Issues with Bow Boosting

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello All,
    So in this thread, I have come across an issue with the server, mainly affecting Prison Envoy.
    When you go into /warp pvp on prison 1, you'll most likely see a lot of "tryhard" pvpers, who spend a lot of time in pvp. You'll find that these players will bow boost in order to move faster to catch up to someone who is running. The issue with bow boosting is that it makes Envoy's really unfair. Even as a player with legend kits, I still always get killed by the players who bow boost and kill anyone who gets in between them and an envoy chest. Today, at the 5pm UTC envoy, a player bow boosted from one side of the map all the way around and managed to get 6/10 chests. This makes it super difficult for other players to get envoy rewards. In saying this, envoy is in pvp for a reason, as it can give you really good rewards. All I am saying is that bow boosting should be disabled during envoy, or disabled completely as it doesn't exactly help a lot anyways. Maybe it's just my opinion because I don't know how to do it and don't always need to, but I dont know.
    <3 Nikki
    OwenCW and Master_Aqua like this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    G'day Nikki!

    To be honest, it's a agree disagree answer for me. I used to pvp a crap ton and I might've been what you call, a tryhard. Bow boosting is used for players that want to catch up to someone that's running, as you said but durring envoy, yes it sucks that players bow boost around and get many chests compared to others but bow boosting isnt a script, it goes with the fact that if you have Punch II on your bow, or not. Otherwise, I sort of agree with this because when I run from players, I could be running from fifteen minutes to fortyfive. So it does get a little annoying.

    What I could recommend you to do is while there's an envoy, jump in with a few golden apples, maybe one or two Prot 4 sets and a Punch II bow. You'll be able to boost around and get chests as much as others and you'll have an advantage on others who don't have a boost bow.

    Even though i'm sure players would love seeing this being added, I would never see this getting implemented into MCC.

    Have a good day:)

    puposaurus and Master_Aqua like this.
  3. Master_Aqua

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with Xottiicc and I would like to add on. It would be hard to disable bow boosting anyways because players who are fighting while envoy is occurring will be affected by it since they can’t chase after players or run from them.
    But there’s also a thing where with the lag, sometimes the player would get lagged back or the hit won’t register. I would use this to your advantage. For me when I bow boost sometimes I get lagged back for a few seconds where I can’t move without it constantly lagging me back. So yea that’s a fun experience.
    But in my opinion they shouldn’t get rid of boost bows/bow boosting because telling me, a lot of people run and there are scary pvpers out there so you need a quick solution to catch up to the player you’re chasing or running from a scary pvper. ;o Bow boosting has also been a part of the pvp experience for a while and it’s not even that hard to get a boost bow. It’s just learning how to use it is a little bit more complicated but it’s not that hard.
    Have a nice day!
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    excuse me. there are none issues with bowboosting periodt.
    jk.. k. alrighty.. anywasy. this sounds more like a complaint that you got killed during envoys and now u want it removed :floshed:
    as mentioned above by some p cool prison doods, the idea of remoiving bow boosting would be a no-no. it could cause issues, like it not being possible since it's a vanilla enchantment and it's almost always been in the game. a lot of times when i see players bow boost it's usually to run away or just for funzies just passing time in pvp. I have seen people use bow boosting for envoys.. and it can kinda suck if you don't get an envoy chest.. but.. envoys dont really even give that much of reward in the first place, so bowboosting for envoys wouldn't do much. Also, on prison2 the pvp can sometimes be dead and i've been able to get almost all the envoys by myself w/o bow boosting.
    also, a lot of the pvp tryhards are gonna not suck at pvp bowboost to get their kd up and just killing nakeds and bad armor players.
    anyways2, i dont really see this getting implemented since it seems unnecessary. bow boosting has almost always been in the game, and it's a way to pvp (ew). bow boosting can also help you get outa sticky situations and log.

    overall, no

    hope this mentioend ur points n' helped.. or whateverr
    hve a psopopopopopoooo day!
  5. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    get rid of bows and rods and let's fight with swords, axes, pickaxes, hoes (the tool not the female). now don't go crying rodders just think about it who in the heck said let's bring a fishing pole to the battlefield today and hit them with our bobbers. So drop the bow's so there isn't any temptation to bow boost. ahh what a pvp world it would be....
  6. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    This is a late-ish reply but that’s fine :)
    So now boosting is annoying yes but I think rather than removing now boosting there should be a limit on how many envoys you can open to prevent the scenario given. It makes more sense to restrict something that is controllable rather than trying to restrict a vanilla effect. Idk if people will find be dumb for it but I don’t think people should be able to get more than 3 anyways :) yeah
    Have a Good Night Nikki <3
    OwenCW likes this.
  7. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Yeah ok pal... When's the last time you heard someone say "lets bring a hoe or pickaxe to the battlefield?"
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I personally disagree with disabling bow boosting. You shouldn't be punishing people for being skilled at the game. If you don't know how to do it, I'd look at a few tutorials on YouTube. It's fairly simple in my opinion. If you need XP, there's plenty of open grinders you can go to, you can just ask in chat or watch for someone posting about theirs.

    Also you say it doesn't help a lot anyways, but you also said that someone used it to get 6/10 chests... Can you make up your mind?
    puposaurus and Raqueese like this.
  9. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    I don't bring a hoe and a pickaxe I bring because I mine, ok pal lol, don't get mad Raqueese just because you are nothing without your pole and bow.

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