I paid for emerald rank and this fasterpay deduct my card but i didn't get the rank i bought is this a scam??
Hey! It should work don’t worry :) All you need to do is just wait a bit and if that doesn’t work make a donation ticket. Please read further information on the donations page information thread. Hope I helped Have a Nice Day All The Best ___Sean___ MCC Community Member
hello! as mentioned above by sean, waiting is the best you can do. if by then it still has not worked, i’s suggest reloading and/or restarting your minecraft game. if it had still not transferred by then, i’d shoot an email (support@mccentral.org) about your donation issue n’ such. since you have evidence, it helps to include that (transaction#). along with your ign, date of purchase, email used in purchase, and an explanation of your situation... for more detail, maybe look at this thread