Injustice in votes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord_Lucario, Oct 2, 2019.

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  1. Lord_Lucario

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I voted the 30 days and sacrificed a vote of the first day to be able to have the 124 and they did not even put me on the list it is tedious to vote as for that injustice the vote 2 and 3 start at 7pm and 1 and 4 at 11pm what I am tired of winning 124 votes if the vote of the 30th day of the previous month is sacrificed and that of the last day of the current month I do not understand why they removed me from the list nor my effort to be in the first place can review the 31-day months they can do 128 and the months of 30 124 are not worth the vote if they do those injustices.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    um. hello sir!
    i kinda have to disagree or whatever :floshed:
    the voting is considered a third party and staff team n’ admins all that don’t really have much control over that. it kinda sucks that these voting websites seem to not appeal to your timezone.... but they decide top voter just from what the sites tell them..

    aneyays. hope this helped
    have a lovely day!
    ~puposaurus >.<
  3. Lord_Lucario

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I disagree because the server forum updates equally for all which means that everyone has the same possibility of being the same number of votes even if not voted aorita and even then I can end up with 124 but what purpose does it have if not repeat the number of votes per month you sacrifice votes to win 1 which means that you cannot win 2 consecutive times since by voting at 11pm you lose the vote with the one that closes the next day and you can no longer win that month and you can check me check all the details of the votes only the server of votes 2 is ban by name you can not vote more than once and from there on and on you no longer vote again until the next day at 7pm no server is only one vote for all the voting platform of that server and 1, 3 and 4 you can vote on more than 1 server per day since they only have ban by name and server vote which allows voting for all existing servers
  4. Lord_Lucario

    Aug 24, 2019
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    and I know that since I dedicated myself to review all the failures of the votes as in past years that there was an error that allowed me to vote infinitely for change of ip and patched it and report it to the person in that case since I vote cleanly without using failures and now avia won years past 3 times the vote
  5. Lord_Lucario

    Aug 24, 2019
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    also the 2 has blocking by ip and by name but the one of ip even changing of ip can not vote anymore since they also ban the name so that they do not take more than 1 vote per day
  6. PorkChcp

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Hey man I feel the struggle. I personally have never grounded it, but it’s something you have to deal with. If you don’t know they take all the max voters and pick a random five for the prize. Sadly the staff had no pick in who gets what.
  7. Lord_Lucario

    Aug 24, 2019
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    the detail of this is that from 124 it was just me and I opened a 122 to 2 discarded check the voting list until they removed it waiting for results but it was the only one with 124 it is supposed to design that the election to raise is enhanced on those they are lower in votes not on those who carry more than others and choose people of 120 where justice is ruled out those of many more votes
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