Porting over things such as player reports, accepted tickets, ect. from the previous website

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 29, Jul 22, 2019.

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  1. So I thought I would bring this up seeing that this is something I am interested in. So for those who are applying for staff, are we going to have to 50 player report tickets all over again as well as the 20 forum posts. Will we also have to wait 45 days to apply because this is a new forum and there is no record of the previous website?

    I was wondering if you will be able to at least port over this information from the other server and apply this info to our profiles since some of us have been active on the previous forum and such.
  2. Chilo_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I thought about this, what they might do is, for the first 45 days of this website, if someone applies, they will look back at the old website (at the players account) and combine that with the total time on this website. Maybe after 6 months they will judge the total time since joining solely on this website,
  3. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand where you're coming from, as I have over 1 000 posts on the Enjin forums. There's nothing I can say right now, other than stay tuned for the announcement, and we'll see what happens from there.
  4. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I just asked unadvised about this in discord and he said an announcement would be coming soon discussing how stuff would be transfered for those applying for staff. Basically after a month you will be required to have 50 new player reports on this website the old ones wont count and you will also need 20 posts on the new forums to apply now
    Chilo_ and Deleted member 29 like this.
  5. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Does this affect open applications?
  6. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    After talking to an Admin, you will need to get 20 new forum posts, and your reports will count for the next 30 days. After the 30 days is up, you need new player reports. I don't believe you'll have to wait 45 days as of now, but I could be wrong.

    I was told an announcement in the community discord server would be out, so be out on the lookout for that. The invite is https://discord.gg/9jzwQDQ.
  7. Thank you so much for this information, It is unfortunate that we have to start all over but what must be done will be done and I know I will strive to meet the expectations.
  8. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    On the statement that there is no previous record, the old website is still up it has more than likely just changed domain names so we can't visit it at this time. (Or ever, as they may not make an archive. I hope they do.)

    When you say we should port things over I completely disagree. I would love to see this forum stay as a fresh start (Besides guides, guidelines and such that were here previously) Sometimes it is nice to experience new things and I think Xenforo being the forum is going to be great for the growth of the community. Players tend to not only be more active on Xenforo but there is more of a social aspect as well.
    Deleted member 29 likes this.
  9. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I talked in a private message with Muel, and here's your complete breakdown of everything you need to know if you were applying for staff before the website switch:

    For Forum posts, 20 new posts will need to be created. Forum posts do NOT carry over, but this requirement will not be difficult with all the new threads coming in. Honestly, you could get this done in a day.

    For Player Reports, your previous player reports WILL carry over for the next 30 days. If you do not successfully reach 50 player reports and submit an application in the next 30 days, your progress will be voided and only reports since the new website will count. For example, if you reported 15 before the website change and 23 after the server change once 30 days passes, you will only have 23 reports counted towards your application once the 30 days expires.

    As for the 45 days requirement, the staff has nullified that requirement to make things easier on themselves as far as checking back to the old website goes. As long as you have met EVERY requirement besides the 45 days, your application can be sent.

    And lastly, the old website has indeed been archived. It can be found below...


    Hope this answered any questions you have! Have a nice day!

    Deleted member 29 likes this.
  10. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    @PlayerUnbound if you refer to FAQ's there's now an archive to the old webpage.
  11. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    This is something they looked into while created the new forums but considering Xenforo and Enjin are not compatable with each other this is something they cannont do. The reports will carry over for 30 days and after that you will have to have the 50 reports on here and Alex is working on fixing the 45 day waiting time to apply, other than that there is nothing they can do.
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