The definitive guide to making money (SEASON 7.0)

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by 68i, Nov 9, 2019.


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  1. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    My name is Max, or more commonly known as 68i, and I present to you the best (and worst) ways of making money on Survival Season 7.

    So before I begin, I feel I should tell you a little about myself. Since the first 2 lines, my name has not changed, I'm still called Max. I'm 14, I was born in Britain however I currently live in Spain. I've been playing Minecraft Central since August of 2016, and that's also around about the time I started playing survival. At the time, in season 2, the economy was much different. There were no dollars, it was a diamond based economy. Though, through the past 4 seasons, I've grown to like the new economy system, and I have become pretty able to make myself a living on every season. That's why I'm here today, sharing my knowledge with you all. So, here goes.


    So, I said I would be covering both effective and poor ways of making money, and it only made sense to start with the best. I will be covering every method I know, as well as other ways people have told me about.

    Since last season, fishing has become a very effective way of making money. Although the task itself may be boring, monotonous and repetitive, it's been proven that sticking with it is guaranteed to land you results. Many of the richest players of the season have made their way to the top by fishing. For example, im_rxnz at the time of writing this thread, has racked up a massive $5.6 million, primarily sourced from fishing.

    Fishing itself is not to difficult of a task. You stare at some water and right-click whenever the float dips under the surface. However, the best time to fish is a little more complex, and the best enchants to get on your fishing rod too. The best time to fish is while it is raining (This is in the resource world as it will not rain in the plot world). By fishing during a rain or thunderstorm, it increases the rate of fish biting at your rod by 20%. It has also become a bit of a myth that fishing at night increases your chances of getting fish. This is FALSE. You catch the same amount of fish during the day and night.

    When it comes to enchanting your rod, you want to avoid enchanting it with Luck of the Sea. By enchanting a rod with Luck of the Sea, it reduces your chance of catching Clown fish (often referred to as 'Nemos', the rarest and most valuable fish to sell. You do however want to make sure you get Lure on your rod. The higher your Lure enchantment, the more frequently fish will bite at your rod. Mending is recommended if you do not have access to the command /fix, and Unbreaking is a good enchantment no matter what the piece of equipment.

    Im_rxnz estimates that in an hour of fishing you can make between $50,000 and $100,000, making it the most consistently profitable methods of making money. Though with other methods, it is possible to make more money than that in an hour, it will likely not be infinitely repeatable and sustainable, or there may be some wait between the sessions.

    Mining on pretty much every season has always been a reasonable way to make money. It is one of the most dangerous methods of making money, as there is always the possibility of being overrun by monsters, or falling into a pool of lava, though the rewards for taking the risk can make it worth it.

    Mining with a Fortune pickaxe is much less effective than mining with a Silk Touch pickaxe. By mining with Silk Touch, it allows you to sell the ores you break to the official server shop. One diamond ore alone sells for $400, so if you find a few veins during that hour of mining, you could easily be making $20,000+ per hour, assuming you have reasonable luck. As well as selling ores to the server shop, many players will pay a lot of money for the smooth stone that you mine. I for instance, will buy a stack of stone for $200.


    Farming is another great way to earn money. Although building a farm can initially be a big time investment, the payout of a farm makes that worthwhile. At the time of writing this, pumpkins are the best crop to farm and sell, and don't require a massive initial investment to get started. Each pumpkin can be sold for $11 to the server shop, making a stack of them worth over $700, and you can easily get a stack in about 5-10 minutes! Other great crops to cultivate are melons. If you break a melon with a Fortune 3 axe, you will get about 5 slices, give or take. Each melon slice can be sold for $2, making every melon worth about the same as a pumpkin.

    Farming is a great method to just leave running on your plot as it is very low maintenance. A good suggestion is to harvest your crops, then go fishing for about 10 - 20 minutes, then come back and harvest your crops again. Rinse and repeat and you'll net your first $100,000 pretty quickly!
    Assuming you are pretty decent at player versus player combat, you can easily make yourself quite a lot of money, as well as a respected name within the PvP community. Getting one kill within the PvP arena can net you $1,000, so just getting a handful of kills an hour could be earning you 5 or even 6 figures, combined with the loot from your enemies.

    PvP for money though, is easily the most dangerous and tiring of the lot. You are always open to the risk of being stabbed in the back or teamed on by a couple of your previous victims. And assuming you do make a name for yourself within the PvP'ers, you may make a bad reputation for yourself with the rest of the server, which could affect your chances of making money down the line through more peaceful means.

    Just going to the resource world and exploring for a little bit, you can quite easily make some quick bank. Many players in chat that are in need of a place to mine resources undisturbed, or are in search of a specific wood will often ask someone to teleport them to a specific biome, and will also often pay people to do so. If someone is in search of a Savanna biome, they are often willing to pay a chunk of money to get them self there. I have in the past seen teleport request offering up to $10,000 per teleport.

    As well as teleporting other players to these biomes, you yourself could net some resources from these rare biomes and sell them in a shop...

    Creating a shop on survival, and allowing players to buy and sell items to and from you is, in my opinion, one of the most satisfying things. Since season 2, I have made sure to build a shop every single season as it acts as a constant, low effort way of making a stable income. By including both buy and sell signs on your chestshops, it means that they become completely self-sustainable. They will restock themselves and sell themselves, with little to no input from you. Do make sure to price your items well though, as not many people will buy from a shop that charges $10,000 for a raw pork chop.

    From my years of experience as a shop keep, I have a few expert tips when creating your shop. These tips have helped me every season, and are bound to help you too.
    1. Make your shop look attractive - Nobody wants to buy items from a shop that took 2 minutes to build and looks like a mess.
    2. Organize your shop - If nobody is able to find where to buy an item, they obviously won't buy it. Keep your chestshops in neat rows, and group certain categories of items together like monster drops, farming materials and minerals from mining.
    3. Price your items well - Like I said before, nobody wants to buy from a shop that charges an absurd amount of money for easy to acquire items like pork or iron. Make sure your prices are better than the servers /shop, otherwise there is no incentive for people to go to your shop instead of just selling to the server.
    4. Sell a range of items - Make sure you don't just sell 3 items, as this makes your shop less useful to players. Don't just sell iron, try and sell coal, diamonds and everything else in between as a minimum.
    5. Make your shop memorable - Try and get an easy to remember plot alias like 'Shop' 'Shops' 'Market' pr in my case 'H'. Make sure your plot alias isn't too complicated, hard to spell, or laborious to type.
    And with that, I conclude the effective, sustainable ways to make money. On to the bad methods...


    There are plenty of ways to make money sustainably, efficiently, quickly and easily. Though these methods may make you a quick buck, they are not recommended. Please, DO NOT USE THESE METHODS UNLESS YOU HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE (and there is an alternation 99% of the time.)

    The chances are, if you've played on survival for longer than 5 minutes, you've seen someone asking for free money in the chat. Begging for money is not only an ineffective way of making money, it also greatly reduces your reputation on the server. People will not want to do business with you in the future if you have begged for money.

    Some people like to make money by buying and selling items on the auction house. Though this is a viable method of money, I have not included it in the sections above because it is not sustainable, nor quick. I have seen many people buy something reasonably priced from the auction house like an Elytra, and then quickly resell it at an exorbitantly high price. This will NOT make you a lot of money. Perhaps one or two people may fall victim to your sale price, but not only is it incredibly slow and rare, it is also another thing that will harm your reputation on the server.

    Gambling, both in real life and on Minecraft Central, is quite popular. For the glancing eye, it may seem like an amazing way to make a lot of money very quickly, however, don't trust that instinct. Gambling is highly addictive, so even if you do win a lot of money, your brain quickly wants to gamble that money away trying to win even more on top of that. That exact point is the reason gambling in discouraged in the real world, and is why an age requirement is present in casinos, fruit machines and bars. The house will always win...

    Thank you for reading my money making guide. If I find any more methods of making money, I'll be sure to update this guide. If you have any suggestions or question, please do not be afraid to leave a comment on this thread, I'll respond to all of them! If this thread helped you out, or you just found it interesting, please leave a like :)

    Have a nice day! - 68i​
    #1 68i, Nov 9, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
    HelliK, udidntseemuch, stiva and 9 others like this.
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:

    Honestly this is the best guide for money making I have ever seen :D. I love how you have good
    ways to make money and bad ways! I love how you show every single way this just makes me so happy especially detailing what you like and dislike. Honestly so glad you made this! Thank you so much again!

    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    #2 iiSean, Nov 9, 2019
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
    HelliK and 68i like this.
  3. wafe

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Very well written, and honestly the best guide so far. You effectively made a guide that doesn't only point out the good ways of making money, but the mediocre ways of profiting. This will for sure help players understand what they're doing wrong and how to improve. Thank you for taking the time to make this very easy to understand and visually pleasing, as well. Enjoy your day :D
    HelliK and 68i like this.
  4. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    I'm glad you like the guide. I'll definitely be making more guides soon for other subservers, and other activities on survival.
  5. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    I'm glad you like the guide, and my style of writing.

    Thanks for the kind words!
    wafe likes this.
  6. Visit

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I've never really took interest in survival, however, after reading this in-depth guide explaining the mechanics of the mode, it does seem really fun and I would be willing to give it a try some day. Thank you!
    68i likes this.
  7. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    I'm happy I helped, and when you do give it a try, let me know if you need any more help :)
    Visit likes this.
  8. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thanks for this thread! I think it will really help out the Survival Community!
    68i likes this.
  9. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    Glad you liked it, and that is for sure my goal with making this thread. I'm just trying to help out. Thanks for the kind comment :)
  10. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    PSSSTTTTTT You forgot to add scamming players under poor ways to make money.
    68i likes this.
  11. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Epic guide but sean is write bannable ways to make money should be included! :)
    68i likes this.
  12. JonesSniper

    Sep 21, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hello, I need to first say I love it, it was the best money guide lines I have seen. I might use this to find out how to make money faster than trying all the survival ways.

    Have a wonderful week

    68i likes this.
  13. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    I'm glad you liked my guide, and I'm grateful for the kind words :) You have a nice week too!
  14. udidntseemuch

    Nov 2, 2019
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    Fantastic guide! As someone who has recently been getting into survival, this is really helpful. I myself have actually been trying these methods, especially exploring for Savannah biomes and farming, but I should probably add fishing as well to that list of things.

    Again, it's a great guide and thanks for the tips!
  15. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    Thank you! If you have any suggestions on what else I could add, please, let me know!
  16. 68i


    Oct 27, 2019
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    And thank you too, I hope you do well making your millions! If you need any more advice, I'm nearly always available to help, just message me on the forums, discord or ingame!
  17. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    68I Thank You for making this super in-depth guide for survival.
    I feel like many players still do some of the bad ways to earn money and this will open their eyes to see how much more they could be making with your suggestions. Yet again, WONDERFUL guide

    Also I am looking forward to see what other guides you are planning on doing in the future

    Thanks, Olli

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