What would you like to see added/changed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LendingGalaxy, Nov 8, 2019.

  1. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Hello, this is a quick one but what would you guys like to see be added or changed? Maybe I’ll re go over them if I like them! Please leave some in the comments
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello galaxy! this post seems kinda vague from the way you added it... but...
    to be one of those people i’d like to see a reset reset in prison xP
    okie.. alongside w/ that, possibly quests, tokens to maybe not break the economy as much :FluShEd:
    some other things like more n’ better maps for skywars and team skywars...

    i could probably list many things i’d like to see be added and things to go; however, i know that a lot of those things wouldn’t happen as it wouldn’t be realistic do to how a subserver works/is and/or other community members have already -1’d them..

    thanks man for creating this post for the community to share their ideas. i appreciate it a lot :D
    have a great day
    iiSean likes this.
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    There's a few main things that I would like to see changed/implemented on the server:

    1. AntiCheat - Has been a major issue on the server for literal years now. And the latest update, which made it so speed/flight is now possible in minigames, did not help things any. I personally believe that they should be investing into hiring a new dev team to create and maintain a custom-made AntiCheat, instead of using one off of spigot that anyone can buy for a few bucks. But hey, what do I know about running servers lmao.

    2. Minigame Updates - Minigames have been getting neglected for years, with little to no updates being made whatsoever (aside from the AntiAntiCheat update, which just made everything even worse). Personally I would like to see some time put into revamping minigames as a whole, as well as add a lot of new maps. There is no lack of maps, people have been Submitting/Suggesting maps ever since the new forums were released. There's really no reason that new maps shouldn't be getting added, aside from genuine laziness. Also a change to the backend that makes it possible for players and staff to join ongoing minigames, so they can spectate a game or a suspicious player, if needed.

    3. Rules - A lot of the rules are very vague, and don't really explain in too much detail what counts as breaking a rule or not. I've seen quite a few people complain over punishments they recieved for breaking a rule when they didn't break it, if that makes sense. If you want to see an example of vague rules, take a look at my punishment history (banned for "death trapping" in Survival Games :joy:). Not saying I didn't deserve it, but what I did to get banned wasn't listed anywhere in the rules. There was never even a mention of it in the Discord #announcements. And after banning me for it, it still hasn't even been updated to be included in the rules. I know that it's not possible to include every single situation in the rules, but they should be trying to include as many as possible. Especially if they're going to be literally banning people for these "situations". Also another thing is that nowhere is it mentioned that ALL instances are taken seriously, even if it's meant as a joke (excluding DDoS/DOX threats, the only place where this is mentioned). So even if, for example, someone says something rude to their friend as a joke, boom; smacked with a day+ long mute. There is absolutely no harm in adding 1-2 lines at the top of the rules that says you can still be punished even if it was meant as a joke.

    4. Hackers - One of, if not the biggest issue on the server currently. While the issue isn't as big on sub-servers, hackers practically run the minigames. Reasons being there is a huge lack of effort put into the anticheat, resulting in almost every hack imaginable being used without limitations. That and the fact that there is pretty much no way to get them banned, aside from reporting (which can take a few hours to even a few days before you get a reply, making it essentially useless). Staff can't teleport into running games, so even if you do tell a staff member about them there is absolutely nothing they can do about it, aside from spend 15-30 minutes sitting in the minigame waiting lobby hoping to run into them by chance. This is nothing but a waste of time that they could be using elsewhere. It would be nice if we could see a more strict system put in place to prevent hackers and ban evasion. Firstly, the ban durations for client modifications are way too lenient; they should be changed from 30-60-perm to 60-perm. This would result in alts being banned for twice as long, so there would be a lot less of them in circulation at any given point in time. Both that and they would be permanently banned after 2 bans instead of 3. Because let's be honest, if someone hacks on the server and does it again after they are given a second chance, they clearly don't care, and don't deserve to be playing on the server. Though it could also be a rule that your first offence can be reduced to 30 days or less if you make an appeal with a sincere apology. And lastly, the way IP bans are handled should be changed, which brings us into the last point.

    5. IP-Bans - With the way things are at the moment with Ban Evasion, you're supposed to be IP-Banned after you've been banned on 3+ accounts on the same IP Address. But from what I see this rarely happens, as IP bans will only happen if a) the player/staff that is reporting/banning them specifically requests for their IP to be checked, or b) a Senior Moderator+ has banned them, and has decided to check their IP for whatever reason. I believe that an automatic IP-Banning system should be implemented, which automatically bans an IP once it has 3 actively banned accounts connected to it. This would not only make ban evasion a lot less common, but it would also makes things a lot easier on the Senior Moderators who no longer need to manually check IPs, as well as all the staff that need to keep endlessly punishing these ban evaders.

    Anyways that's what I would like to see implemented. Thanks for taking the time to read it, if you did.
    #3 Ankh, Nov 8, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
    iluvu and Prismane like this.
  4. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey! i’d like to see.. more active staff, better anticheat & supposably a new subserver & minigames
  5. SweOres

    Aug 28, 2019
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    I want that they update maps on survival games and skywars!
  6. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I would love for CakeWars to be revived again, it was an amazing mode and now it’s practically dead and that saddens me and not only me but also others in the community. I think the first step towards this would be improvements to the anti-cheat, followed by revamps of ALL minigames, including new maps and modes. I know this would take a while, I think the staff are under a tremendous amount of pressure and we/us as a community just need to be patient.
    stiva likes this.
  7. Kingerr_

    Nov 14, 2019
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    I think that adding the points system that was used in the Hive.mc would be an great addition to the hunger games servers.
    It was a way for players to show off their points while also having a larger goal to work for. Adding this feature will also bring players back to SGwho may have left it and are looking for the same experience that they once had.
    #7 Kingerr_, Nov 14, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2019
  8. stiva

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i’d personally really like to see some new minigame maps because they haven’t been updated in quite a while so that’d be pretty nice if it were to happen and i’d also like to see a better anticheat although it’s already a topic that has already been brought up in multiple threads and a couple of the posts above but anywho thanks for posting this thread!
    W5vil and sinderr like this.

    Aug 10, 2019
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    better anti-cheat and the removal of coin-flipping and tokens in sky block.
  10. sinderr

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I think quests for things like factions, and skyblock better and newer maps for skywars and survival games.
    And in prison 1 (My main) better rewards from chest envoys, it will increase motivation for people.
    W5vil likes this.
  11. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Like that a lot, at first chest envoys are somewhat worth it but by the late game, there is no point to go for them. Pretty much useless at the end of the season.

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