Important Discussion - xDaniel (ex-mod)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xDaniel, Nov 19, 2019.

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  1. xDaniel

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Before I get into what I have to speak about, I just want to say please read this entire thread so you can hear me out and read my backstory, it's not about me trying to just introduce myself, it talks about why this is such a big issue and you'll realize why this issue is really concerning and why it's such an important thing to fix as soon as possible, and please read this before just skipping to the video I've attached because lots of things need to be explained prior to watching the video, and also make sure to watch the entire video so you can see what I'm talking about, don't just watch for the first 10 seconds and click off.

    I've been a long-time player on MCCentral, I've been a member of this community for a few years now. I joined MCCentral back in late 2014, became a staff member in late December of 2016 and continued to be a staff member until my resignation which was about halfway through 2018 when I ended up quitting/taking a break from Minecraft due to how serious it was getting for me school-wise. Throughout my break which was about a year and a half, I still hopped onto the server occasionally for a few minutes to say hi to some old friends on here and basically just see where MCCentral is at. Throughout my entire time playing on this server, lots of things changed and even now lots of things changed compared to how MCCentral use to be about 2 years ago, but one thing that has stayed the same on MCCentral which has just been getting worse on here throughout the years is the number of hackers and the lack of an anti-cheat on here. From the day I joined MCCentral until now there hasn't been a day that I've hopped online and not experienced a hacker, which is just outrageous, it's just like, everyone knows about it, but all that's done is players report them, the hacker gets banned, and the hacker just joins back on another account and continues to hack or just another 5 different hackers join the server as one gets banned and continue to do what they do best and ruin the fun for the members of the community who actually want to play legit and enjoy their time on here. I remember somewhat throughout 2017, the owner implemented an anti-cheat, I can only assume it's the same anti-cheat the server still uses because it doesn't help with hackers at all. I hopped on the server yesterday, joined ArenaPvP to have a 1v1 with some of my old friends on here to see If I can still PvP, and after a while into the fights, I noticed that my hits weren't registering to my opponents which is basically the anti-cheat thinking that I'm hacking which is causing me to miss my hits on my opponent as it's creating invisible bots around the player, I remember this was a much bigger issue in the early days of the implementation of AAC (Advanced Anti-Cheat), so now noticing that this is still an issue after about 2 years of the anti-cheat being out is a bit concerning because that's about 2 years of work for the anti-cheat and it still does what it did back in its early days of being implemented, that's why I can only assume it's the same anti-cheat that was implemented originally. I remember sometime when I was a staff member I got called by an Admin, I can't really remember who it was, but I got told that the anti-cheat that's on the sub-servers is different to the one that's on mini-games, now I'm not sure if that's the truth or not, but it seems like it can be as on sub-servers the anti-cheat seems to do its job more rather than the one on mini-games, I also remember once hearing that the owner said he wants MCCentral to be more of a sub-server based server because Hypixel is pretty much to go-to server if you want to play mini-games, which is not really a bad thing in my opinion, but the anti-cheat still should be more balanced out across the entire server. Either-way even on sub-servers the anti-cheat is still a bit dodgy, yeah, it's good that it's actually working in a way, but the way it's working isn't accurate enough to actually determine who's hacking or who's lagging and who's just a legit player, which is kind of annoying because as an Australian player I have high ping so it's easy for the anti-cheat to think I'm hacking if I get a few combinations on a player, it seems like it's not much of a big deal, but it really is a big issue. I'm not really sure if the same thing happens where if you get falsely kicked by the anti-cheat and then you're given a kick-code which you then make a bug report on, but if that's still the case then something really needs to be done about it ASAP, because it would've been an on-going issue since 2017, I'm pretty sure the only reason why kick-code evens became a thing was because there was an insane amount of legit players kicked by the anti-cheat and the owner needed to find out what the issue was so he can "fix" it.

    Anyways, moving on, I never really had an idea to make a thread like this to really speak and open up on how I feel about the hackers and the anti-cheat on here, I'm 100% sure that I'm not the only one on here that feels this way about it, but anyway, what really made me decide to make this thread today was the fact that every Skywars game I joined today when I hopped on there was a hacker in every single lobby, one lobby had about 3-4 hackers in it, 2 of which were literally flying around the map killing everyone, 3-4 hackers in a lobby.... that's almost half the lobby, on my time on here I never ever seen anything like that, 2 hackers literally flying around the map killing people? until today I thought the anti-cheat was at least decent enough to stop hackers from flying in mini-games, but it clearly isn't, I literally never seen anything like that and it's so absurd that nothing is being done about it other than Mods+ just banning the hackers. When I was staff on here I would always read the staff logs showing who gets punished and I would always see that people would be getting banned for Client Modifications so often, I kid you not, there would be a hacker getting banned every 30 seconds to a minute, I'm not sure if it's still the same as the server is not at its prime anymore, but while I was still staff hackers were sure as hell always getting banned every minute. Which is a good thing that has no problems to it, but it's just embarrassing that the anti-cheat is so terrible it has mods+ ban hackers every minute, plus if it's the first offense then the hacker would just join back after 30 days, or as I said earlier, they'll just join back on an alternate account and continue to hack.

    I don't really have much more time to work on this thread, so I'm just going to leave it at that, basically the moral of the thread is we need a better anti-cheat, we can't just let all this slide because it's not a healthy thing for the server. I know that this thread will most likely be disregarded by the owner and admins, but maybe if we can make this thread hot and have it start to pop out, maybe, just maybe, with a little bit of hope something can be done about this issue. Anyways, if anyone has any questions or is confused about anything I've talked about in this thread just let me know and I'll answer.

    #1 xDaniel, Nov 19, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019
  2. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I'm sure everyone agrees with this. A good anticheat is needed. Please also remember that staff can't affect the anticheat or the schedule for it. It's up to the Owners to improve it. :)
    iluvu, xDaniel, iiSean and 2 others like this.
  3. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Thank you for the detailed thread regarding the anti-cheat, although the points you have made have been brought up countless amount of times by other players in the community, it was an interesting read. As @Timppali stated, staff members don't have control over the anti-cheat. They can only do what they've been instructed to do, and it's fully up to Alex and Vislo to improve the anti-cheat. Although it's constantly being improved, so are hacked clients. I think server-side anti-cheats in general are heavily outdated, because with anti-cheat improvements come hacked client improvements to bypass. Literally 99% of hacked clients' main objective is to bypass. I personally think the solution to the problem are client-side anti-cheats. Although these already exist, (Lunar, PvPTemple, Badlion, etc.), they are not required to join MCC and I personally think it would be the first step towards getting rid of blatant cheaters, my reason for highlighting blatant being the fact that it is still possible to closet cheat on pretty much all client-side anti-cheats. I think MCC's approach to cheaters is to just have a massive staff team, and it seems that has been their ethos since the server was pretty much founded. However, with the server growing, I along with others in the community believe this is no longer the approach they should take. A new improved anti-cheat is definitely needed.
    stiva, xDaniel and iiSean like this.
  4. xDaniel

    Aug 1, 2019
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    I guess I didn’t make this point specific enough in my thread, although, I know the staff can’t control the anti-cheat but just ban the hackers. I used my statements on staff in this thread as just an example of how terrible the anti-cheat is, in my statements regarding staff, I didn’t mean that the staff are, in a way, useless? regarding the anti-cheat. I just used it as an example to further prove my points as why we really need to improve the anti-cheat, and to be honest, I don’t even think the anti-cheat gets worked on anymore. it’s pretty absurd seeing 2 hackers flying around a single game and experiencing 3-4 hackers every lobby I joined for 10 games straight. Also like you stated @nyn I think what everyone really wants is to mainly just get rid of blatant hackers, which is a good point, my point of this thread is just to ask to have a decent enough anti-cheat to stop blatant hackers. Literally a plug-in like NoCheatsPlus can stop people from flying, but AAC can’t? It’s just an outrageous thing, and the down side about this is it’s gone ignored for a long time now, something needs to be done about it ASAP.
    PrimeExamples and Visit like this.
  5. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You want anti-cheat being a hacker on skywars that keeps placing blocks to go to the center going up, just walking backwards and placing blocks without sneaking, just like I saw EssentialsPlus doing, server moderator and using that same hack , I don't know his name of this hack, but because you are never banned, the answer is obvious, because Staff doesn't ban anyone who uses a hack who says he doesn't, and who tries to hide that he uses a hack, and who is high level and addicted too , many who use autoclicker on the server are not banned, autoclicker is the one that has the most in CTF, and what the staff do, do not ban anyone who does the things I mentioned, they will only ban what I didn't mention, they still get in the way to ban sometimes, is that you have to ban some hacks, because if not, discover the secret of you being in favor of some hacks on the server, but that's no use to me, now @nyn, me say, why use this hack on skywars? No telling this is jitterclick as you walk backwards, because I downloaded an autoclicker just to do that, but I exclude later because I'm not stupid, my 15 clicks per second is enough to defeat the lot of weaks that exist on this server, because 0.5% of the server literally beats me without a hack, so I left 50 clicks per second, and I did the same thing as you, and I got a maximum of 10 blocks away in about 200 attempts , as I put it, I end up falling, so you and EssentialsPlus, the only ones I have ever seen using it, who are addicted, high level or staff, do about 200 clicks per second to do that? No, it's really hack, because this EssentialsPlus is very weak in PvP in the matter of clicks and combo, I say the same to another Survival Games hack called bold_as_ice/rumpelstiltskinB, makes impossible hits using the bow, hold the bow for half a second, and the arrow goes very far, taking me 4 hearts, there is also a lot of these bow hacks on the server, sometimes at Murder Mayhem, but it's rarer, and what it does is hit me at impossible distances , for example, 3.5 to 4.0 blocks away, the maximum being 3.0, what it does is also throw me away about 8 blocks away, now you tell me, why is that? Why so many hacks on this server that are not banned? I'm giving up on this server, and @xDaniel, don't waste your time here, don't waste your time doing this topic, because they'll never fix this anti-cheat, they'll just fix it in case they don't want to lose their little server, and be without anyone, is already getting, just wait a little more, get ready, that's why, because a server that is in favor of several hacks, will not do it so fast, so much that has 2 months that do not fix this anti -cheat, then, why don't you deactivate the hack, and do a PvP with me, with my extremely hard mouse to click here, easy win from you, especially on the bow, lmao.

    See, this is the result of being all this time without anti-cheat.
  6. xDaniel

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Autoclicker is not something that can be accurately detected unless you have a very, very good anti-cheat. The only way you can 100% be sure that someone is using an autoclicker is if you freeze them and screenshare them, but I guess most of the times they get away with it because they can just delete it or close it because an autoclicker isn't something implemented into Minecraft, on most occasions people just download an autoclicker from the internet, set the clicks per second and hold down left click, if they get frozen, they'll just close it because it's not Minecraft-side. For the first few sentences of your comment, I can't really understand what you're trying to say? If you're talking about the hack a player uses to constantly place blocks and quickly move to mid or peoples islands, then that is called "Fastbuild" or "Scaffold", and it's just an insane thing to see when the anti-cheat that has been implemented for 2-3 years doesn't stop something like that from happening, there has always been Scaffold or F astbuild hackers in Skywars, but what was really absurd was the hackers using flight in my games yesterday. The anti-cheat we have literally doesn't do anything and the owners need to do something about it ASAP because the were is dying out, 1,000 players on the server are obviously spoofed, which is a sad thing to see because the server use to get around 3-4k players on at there use to be 5k players on at one point and now it just barely reaches 1k players and that's when people from American timezones hop on to play, for me, as an Australian player, there's only like 500 players on the server and probably a good 200 players online are all using hacked clients. As long as the anti-cheat can do something like stop people from BHoping around CTF, flying in Skywars, scaffolding in Skywars... etc, I'll actually be happy to rejoin the community and play again once more, but this issue is just absurd because it's been happening for 2-3 years and the owners can simply fix it by hiring developers who actually know what they're doing and pay them to create a good anti-cheat. I remember prior to the anti-cheat we have now, MCCentral had a couple of developers on here who were creating an anti-cheat for the server, but it got discontinued because they weren't getting the recognition they wanted. Anyways, that's not the point, my point is we should have a good anti-cheat on here to at least stop the blatant hackers on here.
  7. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    @EssentialsPlus and I do not cheat, we both consistently click above 17cps in order to do this, I use Lunar Client and I’m happy to record a mouse-cam video if you would like. This bridging method is called “Breezily Staircasing”, we don’t move straight back, we strafe left to right using our A and D keys to create delay. I’m sorry you believe I cheat, but if you have any requests from me to prove I don’t cheat I will happily do them. Thanks.
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    First off, I'd just like to point out that the flying/speed in minigames was not possible originally, but a few months ago alex decided to change things on the anticheat in minigames to get rid of the lagbacks and freezing people with the rod. Which all he really did was crank down all the settings to practically zero. From what I heard, they switched from AAC to NCP as well. Now hackers can use just about anything without so much as getting kicked. And of course they never even thought to revert the changes temporarily. Which would actually make sense if alex is trying to purposefully abolish minigames, since you said that he mentioned wanting MCC to be a sub-server-only network.

    I personally agree with everything you've said, the anticheat here on MCC is in desperate need of a revamp. It has been neglected for way too long. Everyone says that the owners are swamped with work, but that's really no ones fault but theirs. They've been doing nothing but make bad choices, the disbanding of the dev team being no exception. Even just hiring a few developers to create and maintain an anticheat would be a godsend at this point. MCC is seriously starting to lose its place as a well-established server.

    Let's look at MCSG for comparison, there's already been countless times where they spent 5+ hours at a time testing every nook and cranny of the anticheat. And that's not to count all the player bug reports the devs are flooded with daily and time spent to fix them behind the scenes. This kind of dedication is something that MCCentral desperately needs. MCSG hasn't even gotten out of beta yet and it already has an anticheat hundreds of times better than MCCentral, for a 5+ year old network that is beyond pathetic no matter how you look at it.
  9. xDaniel

    Aug 1, 2019
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    @Ankh I couldn’t agree with you anymore, your statement about MCSG still being in beta mode with an anti cheat 10x better than the anti cheat on MCCentral that has been worked on for 2 years just goes to show how lazy the owners really are, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Alex or Vislo, they’ve worked hard to create this awesome server for everyone to enjoy, but they got lazy after about 2 and a half years of working on MCCentral and now they’ve just let everything they’ve worked hard on go to waste.
  10. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Can agree with you on this. They've just gotten lazier over the years, and they've probably lost their passion for MCC. The only thing they care for now is the income it makes. If this is the case though then they should either sell the server to someone who does care, or hire someone to take over in their absence (as well as re-instating the dev team). The biggest problem is the fact that absolutely no one else can do anything about the current circumstances. No one has access to anything but the two owners, which would be pretty problematic for any major server.
  11. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's really serious that you already started lying to me about the launcher you use, cool in, you use this Lunar Client, and I see Badlion Client wings on you, because I use Badlion, so it started lying.

    This Breezily Staircasing, google it, and it shows "hack", anyway, I did exactly what you said, A and D and it resulted in the same thing using the same autoclicker, but like I said, I always delete after this test, and test offline, that is, second lie like that? Yeah, what to expect from you, isn't it? Or do you use autoclicker making this technique fail? Lmao

    And what do I want to see you recording your mouse for? So that you can record a video using this hack, or what I said above too, then record your mouse pretending to be playing, and why not the mouse and keyboard? Lmao, with each comment you reveal even more that you use hacking or the failed autoclicker technique, but you will never get banned because of everything I said in the other comment, so keep playing, the server is in favor of some hacking really, thats why this server is so empty. LMAO.
  12. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Yes, I have Badlion wings, you can still see them when I'm not on Badlion. I used to use Badlion, now I use Lunar.

    If you want, I can livestream with a mouse-cam, then it can't be faked. I've got nothing to hide.
  13. kikahh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello i also used badlion for a long time but now i changed to Labymod. badlion players can still see my badlion cosmetics even if I'm not playing badlion.
  14. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    What's the difference? you will do the same thing, but in live, you will record a video using the hack, and then will show in livestream pretending to be playing, making the same movements of the video, just a little memory to memorize the movements you made and that's it, and now? Have one more flawed idea to try to prove you don't hack? No, every you say will have at least one way to deceive.
  15. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    It’s live..... you can just ask me to do something and idk what you’re gonna ask me to do so how am I meant to pre-record it?
  16. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Seems like this conversation is getting sidetracked, so I will lock the thread. The original topic is very important but unfortunately there isn't really much use for threads like these, as we are all aware of the issues. It's still important to bring it up from time to time, I agree.

    - Thread Locked
    kikahh likes this.
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