Heya folks! Today i'm feeling generous and I will be hosting 2 seperate giveaways and the prize will not be the same for both. The player who wins the first giveaway will be winning 2 Mythical Keys. The player who wins the second giveaway will be winning 3 Ancient Keys. Required Steps: 1. Post your discord user (Pepsii#0000) 2. Post your in game name 3. Comment why you would like to win and give a reasonable and honest answer Voluntary Steps: 1. Follow me ♡ Winner will be picked in two weeks from now, therefore, 2019-10-17, October 17, 2019. Good luck to everyone!
heeieyyo! 1. pussosaurus#5963 2. Puposaurus 3. I would like win some snazzy keys because i’m trying to get the 15 ah items in all subservers so i can sell my donator kits for cheap so it can give a ‘lil chance for rookies to buy ‘em.... or like for pvp sweats to buy ‘em and resell them for higher prices :pensive_wobble: .also, i like beacons. they’re pretty and shiny :) i would also like to show how greta is missing out if i were to win and show her the amaz-ball-e-ness of mcc keys good day sir.
1: Spiriten#1251 2: Spiriten 3: Ive been working this season towards selling kits for the lowest price but its hard without anything to fall back on. Next season with keys i can get spawners quickly and have the financial backing to make affordable gear for all.
xXSmurfSmasherXx#5845 xXSmurfSmasherXx Ive been grinding for money in order to buy a perk in survival before the reset... its not really working. So these keys would go towards doing better things next season. This would really help me out and i would greatly appreciate it. Also, I tried buying coal rank but it didnt work out. Thanks for reading
henlo and ty for doing this give away it very nice <3 SmolSquid#0002 SpookieSquid I would like keys because why not. I do work hard for the server but I don't really expect anything for doing that since its volunteer work. I'm kinda broke so I guess that would be a reason like i'm saving for college and getting stuff feels nice sometimes. I wouldn't mind losing just would be nice to win ya know :) and anything I get from the crates that I don't find interest in will be given away to some rookies bcuz I don't need it and i'm not selfish I suppose but that's all and gl to everyone else. Have a good day qt ~Micro <3
Hello!!! Thank you so much for this giveaway. This is a very generous and nice thing to do for the community! I of course would love to enter! 1) Discord: ___Sean___#0757 2) IGN: ___Sean___ 3) Why I would like to win: I would love to win this giveaway because they would be very helpful for me to unlock treasure on any sub server I wish as well as saving them for a reset for a head start!! Good Luck Everyone Who Has Entered Have A Nice Day All The Best ___Sean___ An Active MCC Player
Discord: ImConcerned#0157 IGN: ImConcerned I’d just like to have some keys for whenever a subserver resets so that I can have a head start on other players. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Have a wonderful day, sir.
Hey Xottiicc! This giveaway sounds awesome! DC: Thomas#8502 IGN: tommyxddd I would like some keys for the next skyblock reset :D! It will help so much! TY again for hosting this and good luck to everyone! -Tommy :D
DISCORD: ihbs#5038 IGN: CosmoLorax I would like to win this giveaway because I started late this season and only make my profits by farming and selling sb tokens, I feel that winning this giveaway will open doors to better opportunities for becoming the best in the next season<3 -CosmoLorax
IGN: iPvP_ Discord: xDepressedOG#9575 I personally have spent slot on MCC, and I am no longer going to spend money on MCC. However, I would love some keys, either the ancient or mythical. <3
Discord : JustBeChill#1366 IGN : JustBeChill I would love to have these keys because it will help me in prisons to rank up and I have been wanting to get to prestige for so long but I can't because it is a long process and I keep buying spawners for EXP. Thank You so much for hosting this giveaway! Have a wonderful rest of your day!
Discord: EssentialsPlus#5230 IGN: EssentialsPlus Why? I would like to get some Crate keys to start off for next season so I can hopefully actually get into it and have more fun as I don't like getting 2v1ed by people in p5 :_:
Thank you for hosting this giveaway! Discord: AZXG#6527 IGN: AZXG I'd like to get some treasure keys because I've never started a survival season with treasure keys and I'm curious about how it feels like XD.
1. Myko#0757 2. Myko 3. I would like to win the 2 Mythical Keys because the new prison reset is happening soon! And i would love to have an advantage to the new season. ty Xottic for this giveaway! Even if I don't win <3 -Myko
1. Pistol#8328 2. Pistolll 3. I would like to win those 2 mythical keys or those 3 ancient keys for lots of reasons. One of them is because I want to do some KitPvP Giveaways and drop parties. I don't see them on there often so I think if I win, that would be nice. Some other reasons I would like to win is because I would want to see how having lots of keys can help a player. Thank you for hosting the giveaway and good luck to everyone!
discord - kloe#0421 ign - zaeu reason - never had any before and would love to use them on a sub-server so i can start playing one rather than just mini games. goodluck to everyone who enters, and thank you for being so generous and hosting this giveaway ☺️
Thank you for hosting this giveaway! :D IGN:SpookyLunatix Discord:Lunatix#5515 Reason: I really need some keys for Skyblock reset so I can get a little boost and start making money as soon as it resets! :P
IGN: xStrafings Discord: Strafings#0273 I want to win so I can get a little bit more keys than I already have to get a decent chance at top next prisons season :) Gl to all who are participating
IGN: Samboni05 Discord Samboni#4626 I would like to win so i can use the keys for survival reset to give me a boost in the season when it finally resets. Thanks for hosting this give away GL all
DISCORD: Subsequent#2597 IGN: TheNamesTakenTY I think I should win because I dont spend a lot of money on the game. I would really appreciate the keys, but everyone else needs them aswell