[GUIDE] 2 App Tips

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FFandF, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Hello MC Central community, thinking of applying for staff? Well, I suggest you look at the 2 tips before applying! I really hope this helps!
    1.) Join the Staff Practice Discord

    Joining this discord will help you with your application. There are people who are already staff on MCC who are volunteering to help other players with there applications. They give tests to help the player know what could be on the interview, and that stuff that a staff member should know. They also give interviews to people, these interviews are very similar to the actual interviews.

    2.) Memorize all the rules of the server

    By memorizing all of the rules on the server, and the severity of all of them, if they need to be warned or not, is very helpful to know when being a staff. If you don't know these things, it will become extremely stressful and you might now know what to do. I'm working on creating a online test which will go over all of the rules so you can quiz your self and be ready. Here is a link to the rules: https://mccentral.org/community/rules/

    Comment if you want the test. I will look back at who said they want it and give them the link.
    I hope this was helpful! Have a great day.
  2. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hi! Nice guide to applying for staff! There are some tips that you missed. First, make sure you playtime is 100 minutes or
    higher on each Sub server or Minigame. Second, communicate staff and be around with them meaning play with
    them in game and talk with them in discord. These are my extra tips if anyone else has some I would love to hear it.
    Have a wonderful day!
  3. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Well to be honest, he did specify that it was tips that he suggested therefore you can't, in my opinion, "miss" tips.
    To add on, you don't need to have 100 minutes in every subserver. What I do suggest is to have atleast 3000+ monthly minutes if you are going for staff.

    A tip that i'd like to add is to not... hm... "tryhardly" act like a staff member sometimes...
    An example for that would be Micro-Moderating or Mini-Moderating. That means that on the forums, I suggest you don't say "Good post but the question has already been answered and the thread will be locked in a bit." Or, "This is not the right section to post this giveaway in, I suggest you put it in the Giveaways section." And this applies to the discord server aswell. For example, if a player types in #support saying that he found a hacker and you ask for them to private message you and for example, you would tell them the following; "So, what's the hackers name and what's the proof? I'll go ban him." When a player says so that is most likely them wanting to act as a staff member but is just going to report the proof on the forums. Well, that leads to Micro-Mod and or Impersonating a staff member's actions. That leads to a Perm ban of the discord server... I recommend you don't do that.

    Anyways, hope this helped:p

    Have a good day!
    EssentialsPlus and FFandF like this.
  4. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You don't need that much. That's even more than required for staff. Also having a lot on just one sub server and little to none on others is bad.
    It's better to spread your minutes apart. You don't need to have minutes on EACH subserver but on at least 3-4 is good enough.
    FFandF and JustBeChill like this.
  5. Yeho

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Staff practice discord? Since when? Sign me up, cuz I wanna help! :D
  6. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Dm me Wodn#1317

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