Adding A List On The Fourm For Blacklisted Words

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 29, Sep 23, 2019.

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  1. Hello! So I have come on here to propose an idea that would benefit not only staff, but also the overall players.

    Some of the PROS of having a page of every blacklisted word:

    - Staff would have an overall reference when looking at Chatreports to see what exactly is considered "Filter Bypass"

    - Players wouldn't have to constantly rely on the command /blacklistcheck to know what is considered a blacklisted word, instead the whole list would be accessible to them right from the fourm page.

    - Less people using filter bypass the less punishments having to be given out, meaning that the server can withhold a friendly overall environment.

    These are just some of the many reasons why I believe we should have a fourm page dedicated to blacklisted words.

    Now how would we go about this?

    We could create a fourm post under:
    - FAQ with a full detailed list on all words and variations of the word that is considered blacklisted/filter bypass.

    - Create a custom in-game command that allows user to be redirected to the said fourm page.

    Ex.] /blacklistlink
    /blacklistcheck that has the option to redirect users to the fourm page from the actual game.

    There are many ways we can go about this, but overall I think this would be an amazing source of information that would benefit the overall server.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i cna see where you're comming and having a resource page to all the blacklisted words would be nice. however, i can see some players using this resource to purposely corrupt the chat with filter bypass. like, i can also get what you mean by players wouldn't have to get muted for filter bypass if they looked. with that being said.. i'd say if youre unsure about a blacklisted words you can always "/blacklistcheck <word>" like you mentioned earlier..

    hehe. hope this mentioend all your points, and have a great day!
  3. I see where you're coming from. But why do you think someone would try to purposely try to corrupt the chat?
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    yes. i knew a lot of players in 2017 from prison that would purposely want to get muted and i feel like if they could, they would want to. howeber, most of them do not play and/or are perm muted due to excessive chat offenses :sob :
    also, i dont think it'd help since most rookies would purposely bypass the filter w/o even checking (i.e. the n word)
    Deleted member 29 likes this.
  5. But then all those people who got muted will be permanently muted sooner or later. Then overall it wouldn't be beneficial to them. Even if they did it for fun in the end it'll result all the same.
    puposaurus likes this.
  6. Master_Aqua

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like this idea of adding a list of blacklisted words actually. This is because not a lot of people know that the "/blacklistcheck" command exists.
    I've seen my friend get muted twice because he bypassed the filter and had no idea that that command existed and that the words he said were blacklisted. I know there's a filter that would tell him so but he was saying it in a way that didn't use the exact word as a joke.
    But if this isn't a good idea, I think it would be good to kind of make the command more known around since it was implemented not long ago and maybe get more people to read the rules. (The fault is kind of on the player who didn't read the rules but yea;;)
    And to answer your question above, some players are trolls and if they get the chance they will abuse anything. I know it's a really convent thing to have but there's always going to be someone who will abuse that convivence.
    Have a good day/night!
    puposaurus and Deleted member 29 like this.
  7. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can see some issues with having an page dedicated to blacklisted words such as encouraging players to say them. It'd give a player who'd look at the list and see a word and be like "oh I can't say that, so I'm gonna say/bypass it in chat despite the rules and the staff told me not too." However, I can see this being beneficial to staff because some staff members don't know some words definition and if this page included the definitions, I can see this as being helpful. For example, Racial Slurs. There's a lot of Racial Slurs that some staff don't know the definition too because of all the regions and places we live in so I can see this being helpful, but not to the public eye.
    Good idea, I'm definitely on board with this idea, but having Staff having access to this is definitely +1.

    Have a good day/night!
    #7 httpmeme, Sep 23, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    PistolPet, AZXG, Master_Aqua and 2 others like this.
  8. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I don't agree with this idea, as we already provide 2 ways to check if a word is blacklisted. All of the words which are blacklisted are obviously bad and should not be used, so that should also be a clue.

    The 1st way to check if a word is blacklisted is the /blacklistcheck command, as mentioned before. This is also mentioned in the Rules page. The 2nd way (even more useful) is to type the word in chat. Now this 2nd way tells you which word it is that's blocked, and it prevents you from sending that message. If you are bypassing the chat filter, you probably have first tried the actual word and have gotten this message. At this point it's clear that they are trying to bypass the filter on purpose.

    But the other major reason why I don't think that such list is a good idea is the need to keep it updated. We actually edit the blacklist of words from time to time, and keeping the list updated would require manual labour. It's not really efficient. I personally think that there isn't a need for such a list, as you already get warned if you try to type a blacklisted word.
  9. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    I totally agree, making an entire forum page dedicated to blacklisted words just seems totally pointless, it’d make a lot more sense to advertise the /blacklistcheck command in-game or on a commands sub-forum.
    sophi and puposaurus like this.
  10. PorkChcp

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Im a big fan of this idea! +1 from me
    sophi likes this.
  11. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This idea, well, to be honest isn't needed. It is a waste of time and probably not a good move. Heres why!

    You already get a warning if you type a blacklisted word and if you want to find a word just do /blacklistcheck. However having a list on the forums is not needed as all it provides is numbers and useless statistics etc.

    As some people have mentioned above, having a list will just encourage people to bypass them intentionally.

    Last of all having an entire thread full of swear words isn't exactly a pleasent thing to have lying around on the forums so I am a -1 to this idea for these reasons

    Have A Nice Day,
    All The Best
    Active MCC Player
    #11 iiSean, Sep 24, 2019
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
    sophi likes this.
  12. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    Ehh I see what ur getting at but I no this is the best idea, so neutral on this one.
    sophi likes this.
  13. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    What you’re saying is a good idea in theory but that’s if the player base complies with the rules which many people purposely don’t. Another thing is that then the server would have an open display of the words which may be offensive to some people. This could honestly work but majority of the players aren’t mature enough to not abuse it sadly. I also feel like /blacklistcheck is more than enough but people should be more aware of it which is at fault by the staff
    sophi likes this.
  14. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi i played prison 1 and you aren't wrong hahah
    sophi, brandnew and puposaurus like this.
  15. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I mean you're right that some people do want to purposely get muted but the thing you're forgetting is how easy it is to get muted. All you have to do is tab a random player's name and say "(Player) is a f a gg ot"
    sophi likes this.
  16. Abadabobo

    Abadabobo Guest

    I agree having a list on all the blacklisted words would help a lot of people not get muted which means less appeals which makes it easier for the staff
  17. SilentWhispers

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I dont really find this necessary. To reiterate, you get a warning when you type out a blacklisted word, and you also have access to /blacklistcheck. These two steps are more than enough.
    All blacklisted words can only be used in an offensive or inappropriate context. It should be common sense to not say something like that in the first place. If you do, then you do it at your own risk.
    Even if you have a list of these words, it wouldn't, in my opinion, deter anyone from using the words. People probably wont go through the trouble of checking most of their messages against this list anyway. For all the effort this requires, its not very necessary.

    Im a -1 on this.

    ~ Silent
    JustBeChill and FFandF like this.
  18. derrec

    Aug 1, 2019
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    I definitely agree with this because alot of people get muted because of their lack of knowledge on blacklisted words. Sometimes they say something they didn't know was blacklisted. Just trying to show shade without getting punished.
  19. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Try to spell correctly, if you spell your blacklisted word wrong then you could get muted but I honestly think a forum page of a bunch of naughty words is not really needed.
    Snakey21 X likes this.
  20. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Not knowing that a word is blacklisted is not an excuse. If the player types it in chat, they get a message saying that it's not allowed. You can't enter a blacklisted word without knowing that it's not allowed.
    Horace_Altman likes this.
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