Hello, I am Job, I used to play on this server a lot back in 2014, I've come here again 5 years later to ask for help. There was this person who played with me daily, we celebrated birthdays together, played on the server daily together and even added each other to the trusted members list for our plots in survival. As we both got older we stopped playing and eventually stopped talking to each other as most things like this end up. All I want right now is to at least see how they are doing now 5 years later, She went by the name Alyssa10100 and her username was Dagger2468, If you have any information at all as to where I can contact them please let me know -Job
Hey! She probably does not play anymore I guess or something or perhaps I just don't see her. She does not have a plot made on survival or any stats on survival and has not changed her username. That might explain some things I guess. Then again I am just giving evidence based off stuff you said. Hope this helped Have a Nice Day All The Best ___Sean___ MCC Community Member
Never personally encountered them in-game at all over the years, they might have quit Minecraft entirely unfortunately.
Not sure there is much you can do about this situation, I checked NameMC and they haven't changed their username so if you see them online they will most likely be going by the same tag unless they purchased a new account.