
Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Pie, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. Pie


    Jul 22, 2019
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    Higher ranks should have better kits then the ranks bellow them right?
    Well its not fully like it with kits higher then diamond.
    in kit diamond you get unenchanted diamond tools and armor, and kit bedrock and higher they are enchanted.
    this might be a little bit good for the starting day 1 player which doesnt have much levels to enchant with (even tho he gets like 64 xp bottles each day)
    When you start playing the prot 1 and eff 1 isnt that helpful and blank armor can be used much better for enchants.
    I got 2 solutions for this.
    1. make us able to choose what daily kit we want to take (like say today I want to take kit coal because it got fishes for the daily quest which I don't get from my kit or I want to get kit diamond for the armor)
    2.change the armor or make us able to choose what armor
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The kits aren't meant to give a big advantage, just a little extra help. Though you did get my attention with the idea for choosing the kit you want, interesting...

    I don't really see a need for the armor to change, they seem good enough right now as it is. It's enough to give basic protection, but not so much that you're invincible in pvp. It's kind of just "there". Skyblock isn't a pvp-based gamemode so there isn't really any need for armor in my opinion, but everyone wanted it added so there it is.
    puposaurus likes this.
  3. Pie


    Jul 22, 2019
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    The thing is even ignoring the armor pickaxes not enchanted can have much higher value then a eff pickaxe as you can enchant it pretty easily and get eff 4 or 5 and even fortune and silk without really trying which you cant do with eff 1 pickaxe
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    The kits are made to slowly get better as they progress through the ranks, hence why the enchantments on the items do the same. It's not meant to be easy for you to enchant them, that's just how the kits work.
  5. kcarew98

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Agreeing with Ankh, skyblock is one of the few non-pvp gamemodes that exist in minecraft (I personally think there should be more), so armor/weapons isn't a huge thing.

    However, I do like the suggestion to allow users to choose which kit they want each day. I guess there would be a cool possibility of letting each user choose from a selection of item types with their kits, such as choosing beef or fish as food with their kits, and one type of pickaxe, enchanted or not, with higher ranks being able to choose higher tier items eg diamond tools. Like a mix and match between your kit and all the kits below yours.

    Then again, kits are quite a small part of the game, there are better things to be working on. The core of skyblock is making things yourself and not getting things given to you.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    personally, i like how the kits are now compared to how they were in previous seasons. when they had enchanted tools and normal golden apples n’ such... i thought they were “too op” for skyblock. as said above, armor doesn’t seem to be a big concern for skyblock. however, i really like the idea of choosing kits. although, i feel like most times i would just chose my normal donator kit.
    well hope this kinda helped or something

    have a nice day
  7. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Even though I don't play Skyblock anymore, the kits of ranks are made to be more OP than any rookie kit because people pay for them to support the server. If there wasn't an advantage of buying a rank, no one would buy the rank and MCC wouldn't be able to function.

    Now, if people got to chose what kit they wanted, everyone would just choose the highest option because that is the most logical choice for people to do and same with the armour. I get where you are coming from but I still don't see a point in this.
    I don't want to make you sad or angry, this is just my opinion. If you want to continue talking about this with me then you can always contact me on discord. Have a good day!
  8. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The kits are all in tiers that increase in level/rarity farther down the /buy list. This system is set up perfectly for all eight ranks on MC-Central. There's meant to be an advantage because people are supporting the server by making a donation. Making you be able to choose what kit defeats the purpose of the separate ranks. I don't want or see this being implemented I say we should leave kits on Skyblock and other game modes how they are. They're in an okay balance.
  9. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, I think kits are fine the way they are. I agree with UnlimitedHealth on this. He explained perfectly. If you want to discuss this more id be happy to and I can also get others thoughts. But as UnlimitedHealth said, They are fine the way they are.
  10. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm with pie on this one. Having no efficiency is better than having an efficiency 2 pickaxe making the diamond kit tools preferable because it can be enchanted to much higher levels of efficiency with a level 30 enchant. Personally in my kit I'd prefer an unenchanted pickaxe which I can choose the enchant I receive on it later on at an enchantment table.
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As explained multiple times by multiple people (myself included), there is a reason for having the kits set up the way they are. They're not meant to be "easy" for enchanting, that's not why they're there. They're not going to change all the kits simply because someone doesn't want to spend $1,500 to craft a diamond pickaxe themselves.
  12. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Even if they aren't "meant" to be set up this way the way they are set up makes the diamond tools preferable to the immortal kit tools? I understand its not meant to be easy but why should the lower rank have the preferable kit?
  13. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Everyone has different preferences. As an Immortal rank myself, this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I still find it easier to just craft pickaxes. $1,500 isn't that much money, you can make hundreds of times more just going to a profit shop for a few minutes. If you're trying to enchant to get good tools then why are you waiting 2 days just to get a pickaxe to enchant instead of just buying the resources to craft an inventory of pickaxes? It's a waste of time, you're just impeding your own progress. Also the chances of you getting a completely maxed pickaxe off the start are slim to none, it's better to have multiple for combining in anvils anyways.

    And like I said, the kit system wasn't made with enchanting in mind, nor should it be. The kits slowly get better as the ranks progress, and I believe this is how it should stay.

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