
Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by ElPigeon, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. ElPigeon

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hi guys !

    I think it can be a great idea to sell in the boutique the possibility to buy the permission to /fly or to give the permission to the donator because i think when we are coal, iron we don’t have not a lot more permission than the rookie.

    This thread is more for the staff, but you can give your opinion :)
  2. Joshy

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Personally, I don't feel like it would be that bad to have a way for non-donators to get the perk. Although I truly think that it should never be permanent, nor should it be too good. After the end of the season, the perk should be taken back away from those players who have purchased it, making it something that's not 'grind for it once, and never have to work again'. I don't know how we could do this, but if we could 'nerf' the /fly command, then we could be able to purchase it for say... $1,000,000 (?) just spitting out random numbers here. The /fly command is something special for donators to have, and I feel like it should stay that way.
    Well, thanks for taking the time to read this, have a good rest of your day! Cheers!
  3. ElPigeon

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Personally, I think it’s a good idea to be able to purchase something like the /fly with money ingame !
  4. SilentWhispers

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Although your idea sounds great, as of now, hundreds of people have purchased a rank to have access to fly. Its a unique perk, one of the most special perks that a player can be rewarded with for supporting the server. To make a command as such so easily accessible to anyone isn't really fair to people that have already bought a rank. For those reasons, i have to say that I am in disagreement with your proposal.

  5. Gimper

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey mate,

    Like whats mentioned above, This "fly" is a privileged and i guess that the purpose of getting the higher rank. it would undermine people who are higher. I think the Ability to use /fly should remain where it is. I understand that coal rank may not have the ability's as higher ranks, but at the end of the day, you get what you pay for and in reality it makes sense.

  6. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, Honestly its fair if Coal, Iron etc don't have /fly because thats what they purchased.. You get what you are paying for... You Pay for Coal, You get Coal Perks, If you pay for Immortal, You get Immortal Perks. If you cant afford any higher ranks there is nothing we can do about that unfortunately.
  7. kcarew98

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi ElPigeon!

    Yeah I definitely don't think it should be a perk. Many
    emeralds, including myself, have purchased emerald rank purely for the ability to fly. You get what you pay for, these minecraft servers really survive off donations and irl purchases. Making most of the game available for f2p players (aka rookies) would hurt the developers and we'd end up with lower quality servers. While I do understand that many players don't have access to credit cards/paypal etc, great servers like MCC wouldn't be able to give us a great quality server without donations, and I fully support developers asking for donations so they can continue their work. If you're a rookie, Just think about how many hours you've put into playing on MCC so far, just realise that the developers have let you play all those hours for free. If you've enjoyed playing on MCC, consider showing the developers your appreciation by making a donation!

    Minecraft Central has given me hours and hours of entertainment, so I feel morally okay with giving a bit back to the developers, by coughing up some cash and donating to the server. As a thank you, the developers give me some exclusive features and it would be a bit unfair if these features were available to players who don't donate.
    /fly is an incentive to encourage players to donate.
  8. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with everyone, since the /fly command is already implemented with a rank, there is no need to make it a seperate command. If you want /fly you can buy it from the Minecraft Central Buycraft Here.
    The more you pay, the more you get, that sounds like pay to win, but they are just perks from people who Donate more. I believe that it is very fair.

    If you have any questions, you can contact me on discord at 4Nut#2232, or message me on my profile page!
  9. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    While I understand it's harder to play Skyblock without the fly command, it's been a feature to get people to help the server. If everyone got the donator perks like flying, then who would buy the ranks? It's just a way to say thanks to those who chose to donate. While I understand where you are coming from, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this.
  10. WolfgangLP

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I personally think it’s fine where it’s at. I could be biased though... You were saying how all donator ranks should have fly and that the low tier ranks don’t have much to offer, but how else would the server stay running without people buying things in the store if they like the server and want to support it and gain something out of donating their money. I feel as if people should have to pay real money for somethings or else the server would die off.

    Just my opinion.

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