I am a new member, who has joined this server, and it's wonderful community. I haven't played long and I already love this community. I am excited to join the ranks, and am proud to be a member!
Hey, Welcome to the server! The community is really nice here apart from some sub servers where you get some really toxic people and they're the people who ruin the server. But Welcome and i hope you have a great time here! :D -SpookyLunatix :D
Heyo! Welcome to MCC! I'm glad you are enjoying your experience here so far! If you ever need any help with anything, make sure to contact me on my Discord at Vortexed#6889! Hope you have a wonderful time on here and that you are having an awesome day!
Hi! We are so happy that you love the MCC community! Just like Vortexed said, add me on discord below on my signature and I can help you with hackers, and etc. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
Hoio SpookyMMXVI_! I’m sure you’ve seen me in Solo Skywars before but my current IGN is Spooky_Aqua. Welcome to the server! I hope you enjoy your stay! If you have any questions or just want to talk/hang out you can pm me on discord! My tag is: Master_Aqua#2883 Also spooky gang gang c; Have a great day/night! ~Master_Aqua
Hello SpookyMMXVI_! Welcome to the server. My name is Pistolll. You can find me mostly on KitPvP, UHC, SG, Solo Skywars and Creative. I recommend reading the rules so that you are sure what is right and wrong. Just like everyone else said, if you need help you can ask me :) Have a great stay!
Dude that is awesome. This server is one of the best no doubt! I love factions on MCC. Factions is extremely fun because the map is not too big, so there is a lot of raiding which I love. The pvp on this server is unique compared to others! I hope you enjoy your time on the server!
Hello, and welcome to MCC! I'm glad that you're enjoying your time here! You can find me in-game usually in CTF or in Solo Skywars. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me on here or add me on discord _LeaveMeAlone_#2585! ~ _LeaveMeAlone_
Hello dude! Welcome to Mine-Craft Central. As always, we're delighted to have new and active players on all aspects of our Server. I hope you have a Great time talking and playing with our Community. If you need absolutely anything at-all or have any Questions then feel free to drop me a PM. Have a blast, Vize.