Season 9 Skyblock Reset Ideas!

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by VodkaNHoes, Oct 18, 2019.


Good Ideas?

  1. Yes, I like Penguins

  2. Yeah, I like Monkeys

  3. Yup, I like Kangaroos

  1. VodkaNHoes

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Good day this is Erah as im sure many of you know who I am, today I am here to talk about new ideas for the season 9 skyblock reset and how to make skyblock on mcc enjoyable again. We have a lot to talk about so please grab some popcorn and enjoy the read. Skyblock was fun for years on mcc its the same thing season after season, it seems like it has just been getting worse the past few seasons. But that's nothing we cant change we just need to add a little spice & hype! By far this current season is the worse mcc has ever seen ive asked many ogs, regular daily players, staff etc. I appreciate the work that was put in but it just didn't work out. Okay enough rambling on lets get to the good stuff!

    - Upgradable Hoes! please add upgradable hoes like factions! have a % chance of dropping double drops, I don't know how factions leveling system works but for example it could be 1% for every 100-250k crops harvested up too level 50-100 (50-100%). obviously we cant have it too op but have a high level for those serious grinders would be a super nice touch.

    - Add new custom enchants! such as Token farmer (chance at more tokens whether it be fishing, mining, woodcutting, farming or killing mobs) (armor), Auto smelt (pick), Grind (increase xp dropped from mobs) (sword), Mob drop (increase chance of mob heads) (sword), Stack killer (chance at killing the whole stack of mobs) (sword), looting 5, fortune 5, unbreaking 5, efficiency 6, power 6, punch 3 etc.

    - Treasure crate revamp! Add back hoppers (you will see why below), Add a set of Efficiency 8 or 10 tools (pick, shovel, axe), add coal/iron ranks to ancient keys and iron/gold ranks to myth keys (make them redeemable like a perk) great addition for people who cant afford a rank but play the game often and can trade ingame items for a rank. New perks as seen below, It was a good thing you removed name tags but add them to vote crates and to the /shop for 50k.

    - CHUNK LOADERS! This is a must! Please add chunk loaders back to skyblock! you guys said they were broken, they work fine in factions. you said you don't want people afking all the time but no chunk loaders make more people afk..., some people cant afford the power bill, or risk there pc blowing up to afk a farm, or cant relog on at reboot because of work or school like my self. but we still like to compete for island top. chunk loaders were a wonderful thing and it aint the same without them. add them back please! If its not broken don't fix it.

    - BOOSTERS! Who remembers the good ole days? boosters were so fun, it was always nice coming online too active booster, why did you even remove them? never gave us a good answer. please add them back we have been asking for too long. Mob drop booster, sell price booster & charity booster.

    - Spawners! make spawners drop the normal drops like for example iron golems drop roses and iron ingots etc I have no idea why you changed this. make pigmen drop just gold ingots or add a /block wand, trying to /block 100's of dubs of gold takes so long. make iron golems a better spawner for profit (I don't mean back when they were first added I mean they should be one of the top money makers not worse then chickens lol) I think some new spawner additions would be nice and maybe 1 spawner that costs like $5 million to work up towards would be cool.

    - New Rules! Make it like factions if a player on your island is duping, cheating or hacking it should first be 1 island warning up until island termination say at 5 warnings for example. violating these rules will first be a warning, then a 1 week temp ban etc. Using an alt island to keep spawners so you don't gotta upgrade spawner limit should not be allowed. Afk fishing, mining etc should not be allowed, you guys want less afking in skyblock so lets get it done. the only afking that should be done is to afk spawners. having 5 alts online spamming your island warp should not be allowed, you should have to be online to advertise your island warp.

    - Island Name! something simple but awesome at the same time, in /island top you should be able to name your island.

    - Add Ranks On Islands! one of my best ideas yet, for example it would help with griefing, make people earn a better name on an island, bigger islands are more fun where you can meet new friends but when you have 1000s of spawners you don't wanna risk it inviting someone new, this way they earn your trust. It will kind of work like factions have ranks like Owner, Co-Owner, Mods, Members, Recruits. have a gui for permissions like being able to mine valubles (spawners, diamond, emerald & gold blocks, beacons, dragon heads, etc). sell wand chests, coop players, tpa players, invite players, open chests etc. every rank you will be able to customize what permissions they can use.

    - Top Island Payout! if you want mcc to be a successful server for years to come add a payout on skyblock. we need to keep mcc active and more enjoyable. why would new players wanna join mcc when there's multiple other servers with payouts for top islands. even just buycraft gift cards that will cost you nothing. like the top 3-5 islands every 2 weeks for 3-4 months of the season.

    - Island Levels/Value! make spawners give island levels again and make the value be how much the spawner costs. Quite a few blocks need some readjusting.

    - Island Upgrades! Make hoppers 15k each in shop, add them back to treasure crates, keep spawner and hopper limit upgrades just relook it over some prices are wack.

    - New Perks! Spawner discount perk 5% off spawners, /chest 3 & 4, bigger auction limit, /fly perk , /fix perk, 5 /sethome perk, all for people who cant afford ranks, so other people have a chance at obtaining useful perks.

    - New Events! Redo envoys and boss, (they're shite) & add koth. boss and koth should be every 4 hours, envoys should be every 2 hours. koth and boss winnings should be an event key (change from boss key to make it easier) koth gives 1 key and boss gives 1st place 2 keys 2nd place 1 key 3rd place 1 key. envoys need to be buffed alot drop 15 crates over 15 minutes make it so there is a chance at getting spawners, hoes, event keys, blocks, sell wands, money (ex.50k), armour, tools and weapons.

    - Pvp Arena! its the worst pvp arena ive ever seen id rather pvp in a lava pit. make it 25x bigger so people don't just farm noobs off the drop, envoys should be spread out so people with no armour still have a chance at obtaining one. make a parkour area in the pvp arena, a small lake for depth strider 3 fights, a small town, open grass area, small forest.

    - Redo Quests! make the winnings way better and the quests more difficult, should be 5 of each daily, weekly, monthly. like seriously a monthly quest for $5000? LOL whats the point, new winnings could be a hoe, spawners, vote keys, ancient keys, 50-100k etc. (obviously you woudlnt get a spawner from doing an easy daily quest etc).

    - Tokens! Oh boy here we go! take tokens and throw out the buying spawners with them idea, make them only be able to be attainted by manual farming, fishing, mining, woodcutting and killing mobs. they will be a token balance right below your regular balance on the right of your screen on the gui. you will be able to /withdraw token (amount) so you can trade/sell them. make a /token shop where you will be able to buy a few different spawners, vote & ancient keys, hoes, chunk loaders, armour, weapens, tools, hoppers, sell wands, random custom enchants etc. obviously these will cost a crap ton of tokens literally days of grinding tokens but it gives new people and people who cant afford ranks/keys a chance at enjoying skyblock like the rest of us. Between hoppers being 15k each, revamping hopper and spawner upgrades, we don't need tokens!

    - Add MCMMO! would be super fun leveling up fishing, mining, woodcutting, herbalism etc.

    - Redo Fishing! Make fishing be able to obtain spawners, sell wands, god apples, tokens, armour, swords, tools etc. im not asking for it to be op af but like for example regular fish will be a 90% chance, salmon 3%, clownfish 1% pufferfish 1% and then certain spawners maybe a 0.25% chance, 8 god apples 0.5%, 16 tokens 0.5%. it would bring a whole new world to skyblock! Afk fishing will not be allowed, first offence 1 week temp ban. staff will patrol this heavy.

    - Redo Mining! remove the afk cob gens at spawn, add a 150x150x50 mine (resets every 30 minutes), /warp mine for example it could be made up of 90% stone, 5% andesite, diorite, granite, then 5% ores. you can obtain tokens from mining. (random chance like farming).

    - New Commands For Donators! a few new commands would be nice like /nick and /nick with colour for higher ranks, /thru etc.

    - /cf you can say all you want the system works fine and its 50/50, sure someone might win 100 mill here or there with luck but when the top cfer is 3 billion winnings you know there is something wrong, there is some sort of cheat system that works. redo the plugin or find a new one please. Don't remove cfs if people don't wanna cf don't cf, don't complain because you lost money on your own part.

    - Island Configuration! /island config or something so you're able to enable and disable fly for parkour tournaments, enable and disable pvp for tournaments on your personal island. would be an awesome touch!

    - Last but definitely not least the spawners in the spawner shop should be in different category's. for example beginner, easy, medium, hard, ancient & mythical. at the first of the season all categorys are locked accept for beginner which for example could be cow, pig, sheep & chicken. you have to kill these and obtain 250 of each head and add them into /shop to unlock easy spawners it gets harder the higher you get. this would be a nice addition because people cant start buying the best spawners until they spend hours and hours grinding mobs.

    - add crops harvested and blocks mined to /stats

    I will definitely be adding more over the coming days but for now this is what I got. Ive spent hours and hours making threads every new season for a few years and you guys barely listen to the players, mcc skyblock is at its worst point its ever been please make some good changes for the players this upcoming season. its the same thing over and over again every season and this current season is by far the worst in mcc history. Make it all about grinding this upcoming season, no afking cob gens or afk fishing. the only afking that should be allowed is afking spawners. (add chunk loaders back please). I hope you guys take something serious out of this thread and make something happen next map.

    I know it was long, sorry for the grammar, sorry for rambling on, thanks
    All the best, Erah

    @AlexMarkey @KierenBoal @Timppali @Unadvised @Teddzy
    #1 VodkaNHoes, Oct 18, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019

    Aug 30, 2019
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    I agree on most things and would love to have them as an addition in next seasons sky block, having the upgradable hoes for the players who grind a lot would be a great addition and I would love it if they added the chunk loaders and boosters back in season to make selling your loot without a booster a risk encase a player activates one after. I highly agree with the tokens and they should scrap the buying spawners with them and make it a new system where u can buy keys and other stuff to help out the new players but also costing a ton, big fan!
    VodkaNHoes likes this.
  3. budgiechook

    Sep 14, 2019
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    can you keep spawners the same way but make it so selling on ah cant be done so trading in person is used more
  4. xMoonLorax

    Sep 30, 2019
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    I like what you're saying, but I do have a question. As someone who is an immortal rank, I was just wondering if when you said that /fix should be a perk if you're asking if they could take /fix away from Bedrock+??
  5. VodkaNHoes

    Aug 11, 2019
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    obviously not, its for rookies or low ranks awho cant afford to upgrade, and its /fix not /fix all, just an idea my guy
    xMoonLorax likes this.
  6. VodkaNHoes

    Aug 11, 2019
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    no ah is a dumb idea sorry ;3
  7. peed

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I agree
  8. koh7

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Cap coinflip at 5m or remove entirely
  9. sfspectre

    Oct 19, 2019
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    so a few things...

    Spawners: are you meaning spawners just drop the items that the mob drops? If so, what about exp for leveling and enchanting

    i agree completely about the mine, or at least make it to where we can have our own cobble gens that do produce ores and other stuff, I know that is a plug in or plugin option, that way we can make our own at our islands, better chance for more people decorating their islands along with less people asking for iron, diamond, emerald, etc.

    Island config doesn't make as much sense to me as you can easily see when people that have /fly use their flight, can always just make it your own rules per island, plus /fly can be used for checkpoints, and the user can disable their /fly

    Chunk loaders are needed yes, to at least help reduce the afks, but at the same time i disagree with both, maybe it is my prison mindset, but I dont think you should be able to get stuff as easily just because of afking or chunk loading, maybe i just need to get back into getting as much money as possible and thats a good way to do it.

    Fishing definitely could have a chance for the good gear, that way non rank players and people who cant afford extra stuff can just go through and grind out some fishing, that way they have a chance besides 4x a day to get some of the rare stuff, but maybe not make it so the items drop, but make it to where ancient or myth keys can drop, like a .025% chance, tiny lucky drop, but could easily make someones day.

    With treasure crates, add the /key for us to be able to do it from our own island instead of in spawn, that will help reduce people staying there for so long and having to wait, definitely need the eff 6+ tools added to it, i am surprised they're not already, the ex pick and ex axe are only good for a little bit, unless you change them to allow us to add enchants to them, like fortune or silk touch, but i would still rather have a higher efficiency.

    One last thing I would like to see is a newer update, like 1.12 or higher, more content that can help a bit with automation and decoration, I would love to have some of the newer blocks to decorate and build on my island with.

  10. VodkaNHoes

    Aug 11, 2019
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  11. VodkaNHoes

    Aug 11, 2019
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    Im getting at what they changed last map for drops, obviously they're gonna still drop exp....
  12. xMoonLorax

    Sep 30, 2019
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    Oh! Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me.
  13. thatblondkidalex

    Aug 5, 2019
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    hey! most of these are amazing ideas. id love to see island names, member ranks, block wand, chunk loaders, etc. a few issues though. as far as the extra perks, i agree to an extent. i like the idea of chest 3+4, but fly, fix, etc are perks exclusive to ranks that helps keep them unique. if those were available outside the rank, nobody would buy the ranks
  14. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, do you mind if i bring up these suggestions in a Youtube Video?? I havent fully read through it all yet but i like what i have seen so far.
  15. FaithyGirlGamez

    Oct 25, 2019
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    These are very good ideas. Although all those changes couldn't be done at once. It would be too drastic and even to complicated to pull off and would take a while to make perfect. Along with the fact that changing all this would COMPLETELY change skyblock. But some of these could be fun, most in fact.
  16. lavooova

    Sep 25, 2019
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    How long did this take to write

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