BEFORE ANYONE GETS HEATED THIS LIST IS CLEARLY A JOKE not gonna make this complicated, just gonna cut to the chase. This is based off of player opinion, not biased by me. 1: Curtman1532 2: Mqney 3: xdylan 4. 523 5. Hersheymelts 6. SeriousCircles 7. CMJG03 8. UglyKidSteve (literal almighty god, reigns his power over all of strike and no where else on gang) 9. Hadibell100 10. miguiael942 dont even try to change this list it is set in stone. it's based off of stats and reputation.
This is the most accurate list I have seen. I agree with all of these positions 100%. Thank you for finally clarifying this.
Miguel isn’t very good, Hadi is better tf? I thnk Hershey cheats, he’s hit me while crappling , I agree with you guys and 523 tho. UglyKidSteve is a bot and gap spams and CMJG03 idk about him never seen him. SeriousCircles isn’t bad but definitely not top 10. Where is J0HNY, CrucnhyIce, Lordcronos, iRecruit, Ennis, Bybaths, etc. Ik it’s recent players but... Most people that still play are bad
Last time I recall, Hershey was blatantly using aim assist in their own video. iRecruit was kind of a bot back then, CrunchyIce just gave up and started cheating on an alt named “AppleBeer”
Got a question for you "Best Kit PvPers" have you actually dueled someone good? Like I mean on MMC n How is someone supposed to answer to that question? There are a lot of different pvp sections (NoDebuff, Gapple, Soup......) there's no way I could answer to that question.
Where is CheesemongerJOE ? this legendary figure in the history of MCC PvPers shall not be forgotten!