Why the Screen-Share System Doesn't Work.

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by GLOCKPRINCESS, Nov 17, 2019.


    Aug 10, 2019
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    Before I go into the reasons why I think the SS system doesn't work, firstly I'd like to say that I'm not very familiar with the technicalities about how it works or the way anti-cheat does. From my understanding, when someone is suspected of hacking, they are frozen and must share their screen with a staff member on Discord for them to look through their files for hacks. I also know that an anti-cheat system is supposed to automatically detect hacked clients, and punish players accordingly.

    Now, here is why I think this system doesn't work:

    1. Some people don't have Discord. When you're frozen you have to share your screen with a staff member on Discord. What about the population of players who don't have discord, or the younger players who perhaps aren't allowed to get it?
    2. Some people have lagged out during screen-shares. I know, logging out during a screen-share is bannable, but I know several people who have timed/lagged out due to connection issues while being frozen.
    3. It's time consuming. Especially in pvp heavy game-modes, like Kit PvP and Factions, screen-sharing can be time consuming when there are several good pvpers who staff might need to screen-share.
    The obvious solution for this is to...

    Drumroll please...


    Install a better anti-cheat!
    Noobathan, abbs, Falows and 1 other person like this.

    Aug 10, 2019
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    pls don't attack me just my thoughts & idk much about anti-cheat but yea
    Respoke and Falows like this.
  3. Respoke

    Aug 21, 2019
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    Good post, has a lot of points on it which I can agree :)
    Falows and GLOCKPRINCESS like this.
  4. Falows

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Very good post, i agree with every aspect of it. An anti-cheat system is needed
    Respoke and GLOCKPRINCESS like this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! to start off, from the way you described your understanding, it seems to lack some detail. so allow me to tweak what you had said
    yes, when someone is suspected of hacking or when a staff is unsure if a player is hacking they are frozen. yes, the player is frozen and have about 5 min to join the screen sharing discord server which is provided in the information when you get frozen. staff do search through a player’s .minecraft folder to search for a hacked client or something like that. however, sometimes if it’s x-ray they go through texture packs... not every screenshare is the same...
    ** the main point for screenshares is to prevent false bans when a staff is unsure about a suspicious player

    secondly, the anti cheat is not supposed to ban players at all. this is to prevent false bans as anti cheat can be dumb no matter what anti cheat it’d be... the anti cheat only kicks players if it detects hacks in a player....
    so: yes, the anti cheat is made to detect hacks and help keep mcc clean... but no, it is not supposed to punish players, that is a staff’s job whether it’s from a report or a witness.

    now to go through some of your reasons why it doesn’t work :flushed:
    as this is correct, there are a good chunk of players who are under13 or around that who are in the mcc community discord server. as well as, the waiting time gives enough time for a user to create an account and join the server, as it has been done before with some of my friends who has gotten frozen and created a new/alternative discord for the ss processs... as well as, when i was ss’d once i wasn’t logged onto discord on my computer sincerely i had enabled 2FV earlier and had to go through that process and wait for a text on my phone blah blah blah...
    so, creating an account doesn’t take that long and enough time is given...
    as for the players who might not be allowed to create a discord account. i understand this; however, i just think that if a player is allowed to download hacked client or be good at pvp that they are suspected of using hacks or using xray, i’d really think they’d be allowed or at least figure it out... ok i know this logic is flawed, but if you think about a lot of younger players who play minecraft most likely couldn’t be that skilled to be suspected of using a hacked client since most times they kinda “derpy” and/or beginning to learn the ropes of the game if that makes sense.
    but overall, even creating a discord account quickly shouldn’t be too too hard
    ** if once you’re already in the screenshare discord n’ waiting room , and you time out or get disconnected, you can tell the staff member who is ss’ing you and most likely they would say soemthing like, “just don’t close your game and relog back”.. as this has happened to me and it was fine.. i understand that there’s ghost clients n’ such but staff can still find that in the “logs” folder in their .minecraft folder.
    ** if you had not joined the screenshare discord and waiting room, firstly don’t close your game or try to relog.... i’d still suggest joining and then telling the staff member that froze you that you had timed out. depending on the staff and your time to join the ss discord, they can decide if they’d want to proceed with it.. (i have another story :)))) one time when a friend of mine got frozen it was inconvenient timing for him since he had an irl thing he had to go to at that similar timeframe so when he logged out barely real song he had gotten frozen... he was banned, obviously, but then he explained it in his appeal and the ban was reduced to a week.. so...

    another thing, if you disconnect... you can always appeal... the same way you could’ve appealed if you were banned from a witness or a report.
    yes, although screenshares do take a long time (about 45m-1h+) it’s honestly better to go through an hour than a month or two months or 6 months if you were to get banned for hacked client/refusal to join ss.
    many of my prison friends have been falsely banned from before the ss system was was implemented. now, since it had been implemented less of them have been falsely banned.
    this is not much of a solution. higherups are aware of the anticheat and are working on it. however, more n’ different hacked clients are made that sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them for the anticheat to detect. it has improved since july when it was updated so...
    as well as, updating or installing a new anticheat isn’t a solution, as i mentioned. the anticheat doesn’t ban players, it only kicks players to prevent legit players from being banned. screensharing legit players does have its pros and con, but better than getting falsely punished from an anticheat bot w/ no evidence n’ whatnot.
    but overall, an anticheat wouldn’t really do a whole lot to the issues you pointed out.

    hope this mentioned all your points.
    have a great day!
    Zonafer and stiva like this.
  6. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Hello marbellaa! There is quite a difference between screensharing and anticheat and both have different benefits and risks. Before I continue, I would like to first state that it is common knowledge at this point that the server needs a better AC, but this also does not replace the validity or importance of screensharing at all. While an AC should be built at the least to deal with fly hacking and KA, other checks are more difficult to create without the potential to false flag based on connection, as delayed hits or kb could quickly hit you with a false ban (as they can on pvpland), whereas AGC is much more difficult to be false banned on due to connection, but in its process of minimizing false bans it also can drastically lengthen the time it takes to ban cheaters depending on the type of cheat or its settings. Its also worth noting that both of the servers which utilize the aforementioned ACs are practice pvp only servers, and also have devs which are very experienced in advanced cheating and its detections. Even still, these servers have screensharing because an AC is not meant to solve all of staffs problems, it is just meant to minimize them. I do not think MCC will ever have an anticheat to the level of AGC but it is so customized for its server that I am not sure how something like that could transfer when pvp is different even from arena to arena on the same subserver, although granted it doesn't need to. Ssing is important because it removes most doubt from the player depending on how good the SS is and what detections are up, and it more importantly will not result in a false ban. If mcc tried to detect reach and clickers it would absolutely do more harm than good without a ton of resource investment, and in my opinion I do not think it should try to (especially since the team got Paladin after a conference or two ago I believe, which is a premium ss tool that pretty much detects everything (and is updated to catch up with drip and vape lite as well) <3 @DeathStrokeDevil gj on that)). The anticheat should absolutely be improved you are right, but a screenshare is integral to catching the more crafty cheaters. I hope this helped! If you have any questions or disagreements please quote me c:

    PS: the problems you mentioned with SSing are unfortunate, but the player (if recording) should not have any problems regarding evading an SS, especially if they rec as it happens and have joined appropriately. Game restarts are really the only issue in this regard. There of course may be false bans because of how leaving SS works, but a player is likely only going to be frozen if there is reasonable suspicion and of course some cheaters are not confident in their ability to bypass so they will make an excuse to attempt circumventing it. I think because of this and the prerequisite for a freeze you are giving those who are frozen a bit too much credit here.

    PS 2: Especially with the tool above actual SS time is drastically reduced so that is not really a concern either.

    #6 iluvu, Nov 17, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
    EssentialsPlus likes this.
  7. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Apologies for a few typing errors in the above post, my phone typing is very poor
    EssentialsPlus likes this.
  8. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    I thought someone was going to address this post but since nobody else took the time I would like to respond to it myself as there were a few issues I noticed with it.

    1) A staff is often going through much more than that, those are just the most basic forms of file searching. Cheating at this point has advanced far past that and Paladin / process hacker as well as a few other routes (if the cheater does not know what they are doing / forgot about an area of their pc) are the only way you're going to find a cheater who isn't blatant or has a terrible client, which is usually what the point of SS is for (aside from freezing someone who they are 98% on being blatant and just do not want to bother recording as it achieves the same goal).

    2)This is the reason I felt there would be a response to this & why I feel the need to, an anticheat is absolutely supposed to ban players..? If you look at MMC, Velt, pvpland, hypixel, etc, etc, etc, they all ban and for a reason.. an anticheat is pretty worthless if it only kicks, the most that does is makes players turn down their settings, which not only makes them harder to record / detect but also allows them to stay on the server which is the real problem with this. Of course you want to ensure that your anticheat is not false banning players otherwise it should not be implemented of course, but an anticheat that only kicks? Imagine what a server like hypixel would be like if that was the case (have you seen its monthly ban count?). I don't know if this is your personal stance or what someone has instilled in you, but I do hope you reconsider your position of what you feel an anticheat should do because that definition is certainly not healthy.

    I think I inadvertently addressed the other points in my response to Marbellaa, but I just felt that point #2 should really be stated here so that is the reason for this post. If you still disagree please discuss it with me!
    GLOCKPRINCESS likes this.
  9. Hey Marb!

    So ill just input my opinion on this one. Before the screen-sharing system is installed, a few years back, players who were really suspicious were banned instantly with no screen-sharing. This obviously led to rare mistakes as we cannot be sure entirely that the specific player was hacking or not. The screen-share system was introduced in order to allow players who we think are suspicious to prove their legitimacy and prevent false bans. I understand that there are some players that do not have discord but it is the most efficient system which most of the community uses. In my opinion, there are no better options than this. Now lets go onto the second point. People obviously lag out during screen-shares and thats tough, but it also needs to be understood that some may intentionally leave the screen-share to remove all the hacks they were using. This would prevent us from finding the said hacks and allow the suspect to leave.

    I would like to say that anti-cheats are not the answer to screen-shares. Most people we choose to screen-share are not at all blatant and most use ghost clients // closet hacks. This would bypass the basic anti-cheats installed on most of the big minecraft servers. Anti-cheats often only catch people who are extremely obvious such as fly, B-Hopping, or obvious Kill-Aura.

    Furthermore, screen-shares are nothing special on MC-Central. Most of the PvP based minecraft based servers also have screen-shares. I do not see the point in removing screen-sharing

    I would have to -1 on this idea

    - Recrement // Thread Disagreed!
    puposaurus likes this.

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