Hackers Punishments

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TrippedUp, Jul 25, 2019.

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  1. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As someone who is always looking out for hackers to improve the server, I always check how long of a ban a player gets when my report is accepted on the forums. To my surprise, no matter what severity level of the ban, the ban is always a month or two. Shouldn't players who use hacks (Killaura, Anti-KB, etc.) be permanently banned? I understand if the first time you don't, since maybe they will learn from their mistake, but if they do it again, can't they be banned for life? If you don't, they might just keep coming back. What are your guy's thoughts?
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Punishments lengths are decided by the severity, and how many times the player has received that punishment before. Permanent punishments only occur after 5 Sev3 Gameplay or 5 Sev2 Client Modification punishments, or 3 Sev3 Client Modification punishments.

    If you want to know the full list of possible punishment Types/Severities, and their lengths, you can read the rules Here.

    I can agree that hackers should be permanently banned, but the false bans rate is far too high to permit this. Also now that clients have built-in alt managers, people can switch to a new account in literal seconds, making banning for hacking completely useless. What we need is a decent anticheat.
    SapphicRach and TrippedUp like this.
  3. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To add on to this for further information - MC-Central used to have hacking and anything related to hacking as a permanent ban. This was changed in previous years as they decided to be more lenient with their hacker/illegal modification punishments. Although I am used to hackers being permanently banned this is a large server and thirty days is plenty enough time for a player to learn their lesson and hopefully come back and play legit. That is the hope, second chances. Some players abuse these others do not. As @Ankh stated I'd recommend looking over the rules.
    TrippedUp likes this.
  4. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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  5. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You answered the question yourself. "I understand if the first time you don't, since maybe they will learn from their mistake." Not only that, you would also have to put into consideration that some people might get a false ban and because of that, I don't see the rules being changed whatsoever. I believe that 2 chances (for hackers) before a permanent ban are just enough.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hiHi ! i can see where you come from wanting hackers to get a perm punishment from using hacked clients. however, i can't really agree with this. As UnlimitedHealth said above, "thirty days is plenty enough time for a player to learn their lesson and hopefully come back and play legit. That is the hope, second chancesthirty days is plenty enough time for a player to learn their lesson and hopefully come back and play legit. That is the hope, second chances". I am a believer in second chances. There's also always mistakes n' such that can be made. For example, mistakes can always be made like a player's sibling messes with them, and/or in my case, my account info was leaked n' such. Although these reasons are just from their account being shared, it's always a possibility where the actual owner didn't do hack. Also, if hackers continue to play on alts they would eventually get ip banned for ban evading.
    Hope this kinda helped.. :/

    Have a great day!
    ~poopoo saurus
  7. Jdow

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Personally, I think that the second severity three punishment only being 60 days is really lenient and is really the only thing that could be possibly changed. I fully agree with giving people a second chance to change their ways but if they've been banned twice for cheating then clearly they haven't so they should be permanently banned. If they did change in the future they could always appeal their punishment and be given another chance that way. Also, in the case that someone's account is hacked and a hacker gets the account banned usually that punishment will be removed if you can prove your account was hacked or at least you'll be unbanned and if you manage to have someone go on your account and get it banned twice for cheating then in my opinion, that responsibility is on you.
    TrippedUp likes this.
  8. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey HyperDelusional,
    I didn't see anyone else's responses put the times so I'll put it here:
    The bans for killaura / scaffolding are sev 3 so as listed it goes from 1 months to permanent depending on the number of times the offence is committed. Less severe offenses like telling someone to alt f4 are only severity one and can never be longer than a 10 day ban. The reason that things like killaura are not an instant permban is that MCC is big on giving second chances in my opinion when it comes to punishments. Not only do those sev 3 punishments last only 30 days the first time but many staff may accept an appeal and reduce it to 20 or even 15 days. The goal of this leniency is to encourage players to come back and not try to hack again. Hence if they have broken a hacked client rule 3 times they receive the permban because MCC no longer trusts them to come back without cheating.
  9. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I see where you are coming from and I do agree that hacking at this point, should just be a permanent ban due to such more advanced clients and how common it is. However, it will not work out because:
    * Moderators+ are not required to record. Even though we get trained to detect hacks, we are still humans and can make mistakes. In case of a false ban, the player gets a chance to return. If it was straight up permanent, they'd never get another chance.

    I don't agree with second chances at this point in time, hacking is too common. I've been pushing the Admin Team to require Mods to record, at least some hacks but no luck at the moment. I want hacking bans to be instant permanent bans but we'd have to record to assure no one gets falsely punished.

    If not, I at least think it should be 30 Days -> Permanent, the 60 Day ban just looks unnecessary.
    TrippedUp likes this.
  10. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just adding onto what you said about staff recording, if the higher staff are up for coding it maybe you could have like a mini-youtube for staff hacker recordings on the website, where staff can login and upload videos of hackers they banned. Could get a share-able link as well, for easy access to share the evidence in appeals. That way staff don't have to worry about space on their PC, as all the recording videos would be on one machine.

    Also there's plenty of programs for pretty much any OS that allow you to record the last x seconds at the click of a button, so missing the chance to get a recording of a hacker isn't really an excuse either. If you're able to witness it, you're able to record it.
  11. Teddzy

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I believe the system we have right now is fine. Yes, sometimes they only get 30 days and compared to the harm they cause sometimes it's not fair. But at the same time, most of the hackers that we ban are young players that just want to win a game. If they appeal they mostly apologise and learn from the consequences that they have suffered. Everyone deserves another chance and so do players that cheat on the sever, a 3rd hack ban is a permanent as has been said many times above. If anything I'd remove the 60 day ban and make the second hacking punishment a permanent. But, at the same time the way we deal with cheaters at the moment works fine as well.

    Besides that we check IP's of most cheaters we find in Skywars, a lot of time we find them banned on more accounts and issue an IPban. This is also a fast way to get rid of hackers. I understand it's frustrating that they only get 30 days but in the end they will be dealt with accordingly. Again, thank you for submitting cheaters via the report system, we really appreciate it!
    puposaurus, xBenz and Kane like this.
  12. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This is exactly what I was trying to get across. I'm glad you agree. Second chances are fine with me, but a third chance is kind of getting a tad too lenient. As far as everyone who disagrees, I completely respect your opinions. I understand that the staff just doesn't want to be too harsh or not give legit players who've been false banned a chance to redeem themselves. But I just find it annoying since some of the people I've reported and gotten banned have been shown to have gotten a Sev. 3 client ban before and they only get 2 months so I know I might have to deal with it again. But I respect the decisions of the team.
  13. Yeho

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I completely agree with you. Hackers should maybe deserve a second chance, but not a third one. If they got banned, and the ban clearly specifies "hacking", they should learn their lesson, and not hack again.
    TrippedUp likes this.
  14. Pznda

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Personally, I believe that hackers should be given a 1/2 month ban if it is their first offence on McCentral. But after they are caught hacking a second time, I believe they should be instantly IP-Banned as they have had their chance to come clean and stop hacking but they decided not to. Also, as many other have said previously in this thread, McCentral's anticheat needs to be heavily improve.They currently have AAC anticheat which costs $20 which shows how much the admins care about McCentral when they are earning bucket loads of money from us buying ranks on McCentral. They probably don't have to improve it to the scale of Watchdog but with a server that has on average 2000 players playing, we at least deserve a Semi-Good Anticheat.

    In addition, I don't even think staff bother to screenshare people as I know from my 5 years playing this server, there are a hell of a lot of closet hackers. I know that not everyone is going to be exposed for their clients in a screenshare but some people will get caught out.

    So there are 3 things to improve that is based on this topic:

    - Make 2nd offences result in permanent bans.
    - Invest in a new anticheat (and not a anticheat that is bought from Spigot's or Bukkit's website and costs $30 :expressionless: )
    - Start investing time into learning how to screen-share and perform screen-shares regularly.
    #14 Pznda, Jul 28, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
  15. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I disagree screensharing should be performed regularly. That is a tool that should be used to find closet cheaters.
  16. fdghgfgfbgf

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I hundred percent agree with you. You see mcc central has very dumb punishments and sorry if I offended. they literally mute you for ever for advertising and that’s a cruel punishment. But if you offend, trash talk people or even say inappropriate stuff you get muted for like a week or even a month when you should be getting muted for ever. That’s one of the reasons why mc central has been losing players over the past year. And I’ve noticed in other servers that aren’t that cruel has many players.
  17. Pznda

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I think you misunderstood me. I want screensharing to take place on MCC
  18. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Found this bit particularly interesting so I'll expand a bit.

    As someone who was staff during this time when we instantly permanently banned people, I definitely have mixed feelings about both arguments. We used to permanently ban players for hacking which I felt was great since it reduced hacking rates quite a bit. The issue was that we got a ton of appeals from people saying "I've been banned for 6 months I won't hack again please unban me" or "I was false banned can you at least reduce the ban", etc. When you're only banned for a month or two, even if it's a false ban, it isn't as big of a deal since being away from the server for a month isn't too bad.

    The other side of the coin is that 30-60 days is a short amount of time and a lot of people continue hacking after they're unbanned. There's also a lot who don't and a lot of people don't even come back to the server after they're banned, but there's plenty that do. Perma-banning people helps prevent this from happening. This also isn't a lot of time for people to mature and realize what they're doing.

    In my opinion though, I think the durations of the bans should increase slightly but shouldn't be permanent right away. The reason for this is most people don't change in the span of 3 months but if you get 2 bans in the span of, say, 6 or 9 months then repeat offenders probably will mature or change enough to not go for #3. It'd give a better opportunity for people to change and if they're absolutely insistent on getting banned 3 times then appeals can be a lot stricter. There's probably plenty of flawed logic in here but this is just my opinion on a potential middle-ground.
    Invader and TrippedUp like this.
  19. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    How about make the length of the ban depending on what hack they use? For example, if they're using something like BHop or AntiKB (or 7 block KillAura) where it is blatantly obvious, then it can be a permanent ban. Everything else would just go through the current system. I'd say that waiting 6 months to appeal a permanent punishment is more than enough time to reflect on your past actions.
    TrippedUp likes this.
  20. Dog7000

    Jul 24, 2019
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    @Pznda Ah okay, now I understand. If screensharing were to be implemented who should be authorized to perform it? The staff members authorized would then need proper training and a guide to refer off of when screensharing making sure they don't miss anything.
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