About the removal of spawners from survival

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by Syn, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    I plan to play more this season, since it's gonna be 1.12
    I get the removal of spawners and wands, but given we're putting unminable spawners back in the overworld and nether, doesn't the 24 hour reset pretty much prevent anyone from doing anything meaningful with those? I mean why 24 hours? Why not a week? I mean if we still had fly (which idc that we're removing it) it wouldn't take long to build a grinder, but without... Maybe I just hate hate idea of plots in general idk

    Or will the prices for the mob drops be significantly higher to compensate for manual killing?
    Per example, if I want a good amount of rods for pots, I'd have to start at the beginning of reset time, build a grinder in nether, and use it as much as I can for that day?

    I guess in general, I understand the idea of resetting the worlds, but idk why it can't be persistent for a few days instead of 24 hours. Instead of swapping seeds every few days, just make that the reset time?

    On the positive, I guess it's a great incentive for more player shops- I think based on the changelist that's the way to get top balance now. Either that or it's going to turn into farming simulator 2019
    #1 Syn, Nov 1, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ummmmmmmm I think the point of making spawners removed is so there IS no grinders so why make one in overworld for a day?

    If you need blaze rods without spawners guess what? Go to a nether fortress at sethome it if you can! Remember:

    1) It is now on Hard mode so it is easy to kill mobs
    2) Nether world does not reset (could change i dont know)
    3: You can not sell mob drops to /shop!

    ALSO 1 Question I have is will they make totem of undying? That is pretty OP not going to lie!

    Anyway Have A Nice Day!
    All The Best

    MCC Community Member

    #2 iiSean, Nov 1, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
    Deleted member 145 likes this.
  3. Beams

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As Alex stated in the change log, mob drops can no longer be sold in /shop and they are used solely for loot.

    I personally don't agree with increasing the time between the overworld resets as the resource area around spawn can get really messy extremely quickly. This will make leaving spawn to venture out much more difficult especially considering all players no longer have /fly in the resource world.
    AZXG likes this.
  4. To be fair only Emerald+ users had access to fly, and myself I didn't have fly at all, so thoese who never owned fly in survival understands how hard is it (I mean its not that hard) like I like that Alex removed many things to make survival more realistic and more challenging / fun in general cause people just got money off mob grinders and in overworlds they could easily have /fly to a nether bridge etc. (Kinda ruins experience of survival imagine playing survival where you could fly / keep your inventory) no so fun... However, fly still exists just in plots (which I believe is fair) Well, this is all my opinion!

    Deleted member 145 and AZXG like this.
  5. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes, all 1.12 features will now be on the server, including the totems I'd assume. Though I'm not sure if the Pillagers in the Woodland Mansion will respawn on the world reset every 24 hours.
  6. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Will the combat be 1.9+
  7. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Since the server's backend is going to be updated to 1.12, I would assume that the pvp will follow that version as well, for minimal issues. Even if using 1.8 you will still have the attack cooldown.

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