Skyblock Season 9 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by KierenBoal, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    • That time of year is coming again!
    • New season!
    • New features!
    • More grinding!
    • Active KierenBoal!
    This mega thread is a detailed list of things that I believe could/should be added for Sky Blocks next season - season 9!
    Season 8 started off with a bang! A HUGE player count with never before seen numbers! Skyblock 1 frequently hitting the max player count, forcing the player cap to be raised!
    Heres hoping for a wicked season 9 - with a longer lasting and more fun playtime!

    Comment on this thread to post your opinions and ideas!
    If you disagree with any suggestions made, please make a comment, I'd love feedback!

    Below is a list of my ideas and suggestions - please take them with a grain of salt. Just because I'm suggesting them doesn't mean it will happen or is going to happen. They are simply suggestions!

    Allow custom island intreactions:
    Add either pre-set options, or the ability to run a command to allow players to interact with certain blocks on your island.
    An example would be allowing players to break Melons/Pumpkins on your island, to allow players to make public farms.
    The interaction permissions would be: USE and BREAK.
    USE stone button, would allow players to press stone buttons, but not break them.
    BREAK Melon would allow players to break melon blocks.

    Other permissions, if possible: Allow/Deny Flight, Allow/Deny PvP

    Introduce a 'Digital' currency - Island Upgrade points:
    The idea of this currency would be to stop players progressing purly from AFK,
    As well as stops players from simply 'buying' their way to the top.
    Tokens have worked OK, but, as we quickly saw, the price of tokens became unsustainable
    as the top players would dictate the price. This discouraged new players from competing,
    as they would literally have no chance of making enough money to buy or use tokens.

    Island Upgrade points would be gained from any of the following:
    -Killing mobs (not AFK)
    -Farming Crops (not AFK)
    -Mining Cobblegen (not AFK)

    • Island Upgrade points would be part of upgrading the island. (IE: 5 Island upgrade points + $10,000 to increase the spawner cap)
    • Island Upgrade points are NONE tradable. You can not /withdraw the points. You can not sell the points.
    • Island Upgrade points are NOT shared. IE: You have your own personal stash of points. Not shared between island members.
      This means, if you want to upgrade something, ONE person has to get that many points.
    • Leaving an island will remove your current points. (Island upgrades don't reset, just your personal points).
      This will stop people grinding alts and using the points to upgrade their island.
    • Players joining your island must wait 24 hours after joining before they can spend any points that they create.
      This is to reduce players paying players to join their island for a few hours to grind points.
    • If a player is cooped, they will only earn points for their own island. Not yours.

    Add Island Aliases:
    Much like /p alias set [name], create: /is alias [name].

    Add Island Custom Description:
    Let us custom name our island on our skull on /is top.
    The tag could show as either the name of the skull, or in the lore of the skull.

    Force public warps:
    To show up on top islands, you must have a [welcome] sign.
    As of the past few seasons, over 50% of the top islands have no warp.
    Makes it disappointing when you click a skull and can't see their island!

    Buff Token Droprates:
    Increase the speed at which tokens are farmed. (Droprates to be revised)
    Revise which crops give best tokens. Shuffle it up again.

    Revise Eco:
    Change the prices of all mob drops and farmable items again.

    Add token drops to mobs:
    Each mob to have a custom drop rate to give tokens.
    The worse the loot from the mob, the better the token drop rate. (Profit VS Tokens)

    Revise token prices for spawners:
    Reduce overall token price for spawners
    Make some of the "Junk" spawners have a much lower token requierment
    Have a "Free" teir of spawners that doesn't need any tokens. (It would be a very junk spawner)
    NOTE: If island upgrade points are added, tokens will not inflate as horribly as they previously did.

    Add "Stacked Items":
    I wrote a plugin to stack items to reduce lag.
    Can be set to just stack certain items, like mob loot and cactus, for example.
    This would once again allow players to make cactus farms. A long, rewarding grindy process.
    Example of plugin:

    Buff Cactus Farms:
    Completely Gut sand physics (Like in creative)
    Increase the price of Cactus in the shop.
    This will allow compact cactus farms, and make an alternative money maker for rookies.

    Remove hopper crafting:
    Yep, like previous seasons, make hoppers non-craftable.
    Hoppers must be obtained via voting or from the shop for $2,500 each.

    Severly reduce hopper cap:
    Currently players make HUGE arrays of hoppers. HUGE.
    This is not how Skyblock should be.
    The hopper cap, at MOST should be 250 hoppers.
    We used to live with 100 hoppers back in seasons 1-4. Don't need 5000 hoppers - it is excessive.
    Like, seriously, look at how silly this is...

    More options for island upgrades:
    Add the option for us to add arbitrary costs for island upgrades.
    • Some upgrades could cost just cash.
    • Some upgrades could cost tokens + cash.
    • Some upgrades could cost xp levels.
    • Some upgrades could cost Island Upgrade points.

    More island upgrades:
    • Island-wide Beacon effects
    • Island-wide custom potion effects, like night vision.
    • Island-wide token buff. (% chance for extra tokens) - this works good with public farms! Players can use your island for better token rates!

    Update Custom enchants:
    Reduce token cost to 15 tokens and add a cost of 35 XP levels.
    All books should always be given at Level 1 - Meaning you can NOT receive Strength II, you must get two Strength I books and combine them.

    Add more custom enchants:
    • Token Luck I, II, III - Chance to double token loot from Mobs/Crops. Can be put on any tool.
    • Mending I, II - Repairs 1 durability per XP recieved. (Mending 2 = 2 durability per XP, which is the same as 1.10 mending)
    • Island Point Luck - Chance to double island points recieved.
    • Auto Pickup - Automatically Puts blocks mined in your inventory

    Add /warp blocks:
    This warp replaces /warp cobblegen, this warp has a free-to-use cobblegen.

    The cobblegen is not 3x3x3, it is 32x3x1. Like a long wall.
    The cobble gen would not respawn every second, but instead respawn every 5-10 seconds.
    There are themed rooms (Bianca has volunteered to build these!)
    Each room has a entry fee. Once inside, you can mine as much as you want.
    Each room is themed. IE: Sea Blocks, Nether Blocks, Mesa Blocks.
    While in the room, commands are restricted. (/back, /tpahere, /tphere, /chest) to stop you abusing the room.
    You can use a provided enderchest, but NOT /chest perks. (This stops players coming in and taking 2 double chests + inv + ender chest of blocks)
    All blocks obtainable via these generators would no longer be avalaible to buy from /shop.

    Update Harvest hoe:
    Interacting with Pumpkins or Melons should instantly mine them.
    Breaking melon/pumpkin stems should be canceled.
    Interacting with Huge Mushroom blocks should instantly mine them.
    Should automatically break and re-plant cocoa beans on interaction.
    Interacting with ice should automatically instantly mine and silk-touch it.
    If sugarcane is broken, if there is dirt direclty under it, do not break the block! (Stops you accidentally breaking your source block)
    Create tiered harvest hoes. (Nurf HH from Fortune III, to Fortune II - A harvest hoe with NO fortune is BETTER than using a pickaxe with Fortune III and manuallt replanting!)
    • Wooden Harvest Hoe, from voting. Has no Fortune. (Rare)
    • Iron Harvest Hoe, from ancient key has Fortune I. (Common)
    • Diamond Harvest Hoe, from myth keys has Fortune II. (Rare)

    Modify Max Island Size:
    Max island size should be 200x200, NOT 300x300, as 300x300 becomes too daunting and discourages players to continue.
    Island size should start off smaller, 75x75.
    Move islands closer together. I think they are currently 500 blocks apart. They should be 225 blocks apart. Allowing us to once again have island neighbours!

    Modify Lore on Mob Spawners in /shop:
    Expliclty declare loot rate and average profit per drop

    Update Coinflips:
    Add a configurable house edge. IE: 10% of the 'pot' goes to the house. (A $100,000 coinflip. The winner gets $90,000, and the 'house' gets $10,000)
    Add a Loss Top to show biggest looser.
    Add more explicit output when winning/loosing a CF
    • "You LOST your conflip against alex_markey"
    • "alex_markey gained $90,000"
    • "You lost $50,000"
    • "$10,000 was kept by the house"

    Revert "Locked island" behavior:
    In the past, Locked islands would PUSH you away from the island with velocity.
    Now you just get sent to /spawn. This means trying to fly around and find islands is impossible.
    If its reverted, it was a fun thing to do! Fly around and find islands.

    Hype up the reset!:
    Days before the reset, every night, post one cool teased feature!
    "You guys ready for Season 9?! We are adding custom island permissions! Yee-haw!"
    This will create hype for the season, and bring in more players.

    Release the changelog 24 hours early:
    24 hours before release, release the changelog so people can prepare! (Also HYPEEEE)

    Make Skyblock spooky again!:
    Falling off your island you should loose items!
    Add a sign to the starter island to say "Warning! You loose items if you fall off!"

    Make a more fun /warp pvp:
    Floating round island, with small islands over the sides. Kinda a homage to older seasons.
    Black square in picture is nether portal, where you spawn when typing /warp pvp.
    Island would be atleast 5x5 chunks big.
    Barriers around the sides to prevent knocking off the edges.
    Smaller floating islands you can fall off the edge. (Perhaps 'clouds' made of glass below that you can try land on if you get knocked off!)
    Envoy chests would spawn anywhere between the floating islands and the main island.

    Dissalow rookies breaking spawners:
    Give a message to the rookie and stop the spawner from breaking.
    "Sorry, but rookies can't break spawners! If you break it, you will lose it! [Click to allow breaking spawners]"
    A message could also suggest going to the store to buy a rank to allow you to keep spawners.

    Nurf Sell wand usage:
    With hopper limit being reduced, reduce the uses that sell wands get.
    This will encourage more people to vote for sell wands, and or people to make profit shops.

    Add /Chest 3, /chest 4, and /Chest 5:
    As a Perk from Ancient/Myth key.
    /Chest 1 & 2 perk should be split into /chest 1, /chest 2 perk.
    These perks could simply be called "Extra chest", which increments how many virtual chests you have unlocked.
    Anyone with /chest 1 & 2 perk automatically should have 2 chests unlocked.
    You need to claim 5x chest perks to have all 5 virtual chests unlocked. (3 if you already have chest 1 & 2)

    Let us rename our virtual chests:
    "/chest rename 3 &eBuilding Blocks"
    Naturally, you must have the chest unlocked to rename it.

    Add an Event world:
    Like the event world on Factions so we can host Skyblock events!

    Nurf /fix all:
    -Only allow /fix hand
    -/fix hand should cost 1 token for Bedrock+
    -/fix hand should cost 3 tokens for non Bedrock.

    Add /smelt:
    Turns smeltable items into smelted items. Should cost coal per 8 items.

    Add Fortune V book to ancient/myth chest:
    A reward that will help mining diamonds/emerald blocks to be more profitable!
    Fortune IV should be obtainable via Envoys.

    Add Looting X book to ancient/myth chest:
    A reward that will make manually grinding mobs even more worth it. (Looting X to be revised!)
    Looting VI should be obtainable via Envoys

    Add mystery spawner to Vote Chest rewards:
    Nice insentive to vote!

    Add Chunk Loaders:
    I know they caused issues. But eh, maybe we can try again!

    Update Treasure chests:
    Explicit output what loot you got.
    • "Nice, you got a RARE Harvest hoe!"
    • "Awesome, you got a LEGENDARY Chunk Loader!"
    • "Cool! You got a Common Money Sack!"

    Add rename scrolls:
    The new rename scrolls from survival!
    Add them, but with different usage amounts.

    Modify Spawner drops:
    Iron golems to drop Iron from AFK.
    Pigman to only drop GOLD from AFK.
    Villagers to drop Emeralds from AFK. (lower rates)
    We'd need to re-value what points Iron, Gold and Emeralds give due to them being easier to obtain.

    Update Diamond and Sponge values (if above is added):
    With AFK value being obtainable, Diamonds and Sponges should be the best value to effort ratio of placing blocks.
    They will not be the best value to money ratio.

    Add a head shop:
    Premium shop that you can spend tokens in, add custom heads. Things like mini-blocks and stuff. Decoration blocks only.

    Make Envoy more frequent:
    Every 2 hours, instead of every 4.
    Rewards would need to be nurfed to reflect this.
    Envoy chests to spawn every 30 seconds, and last for 10 minutes. (that's 20 chests)

    Reduce chance of Spawner theft:
    Store a list of every spawner placed.
    Store the UUID of the person who placed the spawner, and its location.
    When mining a spawner, unless YOU placed it, or YOU are the island owner, cancel the event.
    This will stop coops and island members from stealing spawners.
    (Staff bypass this rule)

    That's all for now! Leave comments below with what you love, hate, or would change!
    All opinions and suggestions are welcomed and valued!
  2. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    Screw that hopper cap. I think tokens do enough to limit insane growth. With a 250 cap, it's impossible to have a system that goes overnight, and at some point it actually becomes impossible to collect fast enough in the first place.

    Speaking of hoppers, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE edit the setting on the chestshop plugin that doesn't allow hoppers to pull from shop chests. They currently can only push to them.

    This would allow
    -Not having a million sell signs
    -Profit shops to be set up to flow bottom (even if half cleared), reducing signs and making them simpler to use
    -Cool things like an auto furnace hooked to a cobble sell chest and a stone buy chest.

    If people are worried about hoppers removing items form protected chests, you can still add a private sign to the same chest and it will prevent it.
    The only case this applies is coops, as island members have access to all shop chests.
  3. Zebra

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Great update... /key? o.O
    Kyee__ and iiSean like this.
  4. 0997

    Jul 23, 2019
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    On the 'revise treasure chest', change up the rewards completely; IE when you have voted one day and all you get are 4x 25XP, it takes the excitement out of the voting. On this, have an explicit percentage per item, out of 100. Such as the mentioned 'mystery spawner', has a 0.5% chance of recieving, but $500 has a 25% chance, etc.
    Within the treasure chests, I personally would like to see the Lore of some of the tools/armor, such as the Mythical armor - currently, it only states it is a rare reward from the chest, but I'd think seeing what the enchantments on the piece are before you use keys to try to get it.

    Also, I plug for this every season, but McMMO credits to enhance PvP, or just general gameplay. Do not have McMMO credits available to buy in shop, but only by grinding through usage - Axe points from harvesting trees OR killing players with an axe. Within this, you could have many different sub-sections, such as Unarmed, or Agriculture (the bonus for this would be turning dirt into grass).

    Receiving keys from mobs: This is a major update and most likely won't be put into season 9, but when killing mobs manually, have a chance to drop Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Legendary keys - like the treasure chest keys, but the rewards are tiered in a different manner, with Legendary keys having a chance to receive mid-to-late game items; 5x Mystery Spawner, or stacks of tokens, or even, Armor on a similar level as Mythical armor ==> this gives people who aren't able to pay with "irl money" an extra thing to work towards.

    If anyone needs anymore detail on my suggestions, dm me on discord @Jeepers1#5378
  5. prominer10

    Aug 25, 2019
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    Hey, love those ideas but maybe we can add more stuff in the voting keys, the spawners and the ancient key for epic is good but maybe 200k for a epic as balance. The legendary 2K balance must be 20K because 2K is nothing let stay the sell wands and make it 4 diamond blocks not 2. Maybe you could add some speed pots for legendary 3 speed pots level 2 for the envoys and 5 tokens to earn. For the rare is was thinking for doing 10K, a sell wand of 50 uses just an idea. For the common only make it 1K balance you can earn.
    Hope that this are good ideas!

    Kind regards
  6. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Nice Ideas! I hope a lot of these actually get
    incorporated! GG!
  7. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Kieren, thanks for the dope thread every season!

    I'd like to touch on the hopper ideas. As we go further and further into each new season, the amount of spawners people have is simply ridiculous. Back in Season 4, the most spawners I can remember someone having is probably DRegi with 250 zombies or Th3GirlWhoWaited with ~250 pigmen. 250 hoppers would have been a good amount during this time, but you have to remember that we simply aren't in those times anymore.

    Players hit 5000 spawners this season, and if I remember correctly, over 20,000 high tier spawners last season. A crazy amount of hoppers is needed for that amount of spawners.

    I think a good fix to this would be making hoppers sellable in /shop again, worth $10,000 (adjustable), as players cant get a crazy amount of hoppers without spending a good chunk of their money first. Either this, or possibly make them cost a token per.

    Thanks for the amazing thread, good luck everyone in the next season :)
  8. Zebra

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Agree with you, I love the 250 hopper cap because this season was a whole wreck with p2w players having a shit ton of spawners, ruining /baltop and having a stupid amount of money. <billions!> The one thing I 100% disagree with is adding chunk loaders. This isn't a good idea because nowadays people have hundreds of myth keys and this will just have people making hundreds of millions without afking and discourage new players to go for island top.

    Having hoppers 10k each is a simple yet quite effective move that'll fix a problem in the skyblock eco. Good idea Carter!

    Theres going to be a lot of competition this season and many new features. Good luck to all!
  9. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey @KierenBoal

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I am much more lazy then you :D

    So I will not respond to every idea but you know I will say what stood out to me. Just to say though thanks for making so many ideas for Skyblock Season 9, I am personally pretty excited for that time of year which is playing Skyblock with like 500 players at a time lol. Anyway anyway.

    For the first one I think this would be very useful and 100% think it should be added for like events, collaboration spaces etc.

    About Aliases literally why isn’t that already a thing on Skyblock? Like seriously why is it the first few letters on your name which could get stolen by a name change? Especially with names like mine which is ___ or things like Xx_.

    Stacked items will be useful to see how full your inventory will be as well as how much your getting.

    About the whole CF thing not entirely sure the point of this so called “house”.

    I think if chest 3, 4 and 5 was added to a the /chest perk then I think we should 100% be able to change the names of each virtual chest. If only kept as two I think it would be pretty easy to organise without names.

    About the whole “Sneak Peek each day before reset” I think it would be really cool. However it is a bit late for this but is something I would really like to see in future resets. There were some things that have been told before Change log and reset like Skyblock Tokens being added and 1.12 being added on Survival but yeah I think leaking small changes would add a lot of hype.

    Something I liked about the recent Survival reset was people in the lobby discussing new changes from change log whilst waiting for reset in Spleef, PVP, Parkour etc. It was really fun to share thoughts on what you are and aren’t excited for. Then again you can discuss things like, “Do you think they will add this?” “Ooh we will see!”

    Treasure chests output will be cute! +1 to that.

    I think the rename scrolls from survival are just one of those things that will just work it’s way to other servers like unlimited Baltop pages starting Survival then prison and sky block etc.

    I always feel bad for when rookies break spawners unaware of the coal+ thing so I think they should definitely add a warning but not a full prevention if it is genuinely in there way. Or they just could remove that perk?

    A heads shop similar to Survival would be very cool. Something I think skyblock should have.

    About /smelt, just why? If it is a ranked thing maybe but for all players and cost 8 coal just.... make a furnace?

    Anyway they are my thoughts.
    Looking forward to seeing you at the reset Kieren.
    Huge thanks for efforts once again
    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best :D
    MCC Community Member

  10. Horace_Altman

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I will just say a few things

    Add farming MCMMO. It was fun and amazing to play with on factions and I wished it returned to the server. It would also allow for farming later in the season I could even see a end of season reward (Buycraft) since skyblock is really a lot about grinding. If not that at least some type of farming leader-boards.

    Another thing is about the pvp. Sadly I talked to Alex and looks like pvp can't really be in the air as an island. I was sad too but I do think the new pvp will make people generally happier. I'd like to see a change for this next next season (Skyblock 10.0) because honestly skyblock just makes sense to have pvp in the sky.. I think you talked about a way for people not to suicide off the edge as if you did the player who killed you would get your gear anyway. But I also think we have to think about Knock back swords and Punch bows. Honestly they should be disabled completely as it would just be far to unfair.

    Another thing that I'd like to see changed is the lobby layout. I understand having a square lobby is simpler BUT having a spread out spawn would just look.. better we are one of the biggest servers on MInecraft and I wanna be able to explore a bit more when I first log onto the season. I'd be fine with building it but again I just don't want more square spawns they are starting to blend from season to season. (Suggestion for Skyblock 10.0)

    Noah | Horace_Altman
    MCC SrMod
    MCC Ex-Builder
  11. astralis

    Nov 20, 2019
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    I would love to see a level-able harvest hoe similarly to the one currently on Factions.
    As well as a level-able or upgrade-able melon axe with the same concept; if melons play a key role in the economy.
  12. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    For the hopper... Don't make it pay to get them as it's a early game automating. But make it use sky tokens if you want to craft/get more then 25

    Get rid of the harvest hoe and have the server install a harvest mod so people can right click to harvest with your hand and replant straight away

    Install a fast leaf decay so leafs will instantly decay giving drops

    But i love the idea of sections at spawn for mining thou.

    Going back to the harvest and trees... People spent too much time replanting and waiting for the leafs to decay
  13. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heyo all skyblock players,

    Thanks first of all to Kieren for making a lovely post about all the upcoming changes to season 9 of skyblock.
    Here are my view of some of the changes:

    Warp Changes:
    - Warp blocks is a wonderful idea but maybe you need to include something where instead of specific cost per entry, there would also be a cheaper system to purchase entry for a day/week/month or something similar

    Spawner Changes:
    - Thank you for implementing something to stop players afking and being top islands because of it
    - Not sure if token rates need to be buffed a lot with the introduction of a digital currency
    - If mobs drop tokens it would be nice but maybe also add it so they drop island upgrade points.
    - Tiered spawners is a great way to help newish players make money/tokens before reaching the top spawners
    - Stacked items is a great idea to help reduce lag faced when islands get so many spawners. e.g the top island in sb1 currently still lags me when I have toggled glass spawners
    - Hopper crafting. Not sure about this. Maybe another solution is to have a certain amount of hoppers free (100). Then each 10-25 a player purchases the price gets increasing higher. If you need to buy hoppers, players who get further into the season will be able to create large hopper storages as seen in the image.
    - Sell wands may be reduced but I think only slightly. I was to get around this is to have an alt create signs to buy for free and have your main buy and sell and full profit goes to them.
    - Spawners in vote crates, Nice
    - Spawner theft is annoying and implementing this system which is similar to the one in facs would be a good deterrent for players to stop stealing

    Island Changes:
    - Love the change of allowing players to interact with items such as buttons. Allows for more builds at warps.
    - Alias's and Custom Descriptions +1
    - I like if you were able to have beacon effects all over the island or potion effects. This will help in not having to make multiple beacon towers all over an island to have the effects.
    - Yes, custom enchants did cost way too much especially when we got later into the season. This change also helps give exp another use.

    Player gameplay changes:
    - I love this idea of adding tiered HH. HH are so useful and replanting manually is a pain. I like people being able to get a hh from a vote key.
    - Modifying lore for spawners would be good.
    - Adding this 'house' will stop reduce the profits of players who don't do anything and just cf. However, if there are 4 lines of messages, wouldn't that be a pain if you constantly do cf's as it would spam the chat. Maybe you should consider adding a toggle on these notifications. Love loss top. Gets to see who has the worst luck in cf.
    - New /chest is interesting but do you really need 5 double chests full of virtual storage?
    - /smelt will accompany /block very nicely
    - Fortune 5 and Looting 10 would be a massive competition and I am looking forward to see how much these books will sell for or if they will even want to be sold.
    - I like adding a /headshop for specialized heads

    PVP changes:
    - Yes, pvp was way too small for envoy and making it bigger allows more players to have the opportunity to receive rewards from envoys
    - Nerfing /fix all is great for pvpers
    - Envoy I feel should be a little quicker as 30 seconds allows 1 player to potentially receive all the rewards in one envoy

    Sorry for this extremely long post about most of the Skyblock changes however all this is doing is to provide more information on some changes that may work and may not. Feel free to quote this to help Season 9 Skyblock be the best season.

    Thanks, Olli
  14. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    There's a lot of good things and improvements going on here, and I enjoyed reading up on it. I don't have a lot to talk about but these are the things that I found interesting.

    Digital Currency
    The island upgrade points like was stated will help with afking. I really like that idea and skyblock probably or won't be an afk battle for who has more alt accounts or money. I don't believe that cobblegen farming isn't an afk thing. I'm pretty sure you can tape your mouse down and let it run, but I could be mistaken. Other than that, farming and mob grinding is definitely not an afk thing and that is good on you guys!
    Adding more options to tokens and raising its drop rates will really be nice. Farming was the way for tokens but now maybe mob grinding will be, and I like the profit vs tokens idea. Having a trade off over money or spawners is interesting. Including a CE for the tokens is nice, too.
    I'm not much of a PVPer, but the new arena sounds awesome! It was pretty small before and 5x5 chunks is fairly big. It add a bit more spice to the envoys. Hopefully it looks as nice as you guys make it sound!
    Chunk Loaders
    I don't like the sound of this!
    Quality of Life
    Hopefully MCC won't be lag haven anymore, but I appreciate you guys tweaking the small stuff, like renaming chests, custom island interactions, and aliases. This really shows how much the people who work on this server care and listen to the community.

    That's all I got! Don't forget, it's a great day to be you! Smile lots, be happy!

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