrr

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Yeah man this is for Survival! It would be so easy just to get wood nice and quick. They even had a mobs spawn on that server which was dope but doubt that would get added.
  4. JonesSniper

    Sep 21, 2019
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    I am from old lava craft I do remember that they should bring it back +1

    Have a wonderful week

    xMichaelOrr likes this.
  5. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Hi! I have started survival recently and I usually just use my elytra to fly accross everything else to find trees, and whenever i get far away i try and farm hundreds of trees so i wont have to go out again. Also if you are coal rank+ you get sethomes, (You can also receive the 20 set home perk) Im sure you know what a sethome is but i would like to explain it for anyone else reading this! A sethome is basiccaly a command that saves your location and you can teleport back to it at anytime. So with this i would set it in a tree biome. My ign is: jollysinder, if you ever see me in game and need some wood i can always tp you to me!! I do think a warp wood would be cool, but one flaw i that you can sell wood in the shop? Correct me if im wrong there because im not online. If i am correct you could just get an Eff 5 axe and farm.
    Its a good idea but a -1 from me
    Have a good day!
    xMichaelOrr likes this.
  6. xMichaelOrr

    Nov 25, 2019
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    It is on the shop but they could dimply remove it. The main thing people use on the shop anyways is fish. Yes you can use a Elytra to fly out but not everyone has that. I currently have one and that's what I do, and yes you do have some on your plot when you first start out and you can replant them but also with some people that use their plot for other things like a huge shop or just a fun place to be and hangout they usually don't have tree farms. If there was a /warp tree farm on the Survival server it would benefit everyone. just simply go there chop down a bunch of tress and the tress they break automatically plant a sapling. People can still try and sell them on their plot because there will be people that wont use it because they are lazy to mine trees for a bit. If they got rid of logs at /shop they should replace it with cobble stone or something else.

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