AFK kick (Factions)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Deleted member 4463, Sep 30, 2019.


Should AFK be/not implemented and chunk loaders should be/not cheaper and purchasable in-game?

  1. AFK kick SHOULD be added and chunk loaders SHOULD be cheaper and purchasable in-game.

  2. AFK kick SHOULD be added and chunk loaders should NOT be cheaper BUT purchasable in-game.

    0 vote(s)
  3. AFK kick SHOULD be added and chunk loaders SHOULD be cheaper but NOT purchasable in-game.

    0 vote(s)
  4. AFK kick SHOULD be added and chunk loaders should NOT be cheaper and NOT purchasable in-game.

  5. AFK kick should NOT be added and chunk loaders SHOULD be cheaper and purchasable in-game.

    0 vote(s)
  6. AFK kick should NOT be added and chunk loaders should NOT be cheaper BUT purchasable in-game.

    0 vote(s)
  7. AFK kick should NOT be added and chunk loaders SHOULD be cheaper but NOT purchasable in-game.

    0 vote(s)
  8. AFK kick should NOT be added and chunk loaders should NOT be cheaper and NOT purchasable in-game.

  1. Currently, players who can't afford chunk loaders resort to alts (alternate accounts) and let their alt stay online for hours, clogging the server with unnecessary players which is very important when the server resets and the server will most likely be full for a while. I believe chunk loaders should be purchasable in-game and have a lower price, allowing players to grind spawners without the need for alts, preventing the server from congestion. An AFK kick would also prevent said alts from standing still in one location, allowing real players to have an opportunity at playing factions when the server would be otherwise full (when reset or major events happen).
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi! mr sir...i’d like to start off w/ saying i’ve noticed your activity in the forums and suggestions for factions..
    i agree that player’s alts kinda fills up the server and rookies can’t join factions.afk-timers would be nice... however, i don’t think they would get added since there isn’t afk timers in any of the subservers, only afk timers in minigames. this isn’t the same as an afk timer, but the faction server reboots at 7am EST which kicks all players, afk or not... so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    on chunk loaders, i don’t think they should be purchasesble in-game... in factions, it’s not that hard to grind money and factions can get more stacked on chunk loadersthan what some are already at. i just don’t see it working out, things in factions would get inflated to higher prices..
    part of factions is being pay to win... paying irl money... kinda why there’s payouts...

    anwyaysys... hope this mentioned all your points
    have a good day:)
  3. SilentWhispers

    Jul 22, 2019
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    AFK kicks are a thing for Rookie ranks, purchasing Coal+ removes that. I personally don't agree that these kicks should be a thing. 1) because certain people pay specifically for this and 2) theres a lot of Faction Bots (& sand alts if they are affected!?) that would be disrupted if this were a thing. Just as pup said, theres a reboot every 24hrs which will wipe the AFK players.

    On the topic of chunk loaders, I disagree that they should be available to buy from the shop. These really take a toll on the server as they keep huge amounts of spawners, hoppers and entities running 24/7. If they were so abundant, it may cause additional lag. Their rarity is perfectly fine as is.

    ~ Silent
    B_Man05 likes this.
  4. B_Man05

    Jul 26, 2019
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    This is TRUE

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